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Posts posted by NIGHTHATER


    I also use Hans as a Gunsmith, mainly because I just find the new model so damn cool.




    Hans has a massive sniper rifle so using him as someone without a long range rifle and with 2 handguns is going a lot off track.  Maybe very short term, but there are a ton of cool figures made by countless companies that have 2 handguns. I have the female metal version of the gunsmith and shes awesome. The metal male has stupid looking guns so when I get him its conversion time...sigh. It's the lowest of priorities though since I have a few 2 revolver gunslingers from other companies painted and based.



    Large Arachnid is fine in my book 9esp. since it's huge), hans as a gunsmith would be fine in the short term but I don't think he fits that well in the long run since the gear isn't the same so not immediately recognizable.



    Yep :+fate



    Totally hear you on not wanting to paint the same models over and over. I got the metal Witchling Stalkers to go with the plastic crew for pose variety (same for Guild Guard when I get around to getting a Lucius box, although I'll miss out on the metal female guard) just in case I need to summon more. I remember in 1st ed some Resser players in my group had two metal Mindless Zombie and/or Rotten Belle sets, but it just looked like the same people in different colour outfits. Other zombies proxied in as substitutes or additions was just so much better looking. For this reason alone I wish metal versions (or their sculpts in plastic) of certain Minions were available for pose variety.


    I'm pretty lazy at finding the time to model and paint as I'd rather be playing games and definitely feel like I push the boundaries of politeness when proxying ("I still haven't put him together so Papa Loco's the Brutal Effigy again") but try to make it as minimal as possible, so either limiting it to one or two models or just waiting until it's at least assembled. That said there's no way that I'd try that at a tournament; it's official, totally believable, themey as all hell or bust for my own standard.


    I really don't care if you're proxying in a casual game. I still remember facing Rathnard's Marcus-led My Little Pony Silurids of all types. It was great.




    I'm pushing the limits as well for these reasons.


    * I don't drive a battle foam van around to carry all my different crews in. I now have far more figures then I can carry in my Malifaux official bag. I bring a full Malifaux bag and proxy if I have to.


    * I'm not painting the same figure over and over again (I'm sucking it up for Ramos spiders though :D ) they look lame on the table with duplicates.


    * Some of Wyrds figures are so lame looking (yes personal opinion) or are far to fragile to use. I have to put countless hours converting them or just use stronger proxies.


    Anyway just where I'm at.....



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  2. Ha there all I'm wondering if anyone knows where I can find nice looking metal or plastic bits for me to modify my figures. I'm really looking for some nice hands with 6 shooters/revolvers in them. Wouldn't mind some shotguns, winchester rifles, buck knives, tomaks, you know really hardcore Cowboys and Indians stuff to enhance my models. I will be using them to modify the look of some of my 1.5 models.


    Anyone got a good place to start.


    Thank you,



  3. Ok your top 5 favorite Resser models, and I guess no masters because I didn't see anyone list a master when I scanned through. Cool I have a ton of Ressers lets do this.


    NOTE I ONLY PLAY 1.5 (a massive modified version of 1.5 anyway)...


    1. Mortimer...awesome 7 cost guy who brings out Corpse counters mostly every round for your masters is almost broken it's so good.


    2. Izamu (the Armor) although 10 cost, Object 2 is amazing, self healing attacks, Melee expert, Magic weapon trigger, Immune to Influence...and too many other great things hes a must use if you got the room.


    3. Yin (the Penangalan) cost 8, this things awesome! 6 DF with Attacks Flips on this model get a :-fate . This fast (Not FAST ability) 5/7, Floating, terrifying 12, Can Constrict, Can poison, bloody viscera blob is solid.


    4. Rotten Belles these low cost (4) models are Hard to Wound 1, with 8 wounds, and Slow to DIE. Their LURE is almost always a success, and they can lower peoples DEF score...awesome.


    Sadly enough 1-4 is solid. Spot 5 I was like I guess these...


    5. Punk Zombies 5 cost guys with 6 wounds, DEF 5, Slow to Die, Hard to Wound 1, is pretty good. They don't have a range attack, but there paired katana's at CB 7 :crow is awesome. With a 2/4/5 damage profile, Rot :crow :crow trigger, and (2) Flurry they are dangerous close up.


