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Posts posted by Scirian

  1. Heigh ho,

    Old player returning after years away. I called up the web store and found out that the Faction Packs won't be reprinted and are out of of stock. Does anyone have any solutions for cards?

    I have well over 100 models without stat cards and no really affordable way to replace or find new ones. Does anyone have any suggestions? I'm checking out my local game stores and hunting for some necessary cards on Wargame Vault and other secondhand places, but I was hoping people had some better suggestions/solutions.

    Does anyone have any faction packs or ways to find them? Appreciate any help.

  2. Bought the bundle of character sheets and I love the amount that comes with.

    However, the Fateds' evolution through game play tends to rewrite their aspects, skills, acting values, etc.


    I have been trying to figure out the best instrument to use on these glossy character sheets.

    I've used pencil (horrid), pen (abysmal), dry erase (better), and wet erase marker (best?).


    The pencil doesn't show, the pen is permanent, the dry erase comes right off, and the wet erase leaves behind residue.


    What are people using on/How are others using these sheets?

    Is it better to just print out character sheets and fill them in with pencil to be erased?


    Help a poor confused FM.

    • Like 1
  3. Hiya fellow bayou dwellers! Long time reader, first time poster.

    Raphael's utility value wasn't obvious to me at first, but now that I realize the value of his 'where'd he go?' Action I can't stop taking him in my Ophelia crews.

    As a scheme runner he can escape most beat sticks that get thrown at him just by pushing by them or walking into engagement pushing out and then walking again. His durability makes him a two turn kill unless your opponent is using lots of ap on him.... Which seems pretty ideal really.

    He is also an excellent tar pit. He can lock down a key model for a turn and then next turn push away to lock down some new threat.

    If you put team work on him he can save frank or Ophelia from wasting ap on an engagement you don't want them in and then push away to accomplish another task himself.

    All in all I think he adds a lot of movement capability to any gremlin crew, but particularly a kin based crew.

    Anyone else found this?

    If anyone locked up with Ophelia or Franc, Raph won't have time to help.

    I charged a hiding Strongarm with Franc and got the Red Joker dg flip.

    One shot. Against Armor+2 and wds 10.

    I lost friends that night.

    • Like 3
  4. I took her on a whim v. Neverborn.

    Opponent declared Lilith and a whole heap of Nephilim.

    Nekima/tots/Black Blood Shaman are not so scary without their black blood shenanigans.

    Everything in her aura survived.

    Everything not...did not.

  5. Hullo all, old malifaux player, new TtB player.

    Quick/not so quick question:

    Is there any way to convert models/cards from Malifaux to TtB.



    Can Seamus show up in TtB? Or Plague? etc.

    I notice in the Fatemaster's Almanac a great deal of mention of villains and how to pace/build story arcs.

    I don't want to fall on tropes, however, some of the most powerful members of the game are (manifested/avatared) masters that could be amazing to square off against.

    Is there any resource to determine how a model (master/hench/enforcer) might convert into TtB setting to be run in a campaign as an NPC?

  6. So I have been playing now for about 4 months I have got....

    Kin box

    Som'er box

    I need some advice to with what to buy next, gun line withy the kin is not a problem, but I have been reading and see people taking 8+bayou's, is that really needed in a 50ss game and what schemes does it work for if so. Any building advice really needed


    Needed? No.

    Fun/Effective? Absolutely.

    Bayou gremlins are some of the best 3ss minions on the market in any faction.

    They are fast, significant, summonable models (read replenishing).

    Somer with Gracie's saddle means he can ride and use his AP for things other than movement unlike those plebians (other masters).

    Any time you need a veritable buttload of activations/significant models would be a good idea to take a list wtih 8+ (Reconnoiter)

    Flood the field, add healing with slop hauler/Take a Swig or more fighting power with a 7ss (Bert/Franc/Raph) to taste.

  7. It's tough to kill all three in one turn.


    But whittling away at them over the game doesn't hurt.

    I find losing one or two waifs puts Levi on the defensive.

    Without at least one waif on the field he is a sitting duck to a mobile unit (or collodi) until he squats one for a (0) action.

  8. Whirlwind ignoring armor, hard to kill, and min damage 5? That's a marionette's nightmare.

    Provided you can still move after Collodi steals one of your AP and grants Slow.

    My favorite comment about Collodi:

    Next time I play against [Collodi] I'll just hand over my crew and say, "You play"

    • Like 1
  9. Oh good, are we talking about the eight hundred pound puppet in the room?

    During the avatar play test my roommate played him and I was just floored.

    Our conversations went :

    You have Three stone significant hard to kill models?

    All of them. Literally all of them.

    And you can heal them?

