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Everything posted by ChrisNeverborn

  1. I got quite a large Leveticus crew already, and I have been reasonably successful with it to date
  2. I guess what i am asking is which ranged magic orientated is best? It does need to be ranged and magical (I enjoy the play style and regular opponent often uses the karai spirit horde). I haven't been able to find a lot of information on Wong, but there is plenty of information on Rasputina and Sonnia. Ultimately I want the basis of the crew to be ranged magic with scheme runners and tanks added to suit the requirements of the strategies and schemes. I used the Freikorps librarian in a Rasputina list this week, and she performed well, destroying Teddy in one activation.
  3. Hi all, I started this game by playing Rasputina due to the fact that she plays a very similar playstyle to my Warmahordes faction, Cryx. I have since migrated over to Outcasts, specifically concentrating on Leveticus, Tara and Jack Daw. I am still a relative Noob with Malifaux, playing less than 12 games overall. There seems to be other magic blast orientated masters in other factions i.e. Sonnia Criid in Guild, and Wong in Gremlins, but is there anything I can implement in Outcasts to replicate the magic blast experience? I had thought about the Freikorps Librarian and Lovelace possibly.
  4. Linus, yes he has got stubble - not really come out that well in the photos. They were pictured in my garden - the branches on the right belong to a hedge. I put the miniatures on my old damaged birdtable as the lighting was good and the damaged wood would suit the picture. Just working on Lazarus and been assembling all the Abominations. More pics soon!
  5. Hi all, The first of my Leveticus crew, finished this weekend :-
  6. For the ice on the bases, I painted the basic colour with PP Arcane Blue, then a quick wash of turquoise ink, and a light drybrush of Arcane Blue with a small bit of white added. Once the entire miniature had been painted, based and varnished, I then added a layer of Distress Crackle Paint - clear rock candy. Once dry, it cracks, looking remarkably like ice. http://rangerink.com/?product=tim-holtz%C2%AE-distress-crackle-paint-clear-rock-candy-4oz-jar
  7. Played 2 games and won both! Against Hamelin and Lillith.
  8. Hi all, My first attempt at a Mark 2 Malifaux Crew.
  9. Hi all, I am a bit of a Wyrd noob, and made a complete impulse buy of a box set of Oiran. My question is - can they be taken by Zoraida (if treated as Outcast), and are they any good with Zoraida? Thanks
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