    So that where I'm at right now with the cards I have for the Ressers.



  4. I can remember a game where I was playing as Seamus. Due to lucky card draws, and positioning none of my Belles died and by the end of the game I had summoned another 6 of them. Strangely I don't have 9 Belles in my collection, so Kirai, Molly, and every other female Rezer I had came out. Sometimes things like this can't be expected, so I do feel some leeway is acceptable. Where I would be more Leary would be summoning a Shikome when you have 0 in your collection.




    Ya I'm with you as I have Seamus crew myself. If I have the 3 Wyrd models out (the belles) it's like well I'm not buying the same exact models and painting them again so I can summon extra models of the same type...SCREW THAT. I also have the 2 Dead Doxies so after 5 belles are out it's proxy time and "Dam the Man" if need be. I think you should have to have the card or a bad proxy of it to be able to use a model. Though I still only Malifaux 1.5 so I don't need to worry about the tournament rules I guess.


    My unnecessary contribution:


    Official tournaments: Wyrd's party, Wyrd's rules. I'd like to see them up the non-Wyrd levels allowed to 50%, but ultimately it's their call.


    Leagues and unofficial tournaments with prize support: The ultimate goal of both of these is to get more people playing and to generate sales, so I think players should have as much official as possible, with reasonable approximations of minis not available for purchase at a LGS (made from Wyrd pieces if possible). Don't sweat an occasional proxy if it's temporary.


    Friendly games and unofficial social tournaments: Rule of Fun applies here. NGOK,OM's Rapture-themed crew sounds bitchin' and I'd gladly play against them. I've used Dark Age Dragyri Hailkin as Ice Gamin before, and Mantic Zombies as Mindless Zombies- as long as the base sizes are right and it's clear what is what, I'm good (Rule of Fun applies to all players involved, and terrible proxying ruins my fun as much as a good proxy crew can enhance it).


    I don't mind someone temporarily proxying a crew with whatever's on hand (base sizes notwithstanding) to test a crew for a game or two, or in extenuating circumstances (like the one Ratty mentioned). After that, they should either buy the official minis or use thematic stand-ins (like the Rapture crew above). In any case, the rules and Arsenal Boxes should be purchased, and ideally the stand-ins would be bought from the LGS too.


    I have my limits, though. If someone can't set up a good set of proxies, I'd prefer to lend them one of my crews. None of this "these Space Marine legs are Abominations, and this Eldar jetbike is a Desolation Engine" stuff.


    Lord of Dust,


    I think you got some good points, although everything you said can be debated either way. I like the fact you support your local gaming stores...that's pretty cool. Where your going to have to go to war is your "good and bad proxies comment". Almost everyone thinks their proxy is awesome or good enough, or they wouldn't be using it. The base size being right should be a must though.




    Personally I think if you own all the OFFICIAL WYRD models sculpts for a crew for the edition you are playing 1.5/2.0 (like the 3 belles) at that point it should be LEGAL to use any proxy deemed to be of a similar nature and reasonably recognizable as a belle.  As long as the base size is good and your opponent knows what it is. That being said in a game as cool as Malifaux (1.5 anyway) where characters usually are not just cannon fodder it's kinda cool to give each model it's own unique feel even if they are the same 3 Belles, or Death Marshals, or Witchling Stalkers....ETC. You need proxies to do this. I also HATE, HATE, HATE, painting the same sculpt models over and over.



  5. Normally I'm totally with proxies. HOWEVER the other day at a tournament (admittedly a fairly casual one) my opponent was using a Gun smith as Johan. Without the card. Now not only did this mean he took a fair while longer as he checked the book (which due to space couldn't be nearby) he also marked poison and damage wrong.

    That coupled with the fact I was using Dr Doug meant that "Johan" kinda tore apart my game plan a fair bit.

    I found that frustrating but being a shy dude I didn't really want to argue.




    I hear you, but your stacking other problems onto the fact your opponent was using a bad proxy. Even if your opponent had used a great proxy there would have been issues. Also not having a copy of the character card...or even a bad proxy of it's kinda sketchy. I don't know where I'm at with that.



