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Posts posted by NIGHTHATER

  1. XgixjokerX,


    Sweet so I can take all the credit for the idea if it works without any of the risk if it doesn't....Just Kidding. In all seriousness if your going to try it (and it's fully up to you) please post the results afterward. Thoses 6 shooters look so much better then thoses other pistols. It reminds me of my steampunk joke I say.


    Oh were doing steampunk ok everyone take off their clothes and put on clothes that look stupid.


    Now everyone turn in their guns for these guns that look stupid.


    Ok now draw stupid looking stuff from this box and attach it to yourselves and your gear.


    Yep were steampunk now.



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  2. I really like this thread. You're all so helpful and accommodating to us struggling noobs. You've answered several of the questions I had knocking around the ol' brain box, too. So far, everything I've read here on the forums indicates that the Malifaux folks (MALIFOLKS!) form an exceptionally involved and thoughtful community. I'm so glad I found all of you!  :D


    - N


    Nikko Andass,


    There was a darker time on the forms when people were not so "helpful and accommodating" but thoses days are long over for better or worst. The switch from 1.5 to M2E caused quite the battleground. Then beta testing got pretty heated as well. You missed the forum wars and other stuff. Now that the community has so little to war over it's peaceful...for now.



  3. Oistene,


    Welcome to malifaux bud OK I wanna make sure were on the same page here, the models are awesome and Dirial leading you down the right path BUT....




    1.) You have to have a rulebook there is just not a practical way around it that I can think of. There's to much going on to not have 1. You need the rules.


    2.) I STRONGLY suggest you get 2 malifaux decks of the cards(1 for you and 1 for your opponent) for the symbols and cards numbers. It will just add far too much difficulty to learning and playing without the decks. I still cannot play with a regular 52 card deck. I've got too many other thing to concentrate on.


    3.) A tape measure....commons fine.....small ones are better.


    You need board space and other stuffs...it's all in the rulebook....Good luck and feel free to ask questions the forum people are pretty helpful overall.



  4. Argentbadger,


    Everyone's got something good to say and I don't always sigh....these are just my thoughts and I'll take the fallout later.


    I think you do dirty metals extremely well (some of the best I've seen) the problem is you do it often over the whole gun and it looks kinda lazy. I think you really need to start working on guns with more effort on the wood stocks and wood or even ivory handles instead of the metal. Also your weapons like spears, and bows wood parts have little to no color variation to give you a textured look. A lot of your models I FEEL could really benefit from some stronger highlighting though you have good shading the highlighting is not very strong or bold.  As for the fleshy parts of the models you understand where the muscle and curves should be well (Even on the plastics...NICE) but the contrast to bring them out isn't there. The painting on the models appears very accurate so you got that down.


    Even your gray basing stones could use a little light gray highlighting to bring a little more life to em.


    It looks like your working with a limited color pallet. If you are I respect that, but it will show in your models..."It is what it is."


    Anyway that where I'm at



  5. Theshepherd,


    This is the part of being me I hate....


    Ok I looked at your models and I'm just going to say what I think and take the fallout later. I'm well known for telling what I think is the truth, and not very popular for it.


    I like your 6 crews before Dr. McMornings as they are well painted, pretty colorful and highlighted, and well based. I think in your McMourning crew almost everything went wrong. The basing is terrible and looks like someone made mud blocks and set them on top of the grass which does not work. The colors and highlighting you did are just bland and lifeless even for the dead. This is too bad because your a good painter but the models are not interesting to look at. You didn't address the dogs mold lines and they are more then an eyesore. I do like the blood effects...they are good and not over the top, just right actually. The light effect on McMourning rad.


    The killjoy conversions cool, but don't make it look like hes standing on dirt stairs. You should break up the box shape of the ground. Your painting of Bete Noire is very impressive and I love it. The problem is I hone in on those god awful looking knives. I can't even stomach how terrible looking the sculpt knives are. I keep thinking he should change those out with something that's not terrible looking. Then you have her next to a awesome conversion with killjoy and I just lock up.


    Oh the first aid case is pretty cool, I like the though there.


    At the end of the day as long as you love em though that all that matters.



  6. The whole crew looks pretty rad to me, and this is coming from the guy that pretty much dislikes all but the new dreamer crew sculpts from 2.0 - the eye hand of Coppelius that just looks like a tumor.


    Thank you for posting these Dirial.




    P.S. Archer is the raddest!

