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Posts posted by valhallan42nd

  1. Writhing Torment does not work on Daw, as it says "when another Tormented model..."

    Writhing Torment and Twist and Turn are, to me, auto-includes, and I utilize the other curses as much as possible. I also agree with Montressor. There's a lot of cool stuff going on with him that will never come into play, because he's just going to die. He has no hard to wound, no hard to kill...

    Rusty Alyce is, quite frankly, amazing with Daw.  She adds to his denial with snares, which becomes 4 inches with the Creeping Terror, blocking all charges against her.  I also usually rapid fire with her every turn past the first, as being able to move her nine inches before she shoots (twist and turn/writing terror push) allows her to get wherever she needs to do. Min 3, ignoring HtW... with a high SH? Yes, please.

    Oh, and she can get the Guillotine injustice from Daw. All it does is make her tormented, as she's neither a minion or a peon, though you have to watch out for abilities that can make you a peon.

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    Last point... I still have yet to figure out why Jaakuna Ubume is more of a "washer woman", which is celtic or irish lore(?), than she is an "ubume" - which is some kind of weird japanese bird spirit. I'd really like her to be a weird bird spirit in the plastic ;)


    Ubume in folklore

    Originally the name for a kind of small sea fish,[5] in Japanese folklore the term is now applied to the ghost of a woman who had died in childbirth, or ‘‘birthing woman ghost.’’ [6][7]

    Typically, the Ubume asks a passerby to hold her child for just a moment and disappears when her victim takes the swaddled baby.[8] The baby then becomes increasingly heavy until it is impossible to hold. It is then revealed not to be a human child at all, but a boulder or a stone image of Jizo.[9]



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  3. You are truly and utterly an evil man. :D that's the evilest thing I can imagine.

    Against Mason, I had that, plus Jaakuna, plus a Librarian to strip suits... :)

    Sometimes, a dash of salt is called for, at others, it's best to beat them with the whole salt lick.

    • Like 2
  4. Ordered on Wednesday, got my PayPal payment confirmation email but no order confirmation from the store. I tried logging into the store with my email and it informs me that no account exists with that email address so I have no way to check... panic? Don't panic? I wants my Wabbit! :D


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  5. I think your husband is right about the inaccuracy. I think the problem in question deals with Writhing Torment, one of his more powerful Upgrades. It makes any other Tormented model within some distance of JD Push 3" at the start of their activation. I think that is where the confusion stems from?


    ~Lil Kalki

    That even includes enemy Tormented models, like Nurses, Papa Loco, and other models that have had Tormented put on them. 

    He's certainly not fun when you play against him for the first time. 

    Shooting, focused attacks, attacks with a built in  :+fate  to the attack are his bane, plus WP attacks vs his themed crew.

    • Like 2
  6. Well done to both authors for giving us a slice of life from those lower on the totem pole than Masters, Minions, etc. both had similar elements (ordinary people, celebrations over food, supernatural intervention in gang related problems...) but went in such different directions...

    If that's the Paschal Hare, I'd hate to see the Yule Father of Malifaux. But I also echo the call for wanting that Hare as a model... Perhaps instead of another alt teddy, it can be next year's alt Sabertooth Cerberus?

    BTW, I always read the fiction first, and I think both authors nailed the Malifaux feel quite well.

    • Like 2
  7. There's a reason Lady L moves 6: so she can push three, move six, and go defensive. Being DF6 with a :+fate  next to a big beater is kind of ideal. Keep her in cover as well, and she'll be a nightmare to dislodge. She's worth the points, and I take her almost every time.

    Ronin and/or Rusty Alyce help make her even more survivable by denying charges.

    I played with a Ronin against my friend's ressers, and having Tormented on them was brilliant. My opponent moved izamu to where he thought he was safe, but I was able to get Daw over there to get the Firing Line injustice on him on my last regular AP. I (0) cast Twist and Turn on the Ronin to move her up close, activated her next, Writhing Torment pushed her into Melee range, flurried, and took the big guy down. In turn, Izamu hit her like a ton of bricks for his special death action, got her down to HtK, so I zeroed to get my two SS back.

    I'll trade a ronin for Izamu every time.

    • Like 3
  8. Claims of inevitability on the part of taxes are greatly exaggerated.  A person, either living or dead, can -through their own will- hold the petty highwaymen of the law at bay forever.

    Death, however, comes to the low and the high equally. We are inevitable. Our victory is assured, Guild. My only sadness is not being one of the heroic seven Ressers taking you on.

    Good luck and great flips to my brothers and sisters in green!

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    - Nova Open's Matt Stanley showed Wyrd's Mason (piloting the Viks) why Jack Daw is the scariest guy around in a friendly pick up that was really awesome to watch play out. It ended in an 8-8 draw... and I was most pleased to see Jack stand up so well against such a beaty master. I also talked Jack with Matt afterwards and he is just as nice in person as I thought he would be. Thanks!

    Thank you for the compliment. I'm filing this away for when my friends accuse me of being a knee-biting jerk. :)

    And that game against Mason was a nail biter! It goes to show that even if you lose your master on turn 2, you're still very much in the game. Mason was a tough opponent to play against, and I know he won't fall for that trick again. I feel bad for the next Daw player he plays. :)

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