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Posts posted by frumpypigskin

  1. 13 hours ago, retnab said:

    Good stuff! Just wanted to correct something, Mouse can no longer pull friendlies with his Toss the Noose, since they gain the Staggered before the pull goes off.

    Yeah, I realised that AFTER I'd decided to count on him to pull a model out of line of sight... Bummer.... I believe Amina could still obey a staggered model to walk? Or am I wrong?

  2. Something else I'll do if dig their graves or corner/flank deployment power ritual is in the pool is simply use a metal gamin to interact and then magnetise and walk into position to drop the starting scrap within 1" of some/all of your Foundry models. 

    Another common start is to have your forgeling deployed within 2" of one of your constructs. If you have the 4+ :ToS-Ram: you can use the scorched remains trigger for your 1st and then walk 10" to plant your 2nd scrap. In 10 thunders I then like to move the metal golem to the 2nd scrap. Push 6 " with off the rails and place the scrap in front of him ~8 away from scrap 2" and 19" from scrap #1 this is usually close enough to have MEI walk twice then use breathe fire with vent steam trigger to protect her and the golem or, for bonus points, if she has the Masked agent upgrade she can charge into something, place the golem into base contact with it then after resolving that attack+/- any triggers have her use her bonus action to push the golem into the same model for 4 damage if they can't pass the TN14 Mv duel.

  3. As above but also remember no source of Damage can be reduced to zero unless the effect specifically says it can (e.g. shielded or Soul stone Reduction) and when you have both you pick the order. I.e. you'll use the Armour *then* apply the shielded to get it down to 0.

  4. They can only interact once per turn when they haven't buried or unburied. This limits their utility. It's IS intentional. By my recollection we had 1-2 updates with the current rules and several battle reports and the consensus seemed to be working as intended. They are strong and an easy pick for some roles but not as good as you think for others. If they bury and Unbury they can only interact 3 times, regardless of how many stones they mine making leapers or union miner better picks in many situations. 

  5. Finally got to try Minako (and her summons) out. Playing Idols, flank, vandetta, hold up, claim jump, harness, power ritual. into Ressers, Reva. 

    Was a very fun game. My opponent ran a fairly effective denied flank which (due to too many pass tokens and a bit of bad luck and management on my part) made my shadows deployed Samurai into a fairly ineffective paperweight on the inactive flank. 

    Very happy with Minako and the Katashiro. 

    Minako felt squishy with only 4 ss. I'd recommend more. I was lucky enough to have high tomes for 3/5 turns and the first turn I stoned for it. 

    The katashiro's place really helps to get where the rails haven't gone yet. If they die then, the scrap is now there. If they live they can interact twice. Gotta remember they are made of paper after all. One combo I realised is that if you've taken masked agent on one of your beaters then charge and place the Katashiro it gets to attack without needing the trigger on the upgrade. Could also toss Katashiro wth rail workers but they are probably still better beaters most of the time.

    It felt great to get a wanyudo out full health. It felt less great when it died straight after it activated before I could reveal hold up their forces (probably should have just gone for harness the leyline). Also not a great model to have versus Reva.  But it's still a good swing in crew value.

    Next I'm going to add in Sparks if I can and make some katashiro blow up in convenient locations for me.




  6. 7 minutes ago, Cadaver_Junkie said:

    What do people think about the Obsidian Statue as a versatile hire for Mei?

    It drops scrap whenever damaged by an enemy, and boosts Burning for the entire table which could help the Railworkers with their trigger.

    Plus, the 3" hazardous (Burning +1) aura seems like a nice addition to all the other hazardous auras available to the crew.

    It seems like, with DF 3, it will be spending more scrap than it creates to try and survive. Anyone who is at all familiar with Foundry should bring anti armour along and the statue will melt. I think I would always be wishing I had the metal golem instead... "As well as" is probably a hard sell. Their hazard aura hurts friendlies which is a bit of a nombo.

    • Thanks 1
  7. 3 hours ago, MuMantai said:

    Are you sure incorporeal works like that? I would argue, as long as my opponent decides to "be incorporeal" and not block the push, even when the push ends in the model, the model did not stop the push, but it was cut short because otherwise the pushing model would have ended up in an illegal position.

    I would say that the last paragraph on p14 means that if the push would end with overlapping bases you can't use incorporeal. 

    ("At no point can a model end any move with 
    its base overlapping the base of another model, 
    even if the model is able to move through the 
    other model.")

    So it would revert to the push rules on p15. If the incorporeal model wasn't there, the push wouldn't stop and is being interrupted.


