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Posts posted by valhallan42nd

  1. Step 1. Take Rusty Alyce.

    Step 2. Give Rusty "I Pay Better"

    Step 3. Take 2 Trappers and Hans.

    Give the trappers and Hans fast. Activate trapper, discard a card for focus via I pay better. Shoot for your first AP. Second AP: Focus. Third AP: Shoot. 


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  2. OH, and I've gotten some feedback regarding the Malifaux North American Championships, and I'd like to clear up some confusion.
    Personally, I understand the confusion, as certain events were referred to as "qualifying events." They were events that gained the winner free admission into the tournament, which is great. But that label, "qualifying," confused a lot of people, and rightly so.  I think "Event that Gives the Winner Free Admission To Another Really Great Event" Event is more accurate, but ultimately much more cumbersome. But the longer name appeals to the German side of me (Germans, of course, being more known for their precision than their poetics). Still, the name "Qualifier Event" is what we went with, despite its inaccuracy. 
    But still, if you want to paticipate in the first ever Malifaux  North American Championships, now is the time to register here: www.novaopen.com
  3. I don't usually have much to say about gender politics, but I do know that when I saw the artwork that Aaron posted, I might have sworn in delight and threw money at the screen. Because that woman looked dangerous as hell, and much like the Wu Tang clan, was nothing to [mess] with.

    Wyrd does a better job than most companies. I think Nathan is not wrong about men and their propensity for violence and labor, but I've also known some women who would be more than glad to break a bottle over a bar and stab you with it. Fate and the journey through the Breach, and the presence of soul stones and other eldritch powers/artifacts can have strange influences on people.

    Maybe a few more models akin to that art wouldn't hurt.

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  4. Mr. Stanley has spoken. You be the fool.

    Soon as Tara finally gets bandaged up she'll really be a force to reckon with. If you are having problems with her its probably because shes like maybe the hardest/second hardest master to play (JD being the other, me thinks).

    I'm not entirely convinced the Tara bomb is the best way to play her but then she's difficult and I haven't given her much attention.

    The worst thing about Tara is that she is so damn boring looking. You couldn't possibly make her more boring looking other than taking the hole away. Also, dumb sword and goofy arm. IMO of course ;)

    Mei Feng is obviously the most boring looking of them all. ;)

    On topic: Tara's already dead so she don't count.



    I took her with two trappers, Hans and Rusty Alyce with I  Pay Better with Void Wretches as scheme runners against my friend's resser crew. I set all the way back with good lines of sight. At the start of the turn, give all three snipers fast. As the snipers activate, drop a card to give them focus. Shoot at max range for fast ap. Second AP: focus. Third AP: Shoot at max range. Repeat until dead.  

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  5. So, I found out Tara's "faces in the void" is kind of a broken action. That's the 2 action that unburies an enemy model in base which chain activates. Well, there's no provision for the enemy to be considered friendly. So, it starts off engaged with Tara, making it unable to charge or shoot. All it can really do is walk and then take another another one action.

    Is my take on that correct?


    For the 2015 Malifaux Narrative, Mahtias and I worked on a story line that would draw players into the world of Malifaux just a little bit more, and I think we succeeded (but I'll let the players be the judge of that...). But we had a real problem: we were wondering how to make the painting competition for the narrative match that same level of story, and how to make it different from the Painting Competition of the North American Championships. A lot of players are talented painters, and we certainly wanted to reward them, but we didn't want it to be just about having the best looking crew. We wanted to have theme and narrative matter as well.
    So, we're changing how it works. We want you to tell us your story through your models. The 2015 Malifaux Narrative's painting award is going to the best, most evocative displayed crew, and we're calling it the Star Theater Award. Build your best display, in whatever medium that you can sanely and reasonably transport to the Nova Open, and delight and amaze the crowds. It can be anything from the lowest depths of the sewers of Malifaux to the Governor's Mansion -or anywhere in between- but bring your best work, because the level of the competition will be stiffer than a Mindless Zombie.
    A few rules:
    1. The display must reasonably fit in a crowed hall. Use your best judgment here, but I'll say that if it exceeds 2 length x2 width x3 height without a grandly compelling reason, you have likely used too much space. Sometimes, smaller is better!
    2. The display must contain models able to be used by you in the story encounter. This is not meant to be a static diorama. If it contains models that are static on the display, that's fine (for example, piles of dead enemy models), but the models you're using in the Narrative should be able to taken from the display and readily put into the game. How you do that is up to you. 
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