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Posts posted by valhallan42nd

  1. Anna is even better than Hannah in my opinion. That non-randomizing Ca is absolutely amazing (I almost gunned down Pandora in 1 activation and she couldn't push towards me to make me deal with Fears Given Form).

    Being able to have Hannah copy Corpse Bloat, Anna's gun, and Anna's push is wonderful.

    Hannah with Whispers from Beyond with the 2 SS upgrade that negates SS use... Pretty dang good.

  2. Hello, everyone!

    I want to thank each of the players that came out to have a great time at the Nova Open this year. As Mike is fond of saying, this event could not happen without your participation, and participate you did! We had an amazing turnout, and the enthusiasm that we had last year more than doubled this year. Cards were flipped and masters fell, and Fate toyed with every last one of you. I remember at least one Red & Black Joker flip in a crucial game, and I know the Black Joker seemed to have a habit of appearing during crucial terror tests... Bad things happen, after all.

    Our Narrative saw the forces of the Governor fail to purge the Quarantine Zone, but Law and Order clawed its way back  from the Abyss to stem the looting hordes of Scum and Villainy as they rampaged all over DC. Our Enforcer Brawl put Howard Langston's Rare 1 to the test, and had Pere Ravage adding just the right touch of chaos to the proceedings, mainly by blowing up repeatedly. The Henchman Hardcore was four rounds of madness

    The Championships had some hard as nails competition. The National Qualifier Tournaments brought us a level of competitors I was amazed at seeing, and it was great seeing our game played by players of that caliber. We also learned some solid lessons from our players as TOs: lessons about terrain, how we can improve our terrain diagrams and what we need to work on for next year, and what we need to make clearer to our players. What we had this year was great; next year will be even greater.

    Mahtias (aka the Maht that makes this whole ball of wax work) and I have already started working on Nova's 2016 Malifaux events. We've got a lot of ideas, and we're looking forward to making them happen.  See you all in 2016.

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  3. Now, I realize that's resser advice, but I'd also go as far as suggesting something with Outcast Tara.

    Tara can be a hand neutral master. What does that mean? It means, to a greater or lesser extent, you can build Tara in such a way as to make her not care about what cards she has in her hand, as she can use them all, high or low.

    It involves a henchman who can carry "I Pay Better" and a crew full of mercs. Tara hands out fast as needed at the start of the turn, in my case, to Hans and two trappers. The Trappers and Hans can discard a card for focus at the start of activation, shoot at max range for their fast ap, focus again, and then shoot. On a table with good sight lines, it can be ruder than a rude thing that's very, very rude. High cards are saved as needed for defense or casts.

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  4. Are you having trouble killing a low wd, high def model in close combat with Killjoy? Do you have a crow in hand that's low enough to summon a Crooligan? Do you have Bete buried as well? Well, I have shenanigans for you! Use karina to summon the Crooligan. On the crooligan's activation, use the Blistering Fog. Charge Killjoy. Hit KJ, BB splashes for 2 (1+1 for blistering fog). Hit KJ again. There's another 2 splash of black blood, killing the Crooligan, which then pops Bete out.

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  5. I think, given the numbers we're getting, and the enthusiastic response from the community, we'll be moving to adding this idea or another change in format in 2016. You guys have been beating down the door to get into the events. Changing the schedule to this close to the con was the mistake, as that upsets travel plans, etc. And Polish, I like your idea of 4 and 2, but people might have other events they're registered for (seminars, etc), and so we're back to  last minute changes upsetting the apple cart. And I don't want to do that again. 

    As much as I'd love last minute tweaks and improvements (we're tinkerers here), it's time to put them into a box labeled "Great Ideas for 2016." It's about what's fair to you guys and the expectations you had when registering for the event. And you guys and your enjoyment is the most important part.


  6. I see your points. 

    This idea of a last match between the top two (should they be undefeated) grew out of a desire to have one clear winner, without having to resort to TP/Diff/VP/Tiebreaker. We didn't want to add an entire sixth round; we just wanted the top two (if it came up with two undefeated) to face off, Master to Master in a final climactic round with people watching or playing pick up games as they saw fit. It seemed to us anti-climatic to have the NA championship decided by math. I think there's nothing wrong with that in concept. Our execution of the concept at the last minute is the problem. For that, I appologize.

    I let my excitement get the better of me. The North American Championships will be decided by the fifth round's results. You both are correct when/if comes to scheduling travel. I never fly, so it was inconsiderate to not factor that in. 


  7. The Nova Open is just around the corner; we're making fevered preparations both as organizers and you're making the same effort on your side of the fence, assembling, painting, building display boards, packing your car or your carry on, making travel arrangements, etc. We're excited on both sides of the fence. So, here's a few announcements to keep in mind.


    • We have a new North American Champion to crown, something that's never been done before and we want to do it right. We want a definitive champion, and with 5 rounds, there might be two undefeated players at the end, if there are no top table ties. There were many solutions proposed: making a general sixth round, leaving it to differential, making people co-champions, but none of those felt grand enough for the premiere Malifaux event. So, if and only if the need arises, we're having a final Championship Round between the top 2 players, with scheme and strategy pool known only to the event staff. It will be challenging, perhaps even cruel, so if you're on the top tables, prepare for a real challenge. Spectators are welcome to watch this round, but no commentary is allowed for obvious reasons.

    • The Star Theatre Award is the painting award for the Narrative Events. It is based on a display that tells a narrative, either a simple setting of a scene, or of a complex interaction between opposing models. We can't wait to see your entries. Some rules:

      • The display must reasonably fit in a crowed hall. Use your best judgment here, but I'll say that if it exceeds 2 length x2 width x3 height without a grandly compelling reason, you have likely used too much space. Sometimes, smaller is better!

      • The display must contain models able to be used by you in the story encounter. This is not meant to be a static diorama. If it contains models that are static on the display, that's fine (for example, piles of dead enemy models), but the models you're using in the Narrative should be able to taken from the display and readily put into the game. How you do that is up to you.

    • If you have conversions of models that are not yet released to use in the Championships, please send them in to MalifauxMatt@gmail.com to get them approved. I don't care if it's not painted yet (but will be at the convention), send it in! I'd hate to have to disqualify a model at the event. You can avoid that awkwardness by sending those pics in now!

    • As a reminder, Wave 3/Shifting Loyalties models are allowed for this event. The FAQs about it can be found here: http://www.novaopen.com/wp-content/uploads/Malifaux-8-15-FAQ.pdf?utm_source=August+15%2C+2015%3A++NOVA+Open+Newsletter&utm_campaign=2014+NOVA+Open+Wrap-Up+and+Results&utm_medium=email

  8. Wyrd will not have a booth at the convention as a vendor, but the Wyrd staff will be at various events like the charity lounge, doing demos, and will be having a formal seminar where they will discuss all things Wyrd. Aaron, Mason, and Justin are also all approachable and awesome, and have had all their shots. If you need Malifaux products at the convention, there will be vendors there who have stock.

  9. I tend to hold him back until turn 2-3, and then I kick out the murdery-poisony-killy jams. I send him after big bruisers that have already activated or models that are isolated. I use belles as a method of keeping things moving, and nurses are a great way of making those slow moving shamblers suddenly move 7 inches on the first turn.

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