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Posts posted by theshepherd

  1. Would this be open to non-London based players as well?



    Open to everyone, the more the merrier.




    I'd be up for supporting though I'd rather play as long as it is open to non LANDANERS


    Support is always welcome but play if you prefer.


    Will out of towners be classed as trouble-makers from District 13?



    All outsiders are considered a bit shifty, not trust worthy like us cockneys. (ignore the fact I'm an Essex boy).

    • Like 3
  2. A quick painting session produced these two charmers. A couple of crooked men to be summoned in by Nico.

    You may notice one has a slightly different head as it seemed a shame no to use it.





    I'm taking a bit of a break from painting Malifaux until I can pick up the Molly box and add some much needed crooligans to my crew. I'll probably be painting a few infinity minis while I wait so it might be a gap until my next post.

  3. The list so far as I know it.


    Andreas Frisch

    B CROWE 
    Barry Smith
    Bradley Downing
    Chris Fernandez-Packham
    2x Conor Rooney
    Frances Overton
    James Fisher
    John Burgess
    John Burgess
    John Dennis
    Luke Spence-Grundy
    Matthew Cole 
    Mr Adam Smith
    Stuart Snares
    Stuart Snares
    2 x William Malcolm
  4. I have added Ama No Zako to the Kirai party. I'm not happy with the finish on Ama, from the moment I sat down to paint her I wasn't focused as kept making silly mistakes until I let myself get frustrated and rushed the finish. I'll leave her as is for the time being. (might teach me to pay more attention next time)




    The whole group together looks a bit nicer.



  5. After a very late night of painting I have finished the Kirai box set. I painted Kirai in one sitting, the plan was to sit and block out some base colours but I just kept going after that and then it was morning and she was done.


    Next up will be Ama No Zako to sit in as hench-Oni with this crew, she is built now I need to clean up some lines and marks then I can start painting.


    Kirai - Not too happy with the face, from the right angle it looks great but any other angle not so good.




    The crew all together. I'm still trying to stay all plastic with the ressers so she will have a slightly limited summoning pool of these and hanged but run with a more elite main crew that should be enough.



  6. Some more work done on the Kirai box, Ikyrio is finished.


    Its just the main Lady herself to go now. I'm still undecided on how I want to paint Kirai, I want something darker than the rest of the crew I was thinking black or very dark red as she's in mourning. Maybe really dark for the clothes but bright for the skin and hair to have some contrast.




    And the crew so far.



  7. I'm up for this, who can say no to a bit of Essex-faux.


    On the subject of pre-announced schemes and strats I think the current system works. Either at the start of the day or if the is a pool pre announced just the strat in advance.


    If you are a new player I'd suggest building two different lists and see which strats and schemes works for each list, then match your list to the scheme pool on the day. this will cover you until you are confident building lists on the hop. 

  8. Thanks for the comments.


    I got a bit more painting done last night. Not too happy with it, the green was a bit of an after thought. When I was almost finished I decided it was missing something and just kept adding and adding green. Lesson learned - know when to walk away.


    It'll do for now as it doesn't look to bad when its with the rest of the crew, I'll decide if I want to fix it later.



  9. Its been a while since I managed to get some painting done but I've finally got back in the hobby groove.


    Firstly I did some simple head markers for the gaining ground Headhunter strat




    Next I had fun painting up YIn with plenty of blood effect.




    And also Izamu. The idea with him was to look more like a Terracotta warrior than a samurai didn't work perfectly but I like the finished job.




    The current project is Kirai and her spirits lovely models but will need plenty of greenstuff to tidy them up.




    Hopefully I'll be able to keep up a steady flow of painting and have some of these finished soon.

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