    Re summon them too.

    His mobility went out the window though?

    Yeah, but Vasilia lets his threat range be about twenty two inches.

    Yeah, that will be toned down.


    As outcasts/gremlins I have five stone insignificants kicking around.

    • Like 2
  10. I don't play Neverborn (yet), so my experience is limited, but the premise is probably similar-ish.

    Kade with Hamelin is gravy.

    Using Hamelin's Obey you walk an unsuspecting model into your midst and have Kade Pounce the stuffing out of his new friend.

    Keeping the two close together you now have a minimum 3 damage Ml 7 attack going off every time the model is moved within Kade's melee range.

  11. If it is starter box only, then I would go with Ophelia.

    Her crew synergy and home spun crew is incredible.

    If you want to play right now buying Som'er and a bayou pack will allow you to play starter box plus whatever you can summon into the game.

    Som'er has more dynamism as a master.

    Ophelia's Kin are sturdier/staples of the faction.

  12. Though a viable recommendation it still pains me to hire a character that has absolutely zero fluff tie in with the crew just to have access to an ability (no matter how good). Malifaux's appeal to me has always been the "Character" side of the game. If I want to play a game with uncharacterful "Vanilla" models then there are plenty of other options available.

    I'm with you, though I tend to be pretty lenient by finding a fluff reason for hires.

    Though to this day I'm not sure why McTavish isn't duel Outcast/Gremlin.

    He would be an anomaly, but being the only non-Pig/Gremlin in the entire Gremlin faction strikes me as...strange.

    McTavish can drink his motor oil with the best of them, but his skin ain't the right color and his pet eats my summons.

  13. Cannot speak from personal experience with Yan Lo, but he appears to be a master that gains traction as the game progresses.

    Early turns accruing Chi and upgrades while supporting his crew and building up defense/offense.

    Ophelia and her crew work largely independently, but can co-mingle for some scary shenanigans.

    Ophelia and her crew are steam rollers from the get go.

    They may not be able to come back from the dead...but anyone who has gone against Franc/Ophelia with Dirty Cheater knows that's not always true.

  14. Just disgusting manipulation.

    Took her with Mah Tucket.

    Mancha Roja charges first.

    Mah pushes him out of the way to set for next turn and whaps with her big spoon.

    Trixie activates, pulling Mah out of the firing lane and repeat.

    Did this turn 2-4 until Ironsides died outside of Turf War range and used her (0) actions to remove enemy LiTS markers from the centerline.

  15. You currently own everything save Slop Haulers and Bayou Boss in plastics.

    Slop Haulers and Som'er are the next investments to be made for any gremlin.

    That will net you Bayou Gremlins, Som'er, and Lenny in addition to the best healers in the game.

    If you don't mind metals, I would recommend McTavish/Pigapult as game changing.

  16. Perdita, Frank and Santiago just all do so dang much damage. It's scenario by annihilation. Nothing else really to add, I just hate them.

    I feel ya.

    Abuela is my current frustration.

    With her introduction the synergy of the crew became numbing for me.

    The movement shenanigans, the negative twists, the damage.


    I feel like I'm in the movie Wanted.

    "Bend the bullet."

    There's no way...............I'm dead.

  17. Be aggressive with Brewie.

    Running him into the thick of things is exciting and loads of fun.

    Drinking Contest.

    To bounce off Hateful, playing him against Freikorps, who are not "afraid" of bunching up? We spread out across the tree line turn one, turn two, Brewie rushes forward and locks down four models including the Von with Hangover and Drinking Contest. I held them like that for two turns. My opponent was unhappy.

    His ability to hand out negative flips and keep his opponent where he wants him is brutal.

    Gremlins: Francois (hits like a truck against negative defense duels?)


    Ten Thunders:

    It's like a whole other world in TT.

    Kang gives positive twists to all minions and is a tank besides.

    Izamu can keep everyone inside the bubble.

    Graves and Tannen act like Mancha Roja and then some.

    Sensei Yu is where it gets gross though: he can COPY Drinking Contest. Now you have two tarpits in the world.

  18. I see what you did there Spiralingcadaver.

    All in all, they are gorgeous and I would love these cards.

    Tara was the only reason I purchased Death Marshals in M2E and while I may find other uses for them later on down the road, having these cards would be great in theme addition.

  19. To be honest, the fluff has hemmed and hawed at the idea of lineage for...two books now?

    Ever since the third book where McMourning opens his lab to Nicodem; he describes:

    A creature that shares attributes with both Neverborn and humans.

    This indicates a possible common ancestor, which would require some serious explanation.

    I wouldn't be surprised if the gremlins stemmed from something similar.

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