    3 hours ago, MuMantai said:

    Depending scrap markers, for 1a I would argue, because the action does not state it needs LoS to the marker(s), the marker can be removed, even when it is completely covered.

    I agree. Only the friendly model is being targeted and the scrap doesn't say it has to be in LOS.

    • Agree 1
  8. Ok Foundry followers! After several games with Hoffman and others I've decided to get back on the rails for a while. To help fuel list generation I thought I'd encourage more discussion here about how this crew gets us points and when folks like/don't likey her.

    What are your favourite strategies for the rail crew? What models are your MVPs for each where applicable?

    For mine, ride the rails seems to lend itself to plant and turf war.

    Plant to spread a web to first lay your own strategy markers and 2nd then go back to deny theirs.

    Turf war to ferry your models into the opponent's half whilst leaving scrap at your own just in case. 

    I'm still figuring out how to best do idols with her. Most of her models have fewer HP than average (but armour) which isn't ideal to punt idols with. The healing she can hire either isn't fast enough to keep up (toolkit, Hoffman), has a short range and a huge target on its head (Sparks, steamfitter) or not quite enough synergy/value (silent one). Alternatively, 1-2 spider swarms would a seem to be a fantastic pick with their heal from scrap, ability to get the most from upgrades and higher hit point pool. 

    She also doesn't seem like the top tier pick for reckoning either. Having to play a hit and run game and potentially grt hard countered.


    Now what about schemes.

    It's obvious dig their graves will be hard not to pick given how easy part 2 is. Part One still requires you to work around your opponent.


    People talk about breakthrough with  Foundry but I'm yet to try it. Gamin seem slow when laying track themselves (without a magnetism target). 

    Harness the ley line might be straight forward once scrap has been sold along the line. Still action intensive compared to just having a union minor do it.... Metal gamin may do fine provided they can magnetise in a useful direction.

    Otherwise i often feel the need to lean on soulstone miners to get schemes done. (See their own thread for that discussion).


    I'm currently waiting on my M3e delivery and some models to flesh out my Ten thunders foray with MEI so will post there about that once I've got some more games played. 

  9. 1 hour ago, dzlier said:

    I'm not sure here, I have a Pixel 2 and it works on Chrome there. Might be something related to browser javascipt settings?

    Couldn't find any options or resets in Java settings that worked (specific or general) but using http instead of https works... Any idea why that might be so?

  10. I cant get this to load on my pixel's chrome browser. I've tried resetting the cache and using desktop view but neither display anything. It just seems to load a blank page?

    Any ideas? I'd really like to have this working on my phone again...


    **Addit: have installed Firefox and it seems to work fine on that for now...

  11. In corner deployment with outflank in the pool I like having a samurai with trained ninja to go in the shadows for half of outflank and deny threaten that corner of the board. Even better with harness or power ritual in the pool as well...

    • Like 1
  12. On 7/7/2019 at 7:09 AM, retnab said:

    One thing I want to point out is Bill's Debt of Gratitude trigger is kind of ludicrious - as long as you have an enemy within 6" (and with this being THE Lure crew, no problem lol), stoning for a :crow and hitting a 5 forces the enemy remove one of their Scheme Markers from anywhere on the board without them being able to do anything about it since it's a simple duel.  On top of that, it's not once-per-activation so with Fast he can burn 3 Scheme Markers off the board and totally ruin the opponent's chances of scoring their 2nd Scheme or getting the End VP!

    Read: Kill Bill (hehe) or don't take a scheme marker scheme...

  13. 10 hours ago, Alex108 said:

    Scorpius could be very very mean if your opponent names Brewmaster or McMourning. It'll tear through most of their models if they build up the poisoning.

    Mobile Toolkit is really nice with Mei Feng, Handing out Focused and Healing a pretty significant amount with its built in trigger makes it a nice cheap inclusion for some added defence

    Cojo is nice, if only for access to Toss. I still want to try the strategy of throwing a Steam Arachnid Swarm at the enemy master turn 1 and alpha striking them down.

    I've taken Gunsmith in certain crews. While it's true that Arcanists already have Saboteur, Gunsmiths give some really nice ranged presence to crews that lack solid ranged options. I view it as halfway between a Saboteur and Envy.

