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Swamp Critter

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Everything posted by Swamp Critter

  1. Gremlins are finally getting there own faction =). Do you think it will change anything rules wise? Also maybe we'll finally get some new gremlin crew masters. Whats everyone's opinion on the matter?
  2. I was hoping you could help me with a few brief questions about Hamelin. First off how newbie friendly is he? I'm not a complete novice anymore but I'm still not well versed in the game. Second I've read that Nix wasn't even worth taking way back, has this changed with the update or is he still not worth it. I love his model. Lastly are his pullmyfinger entrances up to date? If there's a way of telling me please let me know. Thanks for helping =].
  3. Be sure to post them once your done painting =)
  4. Second Onryo. Hot off the press so to speak heh. And ty everyone for your praise and feedback. It really helps keep me motivated xD.
  5. Yes I painted the robes with the mid tone and washed with the shade. I dry brushed the highlight on because every time I've tried just apply the highlights it comes out looking pretty bad. I've painted 2 or 3 other mini's before. I'm very motivated with these though because this will be the first mini game I actually have a group to play with.
  6. Hello everyone. I just started playing Malifaux and I'm working on my first crew. I chose Kirai despite the warnings about her complexity because she just looked awesome. I'll post my figures as I paint them in this thread. Feedback and advice are appreciated. I am very new to both painting figures and Malifaux and it doe's show on the minis but I am proud of them as a beginner. Enjoy. Started with the Ikiryo. I wanted a dark kind of look so I went with the Bloodthirsty reds reaper triad for the robe. And just finished yesterday the first Onryo. Same color scheme as the Ikiryo. I'm going to keep it as the theme for my crew.
  7. I'm from northwest PA and I'll be playing at Bell's. Merbak just did a demo for me and a friend Thursday. So far I just have the box set because I'm limiting myself till I can get it all painted. I know I need to get some more Seshein and eventually grab some Gaki and a Shikome.
  8. Hello everyone. Denied an opportunity at Molly I'm going to start with Kirai. I've already been told and researched that she's a very hard master for beginners but I love her theme and fluff enough I'm going to giver her a try. I've been doing a lot of research and have read most of the entries on her and her minions on pullmyfinger. Anyone have advice for a new player to her?
  9. Hello everyone. My local game store has decided to start running Malifaux games so I decided to give it a try. I've decided to go with Som'er as he seems like the most fun of the crew leaders. I've already heard that he's a little tougher than other leaders to run but I'd still like to start with him. That being said, I've seen quite a lot of talk on different Gremlin tactics. The main ones being Pig Boomerang, Alpha Stank, Gremlin Gun line and Bacon bomb assassination I've already read a couple articles on Boomerang and gun line but I'm having trouble finding out what Bacon bomb and alpha stank entail. What exactly are these strategies and what starting models should I get for them?
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