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Posts posted by NIGHTHATER



    "How do you know? "




    Wow all that drama queen...who knew. It's not like this is a forum to post and discuss changes or issues of concern with Malifaux 2.0. I know some of you trolls can't read, but don't let that hold you up, you make up for it with your charm, personality, and razer sharp wit. "I don't have any solid information?", Oh wow I'll call that a slow moment. We have the solid information given to us in the podcast, but good try...I have to praise effort.

    Thanks for the people who are here to discuss issues of concern, not all of us can be in the beta testing. I hope that someone in beta testing sees some of our issues and addresses them. Having faith that issues will be addressed by the testers without saying something about the issues is a little more faith then I'm willing to give. As for you Doom trolls is guys go forth and shine! I sure your parents are ashamed of you (or more likely themselves), but rise, live, perform! Lord on knows talent like yours is so hard to come by in this world.


  2. So we have all read the changes coming up and so meny people are overly happy jumping up and down clapping wildly, and I'm trying to figure out if anyones seeing this the way I am.

    Justice is my master and has a defence 5

    the average attack is 5+C.B. or higher. If I cant S.S. to get higher almost every attack at me hits. Prevent flips kinda help, but get real...everyones like who cares im still hitting and more likely doing some damage. Spend a S.S. for a +def flip is kinda who cares if the attackers a 5+C.B. they play a hand card you cant beat...I mean your lower or tied for def. A -flip for damage is who cares because the attackers was like whatevers I had a -flip anyway now I get 2 weaks over 1 whatevers.

    So where are my other Justices, and 5 or lower defence masters at, that kinda need to be up there to play. Do we need to switch masters in 2.0?


  3. Fitid: While I do agree with you that guild guards are useless, Death Marshals excel at shooting. A 4 S.S. model plays a ram to attack and your damage profile becomes 4/5/7 thats impressive.

    Blog: I love your quote, but the issue I'm having is this. Yes changes need to be made but you go and change everything it a crap shoot on what was fixed, whats now broken, and new rules people hate just as much.

    The changes I'd like to see with this fraction are changes I'd like to see with every fraction. I'd like there to be more encouragement or requirement to play your own box people. It just seems like theres little to no unity in so meny box sets. Ive never seen a McMorning crew run a nurse. With my crew being Justice its even funnier, I often run her and no other death marshals and see no difference, I mean theres no synergy anyway.


  4. Weirdportmatt,

    So I looked at your models and the reviews and heres what I think. You are a great painter and I really enjoyed your bases. The lines/parts on your models are great with little to no bleeding of paint on to unwanted areas. The issues I'm having with your models are the use of colors. Im a color hor and I love bold colors, most of your models don't have that. Like the madness, doppleganger, and the tots are solf gray with soft orange with small areas of other colors that are soft. Yet Bro-Hogan red and white really brings him to life, and Tuco's purples appears more bold.


    Don't feel to bad I rarely have all good things to say

  5. Although I love Malifaux (for now well see at 2.0) I actually dislike ideas in the steampunk world. I often make this joke...

    Oh were doing steampunk ok lets turn in our colts, winchesters and bowie knifes for weapons that look stupid (like the peacekeeper). Now everyone go change out of working clothes into clothes that look stupid. Here now everyone grab stuff out of this box that looks stupid and put it on.

    I mean I have 3 proxies in my Perdita crew out of 7 models.

    I droped Nino running with a toilet plunger for a western model with a whinchester rifle.

    I dropped Santiago for a western gunfighter with 2 pistols.

    And I dropped Papa Loco for a bomber throwing a T.N.T. stick.

    I mean please drop the peacekeeper gun. Its not a revolver, no cylinder. Its not a pistol, the blade is where the clip would go. Its not a flintlock, how does this gun even work?


  6. Infinity,

    Ya bud you got it down, underdogs totally right about your painting style that gives your models a true feel, and not some goofy cartoon feel. Your models are painted with accuracy and your highlights/shading are well done. I really like the Beckoner, she would get my dollars at the club thats for sure. My only issue (of no importance) are the red bases you used. Maby it because Im a guild player, or I can't deal with the fact theyre not the neverborns color, Im not sure..but I hate em.


  7. Bladebaka's,

    Well I looked at your crew and read the reviews and heres where in at. I like your models they are well painted and I love the bases. I heard you bought premade bases which makes me sad, I like to see people make their own bases. As for a picture lightbox I don't know if its necessary, my models are posted here close to yours and I took pictures of them with sunlight and a backround of 2 large white pieces of paper taped together. As for not finding enough malifaux players, welcome to my nightmare. My best friend got me into the game and then pretty much quits...but @@@@ him I still force him to play with me. The malifaux group I play with is more unreliable then the weather man...ya I feel your pain. Good luck bud.


  8. Salteris,

    Man I hear you bud, I can't figure out why people are so afraid to say something is too strong. Even where I play among a small group, people seem leery of just saying I think this is too O.P. Has no one ever been 1 rounded by the Dreamer, or been at a tournament and seen or talked to people who quit straight up if someone was playing Hamlen. Dude I bitched about these models long before the cuddle...WHICH CAME FAR TOO LATE...and after the cuddle people were like..."oh I guess they were too strong." Ya you just have to get used to the resistence. Get ready for this one to because you will get alot of this. Master A is not overpowered because 1 model in 1 crew can kinda deal with it. I swear the mentality is a mystery to me.


    As for the rezzers being O.P. thats a little to vague you have to look at master to master.

