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Everything posted by Clockwork_Fish

  1. A lot of metal miniatures break just as easily as plastic, if not more so. Spears are particularly bad; ever opened the box and found a spear pre-bent? Ever tried bending it back only to have the metal tear? I find Warmachine models are notorious for this. The accepted practice for assembling Khador's Iron Fang Pikemen is to remove the spear, drill a hole through the guy's hand, & replace the spear shaft with a thin metal rod from a hardware store. Plastic is more fragile, but the sprues that they come on keep the pieces in decent condition. There is much less chance of buying a pre-broken model. For finished models, I've been magnetizing my bases for easy transport, and haven't had to worry about anything getting bent or broken. I found a cheap and easy way to do this was to buy a magnetic vent cover strip and glue it to the bottom of the box I carry minis in, then glued metal washers to the bottom of the bases.
  2. Come to think of it...how sure are we that that's actually the Judge? How do we know that's not an Exorcist? Because if the Judge is supposed to become a henchman, maybe they decided to package him separately, and Lady J's box set get an Exorcist out of the deal?
  3. I think making Pandora's crew into the 'spooky kid crew' would work. Nobody takes her with Kade or Iggy, even though you're supposed to fluff-wise, and even Candy is an unpopular choice. She's like Marcus in that her best options come from other people's armies. So yeah, balance the abilities on the kids to compliment Pandora better. Also, when making her new sculpt, give the poor woman some pants. She is supposed to be infiltrating Malifaux, not standing out because she's the one in a loincloth. Maybe go for an evil Mary Poppins look? A sinister looking governess and her trio of spooky kids...there's a bad thing waiting to happen, if ever there was one.
  4. Between the traps' own abilities and the Pathfinder's pit trap spell, they're quite good at slowing the enemy down while you move your crew into position. They're also dirt cheap, with a Pathfinder and two traps for a modest 6SS. I bring them along just to out activate my opponent. Finally, they make effective and cheap bodyguards for vulnerable models. Since they were released, I've been able to justify using Ortega-heavy Perdita crew without worrying about getting swarmed. An with the traps and Pathfinder ranging ahead, the family can make themselves a handy little bottleneck *evil* None of this is specific to Hoffman, mind you, but I think Clockwork Traps have plenty of utility for any master.
  5. My thoughts on the concept art (because that's all it is until we see actual minis) The Judge - if he weren't pictured with the rest of the Lady J crew, I wouldn't have even realized this was The Judge. He needs an alt head. Death Marshals - these I like. Really. Maybe they don't have flaming skulls all the time. Maybe that only happens when they use their powers, and the rest of the time they look like they always have. At any rate, I think they look cool, and their poses are no more bizarre than the current ones. Lady J - the pose is great, and I like that the sword looks more badass than the one in her alt sculpt. My only real problem is the hair, but I feel that could be fixed just by adding a hair band, bow or whatever tying up the hair towards the end. That would explain why it seems to be pinched at the end like that, and it would be a really easy fix, either for Wyrd going into production, or for anyone with access to modelling putty. As for her losing her shirt (the rest of her outfit is the same as ever), I would have issues if EVERY female model looked like this. But itt is counter balanced by Rasputina's parka twice over, so Wyrd can afford to have TWO masters dress like this before feeling like they need to apologize for anything. *wink* And frankly, considering the change to her physique, this is still a less cheesecake model than her original sculpt.
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