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Posts posted by Stadon

  1. I'm not certain which version of the playtest document you are looking at, but the most recent (1/21) says 


    "Desolate Core: When this model is killed or 
    sacrificed summon an Ashen Core in base 
    contact with this model and attach up to one 
    Upgrade from this model to the Ashen Core. 
    Then, summon a Dust Storm in contact with 
    any table edge and at least 6" away from the 
    enemy deployment zone."
    There is no mention of burying anywhere in the ability, so I am confused as to where you see a problem.  
    Edit: You answered your own question before I could answer it for you!  Curses!
  2. My local group has been saying that Ironsides needed to look like either Michelle Rodriguez or Amanda Waller.  It looks like Wyrd decided to take the linear combination of the two and run with it.  


    +2, Wryd art staff, +2.  

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  3. You have to embrace some degree of abstraction, otherwise the whole game breaks down.  A sniper rifle with only twice the range of a pistol?  The fact that whiskey, embalming fluid, flung offal, and ninja poisons do the exact same thing unless you are near certain dudes?  Transplanting organs into clockwork traps?  I honestly believe that having your resilient, anti magic, explosion-proof armor also be fire retardant is not that much of a stretch.  

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  4. from the way i read it, armour is a condition and conditions end at the end of the turn. so the armour ends at the same point as the burning is aplied. so i feel burning damage isn't reduced by armour.


    Armor is sometimes a condition, but more often than not it is an ability rather than a condition, so it doesn't go away at the end of the turn.  Even for armor obtained via condition, the model's controller chooses the order in which simultaneous events process, so if the armor condition and the burning damage processed at the same time, the controller would have the option of processing the burning damage (that would be reduced by armor) before removing the armor condition, so either way the burning damage would be reduced unless the controller didn't want it to be.  

  5. I'm not really sure how flesh constructs are blocking Los so effectively. The only time I have trouble hiding Seamus is when the opponent has access to vantage points, and if he does the flesh constructs won't hide him because they aren't talk enough to block the vantage point. Interesting variances in meta.

    Yeah, I am less concerned with a model on vantage point terrain when I run a crew with multiple belles. Being able to turn a lure into 3+ falling damage is a pretty good deal.

  6. Would this situation be analogous to the example given in the FAQ regarding being within soft cover but not having any sight lines actually cross the soft cover? You are within one inch of cover, but none of the sight lines pass through the cover you are within one inch of, so you do not have cover.

    Edit: Using the right words is important!

  7. I have used 3 different tactics against Lady J: tarpit, paralyze and poison bomb. Flesh constructs, punk zombies, heck even a pile of dogs can tie her up for her activation. Her defense isn't stellar so you can usually keep her in place with them and use the zombie chihuahua+sebastion to get steady poison damage on her. If you are not trying to outright killer her, crooked men and nurses have readily accessible paralyze triggers to lock her down. The crooked man attack has the perk of targeting her lower defense, so it's a good use of a high crow. If you need to speed things up, there is always the rancid transplant/expunge sequence to take out a huge chunk of life without have to worry about margin of success. If you have a 12+ in hand there is no way she can avoid the attacks, even less if there are dogs near her. Plus you can do that from a distance, so as to keep McM out of her kill radius.

    A fun trick if she, or anyone is low on life. The Plastic Surgery upgrade give all models in an aura 3 the undead trait. Roll up next to the model you want to damage and target a nearby friendly flesh construct or guild autopsy with rancid transplant. Give you guy a bunch of poison and do 1 damage to all the proximal undead, which now includes Lady J, or whoever is within 3" of both McM and the target model.

  8. Misaki uses (0) Stalk on Santiago by discarding a card while in LoS.

    Santiago gets the Stalked Condition.

    Santiago takes a Walk/Charge action during an Activation.

    Santiago's Activation ends (whenever he's used all his AP).

    Misaki may now Walk toward Santiago. She must end the Walk as close as she possibly can to him.

