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Posts posted by valhallan42nd

  1. For those of you who listened to the Before We Begin special episode regarding the Nova Open, I'm here to let you know that I've received a lot of response in regards to the North American Championships, and it was unanimously in favor of making GG16's scheme set the *only* scheme set that would be used. 

    Again, the 2016 Nova Open will only use GG2016 schemes for the Championships.

    • Like 1
  2. Important announcement! Space in the Nationals is limited to 54 slots, and it did sell out last year! Get your tickets now, if not sooner!

    And to anyone having issues registering right now, we appologize. The rush to register made PayPal freak out. Mike Brandt is on the phone right now resolving the issues. Stick with it if you have problems. 

  3. I'd like to welcome you all to attend the 2016 Nova Open, the premiere wargaming convention on the East Coast. Held on the weekend before Labor Day, the Nova Open is 4 days of non stop gaming action, and is host to the 2nd Annual Malifaux North American Championships.  The best of the best will be competing there, and you can be part of that. 

    The championship will be held over six rounds over two days. During the rest of the time, we have the Malifaux trios, where three player teams compete for glory and to show off their team spirit. We also have the Malifaux narrative campaign, a storyline in its third year, which saw the rise and fall of Nicodem's master plan, to the purging of the Quarantine and the pillaging of Washington, DC. This year sees the survivors of DC making the long journey back to the Breach, while they are pursued by the hounds of justice. It will be played as a 4 "week" campaign, with each day being a campaign week. 

    In addition to all this, we'll be having our Henchman Hardcore, Enforcer Brawl, and we're adding Treacherous Ties to the list of formats you'll find at this amazing con. Justin Gibbs will be on hand, and we're aiming for other special guests as well. 

    We can't wait to see you all there!



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  4. 1 hour ago, MrDeathTrout said:

    I do modify some of my models for these reasons, but others are more work than I'd like to go through, like my Thunder Archer that is firing a bow with no arrow since the only point sporting the arrow (a long lever) is the finger tips of the archer attached to the fletching of the arrow.  I would like it better if models designed to be played with were designed to be played with.

    To your point, I find that there are simple mods that people can do: spear shafts are easily replaced by steel shafts, IE, paper clips.

  5. Maryland Masters of Malifaux Regional Tournament
    Malifaux 50SS tournament
    Saturday, February 13th, 2016  11:00am - 9:00pm
    Tournament Organizer: Matt Stanley (malifauxmatt@gmail.com)

    Games and Stuff is defending their title of the Maryland Masters of Malifaux!

    * 3 rounds, 50 soulstones, fixed faction
    * Gaining Grounds 2016 will be used. The latest document can be found here:
    * Registration will open at 11:00am. Round 1 will start at 12:00pm.
      * Rounds will be 2 hours with an additional 15 minutes for setup.
      * There will be a 15 minute break between rounds.
      * There will be a 1 hour meal break between round 2 and round 3.
    * Entry fee is $10.00

    Prize support is a a moving target, but will include an official Wyrd tournament kit, a number of limited edition models and box sets, store gift cards and some generously donated prizes.

    This event will also kick off the regular Malifaux Tournament Series at Games and Stuff!
    * Every second Saturday (baring scheduling conflicts), Games and Stuff will host a 50SS M2E
    * Each tournament will earn you rankings in the series.
    * Every six months, the series will reset and prizes will be awarded for
      best overall, most improved player, etc.

    --Masters of Malifaux Scoring--
    Each player will register with a store/location team. The highest 3 scores
    from each team will be averaged to determine the new Maryland Masters of
    Malifaux. The winning team will take home the Maryland Masters of Malifaux
    trophy to proudly display in their home location, will receive a bundle of
    additional prize support for their club and will host the next tournament in
    the series as they defend their title!

    Games and Stuff
    7385-G Baltimore Annapolis Blvd
    Glen Burnie, MD 21061
    (410) 863-7418


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  6. I think not taking Belles is a serious handicap in your own mobility. Being able to rescue models from combat, or towing models from your deployment zone to be in better position to strike, in addition to luring opposing models in/attacking their hand with the "She doesn't look that dead to me" trigger is really great for 5 points.  They're such a great utility piece.

    And generally I take one nurse per crew. If I don't include one, I have to have a really good reason. Again, they're a great utility piece. You can also model them up from the multipart kits, they're a great boon. You can also consider taking Wastrels as male belles, painting them as undead gigolos,  though I do like the idea someone presented of the undead confectioner/baker.

  7. On 1/10/2016 at 11:04 PM, Tawg said:

    What's that about, anyhow?  I mean, I know mechanically Molly can interact with Horrors quite well, but what is the reason?  Is she a creepy little girl making large misshapen monsters, like gross stuffed animals (Or taxidermy more like)?  Just a little curious.


    What about Hayreddin anyhow?  His ranged attack essentially has a 4/6/8 damage track, that seems decently good all things considered.  He doesn't exactly combo with Molly in a specific way, but he can grant :+fate twist just by standing around things, which may help ramp up damage.

    It's more like Molly is a beacon for the lost and broken toys of other Necromancers. They want to be close to her for reasons unknown (probably her relationship with the Gorgon's Tear).

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