  7. I mostly tend to agree. 


    While I'm all for seeing more racially diverse characters in the game (especially outside of the Arcanist faction!), and I could get behind pulling some neat creatures in from Native American culture, a crew wearing headdresses and throwing tomahawks around strikes me as being...well, let's just go with a bit too stereotypical. 


    I think that the mention of Joss is a pretty good one; it's cool that he's a Native American, but it's even cooler that he's doing his own thing and not running around in a 1950s Hollywood Indian costume. 


    You guys are really...really...really going overboard on this stereotypical indian thing. Wyrd PROBABLY didn't get arrows or tomahawks launched at them when they brought out "Joss" the "blasphemous" indian using technology. Lets step back into reality for a second and I'll help people understand things. The indians don't care about models in a table top game unless you go way out on a limb and out of your way to disrespect them. The indians possess real lives outside of worrying about their image in a table top game. I'm reading these comments and I can't even understand why people are so caught up on the fact they would even take time out of there lives to care about something so insignificant. Other game companies have used indian models and they haven't been scalped yet. 


    Dude, are you guys kidding me?



    As Darkblack said there are probably ways to import a crew with native American roots without being stereotypical or insensitive.  On the other hand there are many ways of doing it very poorly.  (I would cite the AE WWII skinwalker model as an example).  It sounds like a minefield that Wyrd wouldn't want to wade into unless someone on staff had a real passion for it.


    As an interesting aside on the topic of cultural sensitivity, I haven't read any complaints about the portrayal of the Ten Thunders which hues closer to '70s Kung Fu movies than any sort of historical accuracy.




    Dam you beat me to the punch.


    Is everyone saying dam the ten-thunders use asian type weapons how stereotypical?


    Oh ninjas that throw smoke bombs and shurikens how stereotypical?


    Mei-Feng asian and does martial arts how stereotypical?


    *Smart Moneys on if indians get/got made and were arrow using, spear and tomahawk throwing, feather and headdresses wearing, scalping, knife weilding, spirit using guys I'd be seeing them in the Miniature Showcase and not talking about them is this "sensative" debate.




    P.S. to prove I'm right you can go talk to asians to see if you can get them to EVEN CARE about the fact they are being "protrayed" as martial artists, ninjas, and samurias, in Malifaux, or movies, or stories, or legends.


    OR....I can save you the time.....THEY DON'T CARE.

  8. A proxied crew, while impressive when done well, just says to me you want to be doing something else, but kind of liked these rules.




    Why say this? If people wanted to do something else, instead of playing Malifaux...they would. No one holds a gun to my head and forces me to play Malifaux, I play because I enjoy it (Modified 1.5 Anyway).


    I think people proxing whole crews enjoy the game just as much, or maybe even more as they are putting even more effort into playing the game by switching out all the models to models they prefer when it is a well done theme.


    You are right about one thing a proxy or two is usually better then a whole crew of proxies just because it causes a little less confusion overall.



  9. Mrmuffinface,


    I like your work, it's pretty impressive. I agree with Kargain I'm not sure how I feel with the Deep Blue painting. That compiled with the fact I just can't stand the new Ice golem figure, and I think you should have gone more ice like painting. Not a big deal though still pretty cool.



  10. I still think it's a great new crew idea for the Outcasts or a whole new fraction, but most likely Outcasts. Where as the Guild, Ressers, and the Arcanists are unaware of the Indians the Neverborn and Gremlins have had fights with them. The Few Ten Thunders that know of them are trying to approach them as an "ace in the whole" if they need em. Maybe a few Outcasts know of them, maybe they don't, there not talking.


    As for the Indians take on it, well all they have incountered in this strange new world are enemies so there keeping a low profile.


    Anyway I'm all in with the indian idea, too bad the'll be 2.0 only :angry: .



  11. They aren't, Reaper is small 28mm scale where as Malifaux is 32mm scale. Though that 4mm may seem insignificant at scale your talking about nearly a foot difference.


    I have tried to use the Reaper Hats in particular and found them noticeably smaller. If you are decent at sculpting it can be remedied with green stuff but if you are looking for a right out of the blister solution you might find them wanting. The weapons and equipment are much less noticeable.


    Ya I was worried about that as well. It all most doesn't even matter since I can't find anything else to use and I need thoses six shooters. On a side note I can't sculpt at all, not even a little :( . What other options are there really?



