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Posts posted by nagash13

  1. this is quite impressive. love the feel of the set. i was planning on doing something similar with my sorrows. seeing how well these turned out makes me want to adjust the order of my "needs to be painted" queue. did you give kade that sickly green feel by starting with a greenish tone base and highlighting up, or did you use a glaze to add the green tint after doing the flesh?

  2. that is a difficult question. i didnt really keep track of hours spent, and i often will work on a project for just one or two hours, then a couple days later come back and put in 4-6 hours. but i started paint work on the resin base on june 29th, no idea how long ago i got the model assembled and primed. i know there was a period during this project where i got frustrated with the model and worked on a second model. i needed to do something that wasnt silver or grey. going to re shoot that second model and post it here later tonight, and upload a third model finished this morning that is malifaux.

  3. it was preordered and i got a message that it is in the mail today. now how soon i get to painting my sweet sweet nagash model is a whole different story. I was painting a Khorne herald riding a juggernaught while i did this project, to you know balance the good and evil. just need to paint the rider. hope to knock that out in half a week or so. from there i've been itching to paint my speed freak grots on rollerskates. i need to do a cluster of small models after these 2 larger ones. hope to either do flesh construct or nurses from mcmourning after the grots.

  4. so i get distracted and it seems my malifaux models are stacking up on the painting queue table. I thought this would be faster, but no, it was not. I'll post my non wyrd projects here, and start a new thread for malifaux models so people who want to can ignore this thread i guess.










    its not perfect, but the resin was a pain to work with and full of air bubbles and gaps where pieces did not fit properly. also photos zoomed in show every flaw where on the table it should look well enough. the base is a secret weapon miniatures resin. also the banners are a spot glossy because the photos were taken before matte varnish.

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  5. i swear by the testors model masters plastic cement.... black bottle red letters. it has a super tiny metal tube. this is great because it lets you control the flow so much better. and plastic glue uses less liquid than superglue so control is good. the metal tip does not react with the glue, so the top shouldnt close up, and if you leave the top off or bottle tipped on its side, its a simple matter of scraping the rubbery dried liquid off the metal tube with a fingernail.


    this one:


  6. i use 2 of these bars, connected in an L shape stuck to the underside of the shelf above. that let me run 8 bars, off one transformer. of course you still have to buy a full second set to get the extra light strips. so the extra transformers are in a box somewhere.




    looks like the cable from transformer to the wall is now built in. when i bought mine, i had to buy a wall to transformer cable. 

  7. having grown up in an area where religion is not popular and mostly ignored, and having transferred to an area that is extremely religious (catholic and jewish majority) I have a hard time dealing with people. I openly mock religion in all its forms, and this piece is absolutely the type of thing I would hang in my apartment.

  8. i like the base. my only suggestion would be take some tiny cuticle scissors(super tiny thin ones) and trim the clumps some so they are less uniform. but dont just cut a bunch at once. cut as close to single hairs as you can deal with to randomize the height like real grass, with the shortest on the edges(grass in the middle always grows highest fighting to get sunlight where grass on the edges doesn't need to expend the energy getting as tall since i gets more sunlight. 


    love the color variation you did to create the fur. i hope i can come up with something close to good enough for my teddy plastic.

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