  6. I'm actually dreading the release of Kaeris' box set, for this reason. I love my Firestarter proxy and not being able to use her would make me sad. :(


    Use your proxy anyway, although Kaeris metal model is pretty rad.



    Malifaux is one of the least model intense miniature games comparing to other companies.  Price per model is very reasonable and buy extra copy shouldn’t be that bad (IMO, that’s my way of saying thank you to Wyrd for bring such a wonderful game)


    If proxies is the only option for the player, I would rather see him/her using chess pieces on the table.  At least it is easier for me to recognize. 


    First sentence I'm agree with and I respect Wyrd for making a pretty cheap miniature game as well. I would be even happier if they didn't M2E, but can't win em all I guess.


    Second sentence is a bad joke right? Chess pieces make a good stand in for ah....nothing.



    I am still building my Leveticus crew, but all my models are decided for now. It's fully Bioshock themed, and I don't have a single Wyrd model in that team.


    I have the following:

    1x Big Daddy (Construct)

    1x Big Daddy with Gun (Lazarus)

    1x impeccably dressed Andrew Ryan with golf club (Leveticus)

    1x Doctor Suchong (Rusty Alice)

    3x Splicers made from zombie models (Waifs)

    9x Suchong's experiments which are the drudge models from Hordes (Abominations)


    They are all proxies. Would you play me?


    Yes just give me a list of whats what and make sure they have the same base size I guess. It's still kinds wild.


    ******Average Boss********


    I'd play you I have proxies as well, and those are pretty cool models.


    *******No Gods and Requirement********


    I don't feel bad for Wyrd, they have gotten a ton of my money. I respect the fact you support the company. Using proxies doesn't automatically mean you don't own the original. I don't have 1 proxy...not one that I don't have the 1.5 model for.




    To think all you great guys with such good input could help me with this topic :). I shocked people love the proxy topic the way they do cools.



  7. Great topic. 


    I know, for me, I LOVE seeing conversions and proxies. They Wyrd / Malifaux community has so many creative players as a whole it's always fun to see people re-imagine and interpret models a themes. 





    Sweet I got a "Great Topic" that made my day :D . It's the little things :+fate .


    I love seeing conversions and proxies as well. Most of my conversions are because I hate the look of the model, or the main one is the weapons are too fragile.




    Im sorry, you can't make people play with Ryles model.. just no.




    That funny I just painted Ryles model not to long ago, what a fricken nightmare. I think once I base him I would try to force people to use him just because I suffered so much during the painting of the model :P .


    Off topic a bit but I dont recall if your stateside or not however one of the LGS in Cleveland may have it. I can look next time I'm out there if you want.




    That's cool that your helping the dude out, I respect that. I sent Wizuriel an email earlier with some options and checked the Wyrd store, ebay, and Amazon. If he can't locate 1 Ill check the local gaming stores in this area whenever I can get out to them. I have a special place in my heart for The Judge...he is my icon after all.




     Long term (meaning a few months), if you still aren't playing with the correct models or something easily identifiable (ie you are still playing Lilith as Lady J or with pieces of paper stuck on a base), then I might have a word with you and suggest it's time to get it right.




    That's kinda wild, I guess I'd get "The talk" :P . I'm still using Lady Justice as Lilith and have been for quite a long time :huh: . Two extremely dangerous women with 2 handed swords seem pretty good as proxies for one another ;) . I just haven't felt the need to work on Lilith and have been on other models :angry: . I'm also playing with the faces icons  :D  .



  9. Fetid Strumpet,


    I'm not going to turn this is war as I have been talked to in the past about arguing with people on the forums, so I'll just (softly) debate some of the things you said.


    To me the issues are non issues. This is a miniatures game, and as such there are certain expectations inherent in playing such a game. One of the appeals of the game is the visual presence on the table, and that's going to be true of alot of people.


    I don't know where you were going with this. You're right people like nice things. Peoples proxies are usually better looking then the original models, though they can be worse too. I do like the visual aspect of table top games.


    I'm not rich, and I have a good amount of models to summon, because I regularly do things for friends like paint their crews, or do commission work freelance to earn the money to acquire new models. Add to this that this is a fairly expensive hobby, which is just a fact of life. I'm not saying you have to be rich to play this game, but its sort if true that you do have to have some means of disposable income to play this or other miniatures games. Its not an elitest attitude its just what it is.