    Langston could have a place if you know your opponent is going to be trying to force through scheme markers, or if you can drop a ton of them yourself with the likes of Colette (though if you're suspect on this, you'd be much better off just grabbing the Steam Arachnid Swarm)

    Medical Automaton looks like it'd be a fantastic pickup for Ironsides, considering the synergy between Grit and Emergency Mode, although I lack the practice with Ironsides to be sure. Admittedly her crew already seems very bubble-y, so it could just end up compounding on their weaknesses

    Some good thoughts. Scorp does make a good counter tech pick.

    I don't think Howard works quite as you're suggesting. Trail of gore is enemy scheme markers and any time you're controlling enemy actions they drop markers friendly to the controller, not the model, unless otherwise specified. (P28, one of the dot points)

  14. Yeah, a marker is not a model. A model is not a marker. The quoted p37 rules specifically enable this move of MARKERS. Not hazardous terrain in general or models or auras specifically. All other effects of hazardous terrain require the model being damaged to act or be forced to act. 

    This means that the player getting pinged almost universally gets to resist (obey, push, trigger on an attack etc) or choose to get pinged or not (Activate and not act, or somehow use another model to make MEI move first so your models arent in the aura anymore, say obey her railworker to  charge into ). 


    I don't play with many marker manipulation crews but it seems like any time you move a marker you at least have to pass a test, even if the opponent can't interact. At least; 1 it does require a test and 2 the models effected are Easy to determine throughout the move. Measuring this with an aura can get clunky/require fudging.


    Being able to put up the aura and walk requires no test and allows no interaction.


    Setting MEI aside, if you add in her mech porkchop, Howard and the metal golem who all also have the aura and can activate it and move for more unresisted pings off of 50mm bases... Basically I think the rules are like this for good reason.


    There are other ways wyrd could have gone but I like how they have left the size of it while keeping options for the opponent which encourages decisions which is what gameplay is all about.



  15. Yeah


    ****** Spoilers *******


    I was initially intrigued by MEI Feng with Markus. She definitely loses a big chunk of her mobility without a web of scrap. This reduced her to a concealment aura mule for turn 1.


    I do believe that the hazardous aura should only be triggered by enemy actions RAW. I seem to recall when this changed during the beta to no longer be the way they played it. It's still really strong, but there is more interaction possible when you don't play it the way that was shown. (As discussed at the end, the 2ping just from the bonus action is a little over the top)


    She's still a brutal better and the aura is at its best against a bubble crew and a 2nd master turned out to be a meta pick against the triple lawyers who were expecting to boss a bunch of animals around to attack their mates or drop bombs in the wrong half.  Never worked out that way.



    The lack of thought required to use the 2 As miners to full points is a worry. But one could argue if he knew it was going to happen Jesse should have had an independent model in his crew to cover the Non-bubbled flank.

  16. Hi all,

    I was waiting for these guys to plug their work here but since nothing has been posted I thought I'd spruik for them (not affiliated, definitely a fan though).

    Great production, to easy to follow the play as both players talk through their actions. 

    Interesting points with rules discussions but since it was live streamed most rule interpretation points were discussed and either corrected or fleshed out at the end.

    Highly recommend, would third floor again!


    • Like 3
    • Agree 1
  17. Shoutout to the steampowered scoundrels for pointing out this interaction for the coryphee duet.... I've not tried this as I don't own them but it sounds like it'll make them a crazy OOK pick....

    If you have the duet to start (why wouldn't you, you save 1ss of tax!?!) You can use its activation and dance apart at the end, then the chosen coryphee to have NOT activated (as part of the replace rules only one has activated) can then Dance together at the start of its activation and continue with the rest of its activation as the duet again... Reactivate minus the bonus actions for the duet per turn...

    The main limitation seems to be that if the duet can't do this trick if it's below half health or it dies before it gets replaced. (I skim read, corrected below. It just takes half current health off)

    This seems pretty darn strong.... It gives activation control as well....

    Who's tried this?

  18. 18 hours ago, Kaiser Senpai said:

    Ya'll got your standard lists and I'm here refusing to pick anything until I hear my opponents master.

    I'd say that's a given with the start of game structure as it is. Luckily Toni is blessed with so many henchmen to choose from. Usually you'll reserve 18-20 soulstones for 2 best henchmen to fit the Strat/ scheme and may swap one depending on the opponent's master choice. Eg if they choose outcast their options are Legion but when they say Parker you're probably looking at the captian and Fitz to counter range and scheme markers right? Do you have more subtle examples?

    You can pick your whole crew at the time of the pool but often find I end up putting my core models in first anyway and then juggling around them most of the time. 

    My reason for this topic was to help develop of core and discuss rationale for different picks for strategies where Toni might not be a strong pick.


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