  12. Helldrad,


    I think you are an amazing painter and you really do use vivid colors to bring your models to life. I really like your Mccabe crew alot. I have some issues with your Seamus crew and Mr. Graves. I just don't like the flesh colors you used for any of them. I don't like that Seamus and Graves are so pale, and the belles and Sybelle are blue and green. I do like you're basing of the models. The brick wall is awesome. All in all very impressive work. The horse is amazing.



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  13. Turtleclub13,


    I like the idea actually. They wouldn't be natives to Malifaux they would probably be someone else who got passed through the breach. Maybe they got there before all the others, except the Neverborn and have just been silently surviving. They would be Outcasts probably without the Mercenery trait. I have a great respect for the Indian culture though so I'd like to see Indians in the game. They could have chiefs, shamens, braves, bisons, animal spirits, ghosts ancestors, and get JOSS :D . Ya it's kind of stereotypical, but everythings been done by now it's 2014.



  14. Kasrkin,


    Im a stickler for uniforms and division colors as well and I think you're good with the green. Since the riflemen are like guardsmen elite troops they can stray away from the reds, blues, and grays on the others easily. Your rifle men just try better to blend in with there wilderness environment like CLAWS said above. They are rare 3 models that are hunters so I buy green for forest/wilderness missions. These models are awesome looking and you should be proud to field them.



  15. I'd even go a bit further than that - I would allow thoughtful and skilled conversions even in tournament settings.

    Why is that?

    Because this game has such a low model count, that if you can't keep track of a converted/proxied model or two in a MALIFAUX game of all things, then you are probably not terribly bright and your odds of actually doing well in the tournament aren't good anyways.

    I know that's a harsh viewpoint, but this has always been a hotbutton topic for me. I find the idea that players can't keep track of 6 models (give or take) to be extremely insulting and belittling, and too often it discourages painters/modelers from excercising their creativity.


    Well I'm glad your "passonate" about the issue as I am as well (Which isn't supprising I started the topic).


    I just mainly want to see proxies and conversions at least have the right equipment or very close to.


    The figure SHOULD BE on the right base size at least.


    A figure with M-16 shouldn't be Lilith, or Justice...unless theres a massive sword somewhere on the model and then thats still not great.



    My proxies are pretty good overall I think: (there in my gallery if anyones that interested)


    This guy with a Winchester rifle is Nino....


    This guy with 2 revolvers is Santiago....


    This guy with Dynamite is Paco Loco....




    Stuff along that line.



  16. Is there any truth to this statement, not to be rude I'm interested to see if Wyrd is actually listening to us.



    a)"There are issues with models breaking" sure, in the first release. Hasn't Misaki been retooled since then? Isn't every sets scale more durable now? Sounds like a company listening to its consumer base, happily, as usual.



    Has Misaki's box been retooled to be more durable? How about Yan Lo's? The Thunder Archers? Yamaziko? The spear Oiran woman? Who knows how many others? I don't M2E (I'm a 1.5 holdout) so I can't say how many more models have durability issues.


    I would be more then happy to acknowledge Wyrd for addressing these issues.


    A friend got the wrong M2E Misaki thunder box a few months ago and we had to send it back. The spruce looked the same to me, though I didn't test it to see if it was more durable then the 1.5 spruce. 


    I'm aware the plastic models overall tend to be a little more durable then the metal. The metal models were usually bigger (for the 30mm), so easier to convert.


    The first plastics that come out were so fragile that I was afraid to pick em up the wrong way....they would snap. Has this really been addressed?



  17. Shadowdragon,


    Right on this is an interesting topic and well worth the debate.


    I FEEL.....overall the costs are reasonable but they need to SERIOUSLY work on the durability of some of the plastic models. I think if your not thinking about rocks or diamonds while fielding Yan Lo crew the skeletons will snap and break. To many of the models are a harsh wind gust away from snapping and breaking for your money.


    Also I feel they could have given you far more Steam Arachnid Spiders for your money....and there is probably more offenders.



  18. Praetoriian,

    Grats on the prizes. No big deal coming in last I've lost many games and had a great time doing so. You got best painted that's rad too. Your fold up boards pretty cool, though I don't know why you just didn't go 3' BY 3' or a little over for edges protection. Along with great painting you make good basing decisions. Breaking up the cork board to give the ground that uneven look is awesome. I've seen people not do that and their ground looks like dirt stairs :lol: . Sometimes it's the little things that bring out a figures true glory or character.



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