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Everything posted by ChaoticaX

  1. I voted for playing M2E but missing something from 1.5 Personally, i love the new ruleset from what i read and played, its a shame i came on here today to get the latest one down and find its no longer in the beta phase. Everythings more streamlined, soulstones are no longer auto wins against non-users, games play quicker. If i could have the game my way, id happily take the new rules, with the old models complexity. I loved all the skills, i didnt play competitively so i made a point of trying to use every skill that a model could. Its the loss of that wall of text that bothers me. I liked the game being complex. The other thing that bothered me was the objective markers, placing them with models felt messy, and crowded the board a bit. I preferred when they were placed first in 1.5 (though i dont know if this changed towards the end of the beta, havent been on for a month or so). Im just hoping collette doesnt get dumbed down too much, i loved all the tricks, even if most of them were just hot air and intimidation.
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