    I'm not rich too. It is cool that you do commission work for others to get more models, I respect that. If people have the skill and clients to do that sort of work that is definitely an option.


    *Add to this that this is a fairly expensive hobby, which is just a fact of life* Why is this statement true? People are almost giving away models on EBAY with free shipping so Malifaux can be extremely inexpensive. Often their giving away rule books and decks with their models. Borrow a tape measure from whoever, go to whoevers house (Grandmas) and borrow yarn and tape to make a 3 by 3 board (taped down on the table). Get whatever works as terrian (The average house contains 50,000 items.) and your good to go. You may have to proxy models for summoning depending on how well the Ebay thing went. Ya playing Malifaux can be insanely cheap if you're creative.


    *Its not an elitest attitude its just what it is.* Np I didn't think you were saying you're better then anyone else...were good.


    If he refuses to buy enough of the models that he wants to summon. Then his inability to summon is his issue, not mine. There is a reason I don't generally take the Mwahaha upgrade, and the big one is that I don't have the mindless zombies to make it work.


    I'm not with you here, it's both of your issues. Start being that strick on the rules I BELIEVE most people would lose the already super small fraction of Malifaux gamers they know. At the end of the day I'd rather play a less then perfect game then not play at all.





    • Like 2
  10. I know I'd like to see at least a reasonable attempt from my fellow players on the model count issue.  I would be very, very unlikely to say that without the appropriate model a Summon ability is disabled.  If we played each other for 6 months or something and Nicodem is still only using 2 zombies and a bunch of proxies then I might get annoyed - but whether I play that opponent or not is my choice. 


    Ya whether you play anyone is your choice, but it still interesting.


    In casual play its a little less of an issue, in organized play its huge.

    For me I feel if you want to summon, to some extent, you need the models. Now that doesn't mean if you happen to have an exceptional summoning game and you run out of figures that the occasional proxy won't be accepted. Or if you are brand new and don't have the figs cause you only own the nicodem starter that some accommodation can't be reached.

    But if you are constantly using off models, non conversions, that don't look anything like what you are summoning, I'd have an issue with that, especially if they weren't painted to match your summons.


    I like you're thought process here, but there is a few issues you really didn't address.


    Like your opponent is not rich and can not afford lots of models.


    Your opponent refuses to buy the same models.


    Your opponent refuses to buy the same models because they would rather get more different crews going.


    There are other issues I can't think of that I'm sure are reasonable.


    I would say that there should be a fairly liberal Proxy and conversion policy (and from what I recall of the Gaining Ground Documents there is), specifically in regards to models that aren't available outside of new plastic crew boxes (and/ or dont allow for max fielding without buying the same crew box for the extras). Having players that fall into these categories penalized because they cant find them on a secondary market or wont re-purchase the crew box in plastic is more than a bit heavy handed.


    This is exactly how I feel on the matter.



    My opinions for casual play:

    Conversions should be identifiable. Be of similar stature to the original, have the same weapons, etc.


    Long term proxies, e.g. you like a steam punk sniper woman from another manufacturer and play her as Hans, are fine and should follow the guidelines for conversions.


    Short term proxies can be anything attached to the correct sized base but should be discussed before each game and actually be short term. E.g. you want to try Kirai but don't have the crew.


    Summons follow the above. If you haven't prepared properly your summon ability fails.


    Pretty models are important to me when I play miniature games. If there aren't any to be found I'd rather play Caylus or something.


    Ya I think your on the right track with this.



    In casual play, you should discuss with your opponent before the game, that way there's no issue after the game has started.

    For tournaments, Wyrd uses the following guidelines:

    So for conversions or custom sculpts, you simply can't have more than 33% from other companies.


    Wyrd has addressed this issue, I'm actually impressed that pretty insightful.





  11. Htunliving,


    I'm interested in this topic and I am glad you brought it up. Do we even know if the DNA semen sample was from the victims last night alive? Could it have been soaked into the fabric day ago on an unwashed clothe? Their suspect could very well be the killer, but I'm still backing my dark horse Robert Mann who was basically a "parole" with a dark past working at the morgue that testifying in the killing on the stand. Its not uncommon for killers to want to be "right in the mix". I mean hes getting to play with the bodies again when they come to his morgue....sick.




