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Posts posted by valhallan42nd

  1. Given that: a. Wastrels are essentially over privileged rich kids who tend toward the outrageous

    b. This is a Miss Model, which is notably a pinup style model...

    I have zero issue with this render. I intend to paint her like Imperator Furiosa,making the sexual nature of the model an ironic twist on the character's part.

    While I understand Ferrossa's point, I do not entirely agree with it. And quite frankly, Wyrd gets feminism right more than it gets it wrong, and is striving to get better. There are far better targets in this industry for that sort of critique.

  2. One of the great things about being a large, well organized convention is that you attract a ton of talent to help you out. 

    One of those talents is a writing major at a local university by the name of Joey Louis. He's stepped up and volunteered to write the story introductions to all the Malifaux Narrative scenarios. 

    For those of you that didn't play last year's Narrative, Nicodem tried to raise an undead horde to wipe out all life in the city, and claim it as his own. However, the ritual he used was flawed, and was taken over by the Grave Spirit. Soon, masses of undead began to crawl from their graves, threatening to drag the city into madness and death (yay!). The Governor General hired an army of sellswords to fight the invasion, and the ritual was finally stopped (boo!). [Yes, I'm a Resser player and I'm biased. Sue me. :) ]

    This year's action starts when those very mercenaries, weighed down by coin and heavily armed, begin to cause trouble for the populace.

    Here's just a taste of Joey's work:

    When a man the size of Luther Scrope isn’t happy, nobody’s happy. 
    He survived the battles against the hordes of the undead, but when he’d tripped and fallen, his left arm was taken from him, devoured by a hungry grave.  He didn’t mind too much (he was always a righty), but now the war was over, and his freshly-forged drill-gauntlet hadn’t gotten a chance to taste blood.  Now he, like all the other mercenaries under the Governor General’s command, were overpaid, and out of work. 
    He took his seat at the Rusted Tooth Bar.  The other patrons knew it was his seat—he always sat there, and they were sure to give him a wide berth.  The bartender kept the gin flowing, and Luther was just drunk enough to be on the verge of considering taking up poetry.  
    Then some poor sod in a fancy armor suit made the mistake of spilling gin on him...



    Each scenario will build on the one before it, as players choose sides (Law and Order vs Scum and Villainy), the battles they win will change the outcome of the Nova's story. And with the new Fame and Infamy points your masters can earn, we'll see which masters feature most prominently in the stories that get told. 

    I also conferred with Eshadie (aka Mahtias Crestborn), and we're going to add a special painting prize for the story event: the Star Theatre award, which isn't for the best crew, but for the best display of a crew. It's time to bust out your scenic chops, and get those terrain brains engaged. Set a scene!

  3. kLbtTNTl.jpg?1



    Just a reminder that is tomorrow!

    There was a post in the Bel Air Demo thread, but I thought I should highlight it here as well. Sign ups at 6:00pm, and we start flipping cards at 6:30pm. 

    Entry fee is $5, with fabulous prizes* and bragging rights a plenty"

    *Fabulous prizes to include store credit and Lemonade Raffle prizes. 


    Bel Air Games

    1202 Agora Drive

    Bel Air, MD 21014


  4. Or, and hear me out on this, maybe the company paying for the space could optimize their schedule to minimize downtime?


    I was going to point out all the problems with your post, but didn't feel it was worth the effort, wouldn't want you to think I'm a solution.

    See, the ideal response to my statement would be "gee, Matt, you're right. I'll propose running a story encounter, which is another interesting standard format for Malifaux." Or "Oh, Joe is running the events at Gencon, I'll volunteer to run another gg tournament so he isn't lashed to the tables the entire con." Or, since the campaign book is likely coming at the con, you could have volunteered to run a flash campaign.

    Those are things you could have done, instead of being cheeky. People are giving up their free time to make this work for the community. If you want something run your way, you might be forced to volunteer to see it happen.

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  5. This is a gentle that the Nova Open is less than four months away. If you want to get in on the first annual Wyrd sponsored North American Championships, this is it, this is the time to do it.

    It's more than the championships of course, it's four days of playing, socializing, and seminars teaching you advanced techniques for painting, basing, and one special seminar starring Justin Gibbs, designer of Malifaux.

    Be there!

  6. In addition to our two remaining Demo on 5/12 and 5/19, Bel Air Games is holding a special Tuesday night event for the end of May:



    4 models, no more, no less. No summoning. Any unspent stones get tossed in the trash; your cache is all you get.

    Henchmen led games of 20ss, with every round having close deployment, Turf War that scores on turn one, and assassinate as your only scheme. 

    All the pertinent rules are here: 


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