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Posts posted by NIGHTHATER

  1. Poko,


    Sigh.....I'm trying to assess if you want a critique or not. Oh well here we go, I hate it. Along with the color choices I can't stand your highlights are too strong and don't appear natural. On the gray areas the Lightest gray is highlighting right, or is it a Dark gray, Middle gray, Light gray como pattern? Is he/she standing on wet gravel? I think the knife handle should be gold and the blade the color it is. Well guess it's not for everyone.


    I respect your decision to not go the "boring military grey and silver" route, but feel you went to far "off the rails". There are many other color combinations that are more military like and less wild.



  2. Stupid Bob,


    Your models look impressive enough to me, I'd be proud to see them on the table. I'm more interested in what your going to do with your bases. You laid down a "weird" foundation to build on. The ground looks to big for dirt painting. It looks like smooth stones at the edge of a river bed that's dried up or something. Best of luck on turning them into something.



  3. Bad Majesty,


    Ok I look over your models and here's where I'm at.


    They are all painted very well, but a little to monotone in color for my taste. Seamus is quite a colorful character and I think/feel you should have gone a lot more colorful on him. Also since you went red on Sybelle you should have gone another color on the Rotten Belle, and then 2 more different bright colors on the other two. Anyway unless there uniforms (Like is so common in the guild) I have to say break out your pinks, blues, greens, yellows, reds, and purples, and do the ladies some color.


    All in all good work.



  4. Underdogs,


    I really like your work over, but I think you need to foresee the end looks of models before painting them all the way through.


    Your guardians back is at some strange angle backwards and is not standing straight or leaning forward and that looks odd.


    Your witchling handler is very monotone. Why would she dress so monotone and then dye your hair purple or pink to stand out? It looks odd.


    All your models are very well painted and well based. The witchling is amazing looking.



  5. Sanguinarydan,


    I really like this model although I think you should have gone gold and silver to break up the all silver look. I don't think the green eyes will look good, I think they will clash with the model. It's ironic I started painting my guardian and stopped. Now I need to get back to it.



  6. Toadpainter,


    This is extremely impressive work. The amount of detail is beyond most models I encounter. I'm definitely interested in some of your models so I have questions.


    The Hallow Waif I can't figure out. I don't know anything about them story wise or crew card wise. Why are her hands so bloody? Are those parasitic worms on the ground?

    Were they inside her? Did they come out of her hands, causing the damage?


    On your Outcast commission work why did you go with grass and leaves on gravel as opposed to grass and leaves on dirt?


    Dmeeps question (good eye) Is the strongarmsuit magnetized at the waist? since hes crouching in one pic and standing in the others or did you paint two?


    Is your commission going to have you just eventually paint a whole Friekorps crew? Matching others peoples work for uniforms is almost impossible.





    I really like your work, it's pretty solid. Your Lilith avatar is my favorite. I just reminds me I have to get 1 and paint it...sigh...eventually. It's funny a friend of mine always used to keep at least 1 unpainted model around saying, "If you ever get all your models painted, you'll died after." I look at my boxes of 50+ unpainted...ya I'll never see that day.


    Great work though....





    Dude everything you've shown here is Top-Notch work. Beautifully painted models with attention to detail for accuracy on paint placement and basing.


    Are you not worried your horse rider chick will fall off her base with only 1 point of contact?


    I actually hate your Walter the friendly "Mechanical Attendant". His friendly appeal goes against my overly violent view of the Malifaux world. We all visualize Malifaux in a different way depending on our own inner "Demons" I guess.



  9. CDHAY,

    I don't get your last comment, thank you though I think.


    I'm a little surprised you didn't put your comment on the Justice Crew thread. Ya I gloss sealant everything and make it really shiny. It makes them shine and (kinda) protects them from scratches. I have always been a sealant guy and I just cant use anything but glossy. It just seemed like after all the work I put into painting models in vivid colors any other sealant looked like I dipped them in muddy water killing all my work. A few people I know (far better painters then me) won't even seal models because it dampens color. Your right though gloss make it hard to judge models.

    Ya the real chains of my scales are totally rad. I'm like unnaturally proud of that idea, even though few people find it as cool.  There kinda sloppy at the top but nothing perfect.


    WOW thank the god I save messages on notepad while typing them...dam freeze ups.


    Anyway to save time just know my Justice Crew was totally BREATHTAKING and people would gladly trade their kids for my models on a 1 for 1 basis....BONG! You know I would NEVER lie to you and I still have my models because I don't want peoples kids.



  10. BENGT,


    This is really good work overall. I like how you went so bold on the colors. The red ronin is my favorite.


    My only suggesting is to be careful with white. Not only does it highlight other colors that run onto it from close painted areas, often on large pieces (like the vics and student of conflicts sword sheaths) it gives the appearance that you didn't paint these at all.


    I know I have had many issues with white paint :)



  11. Dufruk,


    Man overall you have an impressive army of well painted, playable figures. Some of your color choices were a little bold for my taste (Criid and Justices crew) but it worked very well for you. I cant believe you haven't broken a guild guard sword, the judges sword, or that desperate mercs sword yet. Those are so fragile it's insane. Its the reason my judge is carrying the scathe, its not nearly as fragile. It's looks pretty rad too I guess.



  12. CDHAY,


    It's not the praise or feedback I'm after (although that would be nice) I'm using the comments to poorly gauge if any ones still playing this game. Doesn't everyone enjoy art and painted figures? Why would the facebook Malifaux site be far more active on Malifaux art then the Malifaux site? Are those people even real Malifaux players overall, or are they people moping around facebook all day? I really don't know anything about facebook, I don't "do" it.


    I guess I'm a little shallow, all people are to some degree. My figures are pretty cool overall and I've given some harsh and through critics. I though there would be more interest. It's almost like a person expecting a storm, conditions are right and every thing is quiet, but when none comes it's even more creepy.



  13. DGRAZ,


    Ya well when all was said and done you asked for me too elaborate on my color comment, and I did. I still think your work overall is incredibly impressive.


    Also I would never tell someone to change their style. At the end of the day their your models paint they how you love them.



  14. DGRAZ,


    On the color thing certain things just strike me as odd or "out of place" I guess. It is kinda hard to explain because many of these models have no real world or earthly (I guess) equivalent.


    Is your Wildergiest on fire? His white blends in with the snow theme, but whats with his main body?


    I love your Lord Chompy, but hate the dreamer on him. Is he blue because hes a ghost? Anyway over all I think hes too dark next to an already mostly dark model. I think you should have gone white ghost boy or alive flesh boy, and used brighter colors on both ideas.


    As for your Silurids I just don't like them. Swamp creatures of that size and color would have a poor ability to blend in to their natural environment and would be destroyed. Plus I would have liked the gator or other greenish themed colors, and them to be more uniformed (the same) in appearance.


    Just my thoughts I'm a pretty hard critic on painting though. On the bright side I'm not immune to comments my models are up :)



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