    Anyway Htunliving here's the info on the doc I feel answered the question. If your interested it's pretty well laid out and an F.B.I. profiler plus the historian author  Mei Trow lay it out so well I was like "Yep that's that". All in all we may never know.




    The identity of Jack the Ripper has remained an unsolved mystery for over a century. Now historian Mei Trow presents a new theory on the unparalleled reign of terror in which at least five women were killed in London’s East End in 1888. Based on two years of exhaustive research, and using modern psychological and geographical profiling techniques, Trow identifies Robert Mann, a Whitechapel mortuary assistant, as the Ripper. Mann was mentioned during the original investigation but has never been put forward as a possible suspect – until now. As Trow pieces together the evidence linking Mann with the Ripper murders, he also makes the case for two additional Ripper victims.


    This film accompanies a major new book, Jack the Ripper: Quest for a Killer published by Pen and Sword Books.

    Jack the Ripper: Killer Revealed One-Hour Special for Discovery Channel / Science Channel / FremantleMedia Enterprises



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  12. Sorry to bug you guys since I think I already know the answer, but I had an this issue with a friend yesterday and said I would go to the forum to clear it up for sure. I guess when one says yes and one says no you need 3rd party malifaux pros to help :). We both have the small handbook for 1.5 and I guess it's a little hazy. These are 1.5 ranged questions if it makes a difference.




    I'm using Pandora 1.5 and targeting models I can see with (Not more then 3 Inches in forests) spells that are in range and DO NOT have the :ranged Icon.



    My friends saying his models have cover(soft) and I get a :-fate Casting flip.


    I'm saying since my spells DO NOT have the :ranged Icon cover doesn't effect them as long as I have Line of Sight.



    So which one of us is right?






    Sadly my friend is going to want like 3-5 people to say the answer as he'll think 1 guys not enough and maybe wrong.




  13. When I played almost every weekend with the local gaming group before they quit I had some interesting/annoying situations come up. I am very specific on what looks cool and what doesn't when it comes to models. This is not a unique trait for many people on this site also do conversions or use proxies. Now how far is too far for other players and maybe Wyrd tournaments? I have even had an issue with my ICON the Judge when someone thought it was something else. I was like, "Dude that isn't a proxy, it's actually the Judge with minor conversions." Sadly I'm doing some conversions just so overly fragile weapons don't break off. Also I have had issues with summoning extra Witchlings, Belles, Gremlins...ETC, and someone saying, "If you don't have the model you can't summon anymore". Sigh are people really that serious at non tournaments?



    Do you really have to have more copies of the exact same model?....screw you Nico (don't Arise) style?


    Is it ok if just a little of the model is the original?....no those are still his shoes?


    Does half the model have to be original?



    Anyway it's kinda interesting to see what people think, and really interesting if they do tournaments.



  14. Toadpainter,


    Ya this work is awesome. The bright green you used on the Sorrows and Poltergeist are just amazing. Pandora and Candy are just beautiful. As for Baby Kade I'm not a fan. While the model looks creepy, it's not that interesting. I guess I prefer the metal one far more.



    Your linked work is insanely impressive.




  15. Luisjoey,


    Cool ty for the comment and the voting, I really thought 20 votes would take like a day or maybe like 3 at the most. Like I said earlier I prefer the metal models for Seamus crew far more to the plastic ones. The plastic ones just appear way to "over the top". Like plastic Seamus has a squid in his bag....why? Does the totem need that many hats? How many "Clients" did Sybelle hit with that whip...none it would kill them. Even the belles look goofy. If you do get the metal ones make sure you bore out the blue belles umbrella deep where the shaft goes in, so it doesn't just fall off.




    Ty Ren green is my favorite color as well, although I'm a redhead man. I'm glad you like them and they look pretty cool on the table.







    I can't afford to live in CA anymore and will be moving up to WA unless something crazy happens in about 2 months. I hope people are up to playing Malifaux at a store or at houses or apts. I want to get a lot more malifaux time in and I realize you can play malifaux at places other then the stores on their off days.



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