    And done :)

    Not the BEST example, as Santiago should have just shrugged it off, but you get the idea. :)

  9. Dude, you need a hobby.

    He has a hobby. It's thoroughly analyzing the game of Malifaux. Many people on the forum share said hobby. :)

    That being said, asking for fundamental mechanic and ability changes well after the beta has ended and the models have gone to print are not so much "Extremely Late" thoughts as they are "Too Late" thoughts. In the future, I would suggest partitioning these insights out over time, so that they can be digested more readily and considered on their individual merits, rather than lumped into one very long post. I think that would give them a higher chance of being read and considered, rather than TL;DR'd into oblivion.

  10. Disagree, I take the fluff very seriously and is pretty much one of the big reasons I play this game. If it does not feel right I deserve no enjoyment from the game. If I'm not enjoying it, there is very little chance my opponent will enjoy it, so why play. Refusing to play for fluff reasons are totally as valid as refusing to play for mechanical reasons, as long as you never make it personal. I am polite, I don't demonize the person, and will be happy to sit the game out if they absolutely want to play that combination and there is another player present. Totally cool, although I won't stay to watch.

    This is a matter of personal preference and my preference to never play against a Guild McMorning. You can disagree, totally your right. But I'd be happy to meet you somewhere after the game for a drink.

    And with that I'll bow out of the discussion, I've articulated my posts as well as I can, and if you disagree, that's ok. Good gaming :)

    Serious enough to literally make up new rules because of your feelings? You can say that your entirely self-made opinions are equivalent to mechanical fact that some masters represented a negative play experience, but that doesn't make it true. I can use fluff to justify a ton of different master combinations that should not work at a given time in a given book, are those complaints also equally valid? Can people now no long play Perdita or Lady J because they are in the hospital? Does Kirai auto-win against Hamelin because she takes some Gaki? Can I say that Zoradia isn't a neverborn master because she is not a native never born? No. All of those things are silly and absurd but are all based on an infinitely firmer fluff basis than your idea that McMourning's association with the Guild is unjustified BASED ON FLUFF YOU HAVE NOT SEEN YET. To say that your opinions define mechanics is unadulterated hubris and putting your inflated sense of entitlement over not only the rules but also the enjoyment of people who want to use the rules as written and intended.

  11. @Stadon its not arbitrary maths it was a massivly oversymplifyed example of how Wryd will make more profit on selling their models than they will the cards followed by a statement that if they buying public is any thing like me they will use any money saved on buying cards on buying minatures instead, seeing as Wyrd have already stated that they will make the cards as affordable as possible I think it is more than reasonable to think the profit margin on minatures is going to be higher than cards.

    So you're saying "Man, Wyrd is making something that they could charge us a lot for, but are not actually planning on charging us a lot for, therefore they should give it to us for free"?

    Again, all of your certainty is predicated on the assumption that you are completely right about how profitable a course of action will be without actually having any data on it. If it is, in fact, more profitable for the company to give away the pdf, then sure, they should do it. If it's not, then they shouldn't. Plain and simple. The point here is that random people making up random numbers doesn't bolster their case either way, because the numbers are meaningless.

  12. Arbitrary maths.

    Suffice it to say, in the set of entirely made up numbers there exist a set of numbers pulled from thin air that prove/disprove any point you wish to make about anything. Unfortunately, they are meaningless because no one not associated with Wyrd has the manufacturing and marketing data to say anything with certainty. I can say cards will have a higher profit margin because they are cheaper and easier to produce and then turn around and say minis have a higher profit margin because of superior economy of scale. It doesn't matter what I say, because I have no data to back them up other than randomly selected numbers designed to prove my point.

    What this thread has accomplished it to put a request out there. That's it. It's a request a lot of people would go along with because people like free stuff. Heck, I love free stuff, but I don't think that my desire for free stuff in the absence of any other data regarding any of the cost and profit potentials concretely justifies a course of action. That decision falls on Wyrd and cannot, and indeed should not, be made simply by the repeated requests of a small number of people.

    The real question (a question that can not be asked anymore in the light of the v2 announcement) that I want answered is that if Wyrd had come out and said "we are remaking the cards in a format that fits into a standard card sleeve/box and selling faction decks of them" how many people would have been all shut up and take my money to that?

  13. I'm Josh, I recently moved to the DC area and around the same time got into Malifaux. Looking for more people to play with in the DC metro area, as so much of the Malifaux in this neck of the woods is awkwardly far away by train. If anyone in the area is looking for a game, drop me a line.

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