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Posts posted by zFiend

  1. The pose on the Spawn mother is quite stupid, What's that supposed to represent? 

    On the Gupps, I get the left one and it's okay. But why are they doing "wastrel" poses with the knuck crackling and the beat up stick? Ugh. Why aren't Silurids doing such things? Oh right they're Swampfiends.. No wait.. 

    I am quite glad all these renders lately are just plain boring / make no sense / are just idiotic. It saves me a ton of money on other gaming systems. 

    Ashes and Dust was good though, but that's the only one lately, well Rooster Riders were pretty damn nice too but apart from that it's a swing and a miss after another one. 

    • Like 2
  2. Well it's not like the whole Sonnia crew must and will do only blasts. Hence Von Schill is not her crew's arch nemesis. There a lot of other Guild models that Sonnia can lead very well against the Freikorps. 

    "Better player will win is not advice or helpful" Nope. It's not advice, it's fact. That's why you can't go ahead and say that this master is this masters nemesis and this master will do bad against this master. That's just ignorance. 

    And we have tested it and seen it happen for what, two years or more now in my meta that it doesn't matter, it makes absolutely zero difference what crew the less skilled player takes against the more skilled one, no matter how hard you gimp your crew, take sub-optimal lists and still play intentionally bad, the less skilled player won't win the games. 

    The question was simple, hence the answer was simple, it's not about the masters. 

    • Like 2
  3. What will be far more useful to the topic at hand are the more thorough answers rather than shorter ones. Give examples of tactics and ways that players can reduce that player gap, whether by crew selections if you feel that way, or by playing tactics and strategies if you feel more strongly on that side of the fence.

    Think of the OP and/or newer players people

    I see no tactics and ways to help in your post either, yet you were eager to disregard other people's posts and critize them but with 0 content on your own. :D

    • Like 2
  4. You can dislike it all you want and hold it as a cop out answer. It doesn't change that it is so. A better skilled player with Sonnia will win against a less skilled player with Von Schill pretty close to every single game. Luck and bad match ups aren't enough to close the gap between skill. Not in malifaux. 

    Actually speaking of cop outs, a true cop out is to say you only lost because of the match up or luck. Then you are undermining the other players efforts and skill. And frankly being very rude. 

    • Like 7
  5. Buried models do not get to do things on death, so Hungering Darkness, Bad juju, Leveticus and Bete are fair game to kill at last.

    Hungering Darkness, Bete and the Dreamer become way too easy to kill. Leveticus and Bad Juju aren't that difficult either on a model that can pack I Pay Better himself. The attacks on buried models that have been balanced as such, easy to kill anyway this seems a bit too much on this level. Df6, 12 wounds and that damage track on a CA. Dreamer is so easy to kill it's not even funny. In a faction that packs Obedient Wretch and I Pay Better as well as Oathkeeper.. Sure very balanced and not broken at all. Yuuuup. 

    • Like 1
  6. I seriously don't understand this thing that is highly visible on these forums. If another forum member speaks out some issues he/she has, or gives a very constructive critique the other members of the forums get offended and run to defend wyrd. I reckon wyrd doesn't need you to defend them. In fact have asked you not to do that. Still it happens constantly. 

    Negative feedback is feedback nonetheless and can be more valuable than the endless tide of awesome great best ever posts. While positive feedback is of course good the fact that they sell well is feedback enough they are doing well. The negative feedback is people saying there would be a way to get even more money if things were different.

    • Like 4
  7. While it might be an over simplification one might argue that yours is an far fetched pipe dream to make models work with Perdita that have no place in her lists namely the emissary and executioner. Perdita will be way more efficient without either of those and doing what she's known for. Kill the enemy models. 

  8. There is an important distinction between a moderator politely saying: "Careful guys, this is close to turning ugly" or shutting a thread down while simultaneously calling people assholes. 

    There is a vast difference between saying play nice, if such a thing was warranted in the first place than lockdown a thread just because and call your forum users, paying customers, community members assholes. 

    • Like 2
  9. So I have a question regarding the rules of the forums and the conduct around here. You have written in your rules for the forum that:

    Be nice, offensive, insulting or aggressive posts will not be tolerated. - by MythicFOX

    Along with an addition of:

    Our goal is to have a forum that people feel comfortable asking questions, disagreeing, and having their own opinions. - by Aaron

    And now to my actual point, the thread about Guild Autopsy renders got shutdown even though it was about people asking questions and disagreeing in no way a hostile manner. Which kinda breaks the second quote by Aaron. But even more so, the way it was shutdown was and I quote which breaks the first rule by MythicFOX:

    Stop being asses to each other. - by Nathan

    Just last week a forum user got a mod hat post for telling another user that he was being rude, which is just normal interaction and should be allowed in adult discussions to tell someone that they are acting rude, yet it was not allowed. But it is okay, for your staff to act insulting and use words like stop being asses, when the users aren't allowed to politely say that someone is being rude? 

    So how are we, the users supposed to know what is out of line and unacceptable behaviour if such behaviour is shown by the staff of the forums? And when we are being reprimanded for far less that the mods around deem as being inappropriate behaviour? 

    • Like 4
  10. The Guild Autopsy is looking pretty darn cool, but there's one thing about it that bugs me, and it's the area right under his pectorals but right above his belly. It's wrinkly like fabric, but I gather he's supposed to be shirtless. I dunno, it just doesn't look like flesh, even undead flesh, to me, particularly since it comes to such a hard line with his belly.


    Seen many dead bodies?

    Well seeing as you are obviously calling out the poster for his knowledge of actual dead bodies that raises the question have you then? Do you have the information available to you to be able to question that comment?

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