  9. Kannachan: Wow how funny I must have been posting almost when you were posting, I'm such a slow typer. Thank you for the comment, Justice is my master so I spent forever painting her.

    PipX: Sweet Ty, when I'm playing at a store alot of people and expecially malifaux players seem to love the Judge conversion. I'm far too proud of the real chains on Scales, and I can't figure out why.

    Vinncent: Thank you bro, Im glad you like em.

    SmoothWD40: I like your tag, ya he does kinda look like that video. I call him "the Prayer", the one with the knife is "the Jumper" and the proxy with the wolf I just finished last week and I don't have a name for her yet.


  10. Lythari,

    Ok bud so I looked at your crews and the comments and heres where Im at. I really like your top crew the uniformed look really suits your well painted models.

    I hate your Colette crew for the same reason above. Your models are well painted, but your uniformed look kills it for me. The Colette crew arnt soldiers theyre beautiful dancers, and you killed there individualism by painting them uniformed colors. I also think you missed a chance to use beautiful color schemes of reds, yellows, blues, pinks, purples and other bright colors to bring your models to life.


  11. Thulis,

    Ya I like all your models, but I really like the vivid colors on your seamus crew. Oh be super careful with your Punk zombies, if the wind blow on them to hard their swords will break. I hate...hate...hate Fragile models and have tons of proxies in my army for just that reason.


  12. Evilbleachman,

    Its a reaper mini Victoria Jacobs with the hat of my 3rd death marshal sawed of and put on her head. I have a ton of proxys in my guild army overall mainly because meny Malifaux models are far too fragile or I hate the look of them. I am overly finicky on how things look and I hated the coffins on the death marshals and have never successfully buried a model anyway. I couldn't even deal with the fact scales has fake chains and added real chains to his model.

    Thankyou for your help by the way brother I did the Photobucket thing like you asked...on the off note you didn't say what you thought about my crew.


  13. Its been forever that I have had 6 of the 7 crew minatures done for my Lady Justice, Sonnia Criid, and my Perdita crews. I would be almost done with all 3 but something always got in the way. Finally done with my Lady Justice crew, which is special to me because Justice is also my favorite master.


    Hopefully this works better this time. Thank you to Evilbleachman and Underdog for the helpful tips.post-12349-13911929405001_thumb.jpg








  14. I was looking at posts and see some had issues with posting pictures as well. All my pictures are huge and I uploaded them to the wyrd site and I cant figure out how to fix em or resize em. I have like 93 views and no comments which I cant understand because you guys on here are pretty good at posting. I mean I'm no Leonardo Da Vinci, but my models are well painted with some cool modifications. How did you guys get smaller pictures? What am I doing wrong here?


  15. Its been forever that I have had 6 of the 7 crew minatures done for my Lady Justice, Sonnia Criid, and my Perdita crews. I would be almost done with all 3 but something always got in the way. Finally done with my Lady Justice crew, which is special to me because Justice is also my favorite master.


  16. Kannachan,

    Well bud I looked at most of your work and read some on the reviews and heres where I'm at. Alot of posts already said this, but I'll say it again...you really need to start using dark stains or strong stains for contrast. Also I really feel you need to start highlighting your models, because there is very little color/light variance in your models. I saw your pictures of what you have ahead, but even though you have so much work to do take your time and please DON'T RUSH IT! Also have a color plan and a basing plan before you get started because I find ajusting as necessary if need be is far better then winging it.


  17. Why in the hell would they want to cram all the information on the character card on to a regular sized card. These cards dont go into a deck, theres no reason to resize them. Malifaux is going to epic fail trying to jam all of a masters information on a regular card, and we will suffer for it.


  18. Kmdl1006,

    Your wrong on at least 2 things.

    The first is the fact no one noticed the figure is painted like "The Bride" from kill bill. That the first thing me and others thought, but your post saying it painted like "The Bride" beat us to the punch.

    The second is that you are an average schmoe painting models for the table top. "The Bride" is painted very well and is above average. I would use the term table top quality, but I @#$%en hate that term now. That term covers any painted model on a table top no matter how well or poorly its painted.


  19. Hi Im a Malifaux player, or I should say I would be a malifaux player if I could find anyone that plays. I got into this game because of a friend and I really like the mechanics, but of course my friend pretty much quit. I showed up at Game Kastle, Santa Clara for the 0100 P.M. target time to play and no one was there again making this 5 times now this has happened to me, though not in a row. I am not going to let there be a 6th. I'm just wondering did I get into another dieing game? Does anyone know a place where people show up and play this game at all, hopefully in the Santa Clara area?


  20. Jeffb007,

    All and all I really like your work, you made good color choices and have painted your models well. Rasputinas cloak is a great idea, but it looks a little thick around the hood. Was it made out of gray stuff? Also on the 3 cat pack it looks like you got paint on the rock base, or am I not seeing this right?


  21. GreyHorde,

    Your models are very well painted and you should be proud to place them on the table. I'm sure most of us wish we had a girlfriend as hot as one of thoses women. The bases are the one thing I'm not thrilled with. First off I hate store bought or premade bases. Second off I can't picture the dancers on anything but a beautiful wooden dance floor. All in all though I like your work.


  22. I really like your crew, you made good color choices and your models are painted well. I don't like your bases though and I can't put my finger on the reason why. I think its the plain blue clashes with the blue you already used as the main color on all your models.


    But don't be too offended, your crews cool, and I rarely have something nice to say overall.

    Also I want a closer picture of the snowstorm because that awesome!

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