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Posts posted by valhallan42nd

  1. As an addendum to the above post, Wyrd also does a good job of using organized play to get additional LE's into circulation. 

    For the record this is a very, very new thing for Wyrd. Up until recently (outside of one of the cons they attend) their organized play was heavily tied to the individual Henchman coordinating the event and prize support was what ever they could come up with. Henchman having access to LE models and official prize support is only a few weeks old.

    Wyrd does a lot of things well but Organized play was not one of them until this year. I am glad to see a lot of the changes that have occurred in the Henchman program in the last few weeks and hope that they will help the communities grow again.


    Our local area is blessed with Henchmen, so perhaps our situation of being inundated with Miss Errys, Miss Steps, Hanging Trees, etc may vary from yours. Our henches are fairly active and used their SS to make a huge prize pool. I'm glad it's more formally spelled out now.

  2. Personally, the only thing that bugs me about the limited models is ebay scalpers taking advantage of people who can't afford to make giant orders, but want an individual jazzy model.  Particularly as these are the same people buying up the nightmare and transluscent crews to make more profit - this is what gets my goat and it takes a bit of something out of the hobby for me.

    Fortunately, I have a bunch of friends willing to split and order with me, so we will all get what we want. However, this isn't the case for everyone, particularly for folks living outside of the US (where just getting standard releases on time seems like a rare occurance).

    Apologies if this comes across as a rant, it really isn't ment to.  I LOVE Wyrd, Malifaux and TTB have thoroughly captured my heart and I'm always excited to see what's coming next - but special sales like this are a bit of a mixed bag of emotion for me and I can see why other people feel the same way.  Perhaps it would be nice to allow people to pick which freebie they get at different order levels?  It seemed like a pretty even split of people preferring the different models, and it would allow people to get the things they really like, keep ebay scalpers guessing (as in theory there should be no 'super rares') and make the prospect of dropping a lot of money in one go on a direct (nonLGS, possibly international) order a bit more palatable.

    Just my 2 pence.

    I don't resell models usually (I'm a hoarder of models!), but it seems to me that if someone wants to sell a thing that they own, and someone else wants to buy a thing for the price offered, then that's on them.


    Apologies. I'm not having a cracking at folks who sell things on ebay. I just feel that some people might take advantage of the  'limited' tag to overprice these sorts of things.  I really am sorry if I offended anyone. I'll keep my beak out from here.



    Oh, no offense taken! It's more "spirited debate" than I THINK YOU'RE THE WRONGEST WRONG WHO EVER WRONGED A WRONG. It's a different opinion, and I see where you're coming from, I just disagree.

  3. As an addendum to the above post, Wyrd also does a good job of using organized play to get additional LE's into circulation. 

    I can only game out of my apartment. Wyrd should circulate them to my home. 

    Get thee to Brooklyn for one of the BK events. It's well worth the travel, and there's some great opponents there. Nu Brand Gaming is a great little club.

  4. Personally, the only thing that bugs me about the limited models is ebay scalpers taking advantage of people who can't afford to make giant orders, but want an individual jazzy model.  Particularly as these are the same people buying up the nightmare and transluscent crews to make more profit - this is what gets my goat and it takes a bit of something out of the hobby for me.

    Fortunately, I have a bunch of friends willing to split and order with me, so we will all get what we want. However, this isn't the case for everyone, particularly for folks living outside of the US (where just getting standard releases on time seems like a rare occurance).

    Apologies if this comes across as a rant, it really isn't ment to.  I LOVE Wyrd, Malifaux and TTB have thoroughly captured my heart and I'm always excited to see what's coming next - but special sales like this are a bit of a mixed bag of emotion for me and I can see why other people feel the same way.  Perhaps it would be nice to allow people to pick which freebie they get at different order levels?  It seemed like a pretty even split of people preferring the different models, and it would allow people to get the things they really like, keep ebay scalpers guessing (as in theory there should be no 'super rares') and make the prospect of dropping a lot of money in one go on a direct (nonLGS, possibly international) order a bit more palatable.

    Just my 2 pence.

    I don't resell models usually (I'm a hoarder of models!), but it seems to me that if someone wants to sell a thing that they own, and someone else wants to buy a thing for the price offered, then that's on them.


    • Like 4
  5. So official release of the stat card in the next Chronicles, then?

    The cards shown in the preview currently has these inconvenient grey words written across them.

    Well, true... But really, those are the official rules, and this is readily available to any internet person, and so if you want to use it... I think it'd be silly to not use them if you wanted to out of some obligation to a calendar date. That's my opinion, yours may vary of course.

  6. Ppfft.

    Scorpion Clan = Best Clan!




    The Left Hand of the Emperor needs no-one's accolades.  We desire only your compliance.

    But yes, we are the best.

    Mason on the Wyrd staff is also a huge L5R-phile as well.

    dont discont the rest of us staff :P

    I didn't know; you hid too well, Shosuro-san.

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