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Posts posted by jonahmaul

  1. I think that the champion should definitely be invited back to defend their title, UEFA changed their rules and everything for it!


    As to groups of five I don't think having to sit out a game is too bad as four in a day can be a bit of a slog so a bit of a break would work well in my opinion and allow for some socialising.

  2. Hey guys, hopefully some people are still following this (lots of views but not much interaction in here but hope I'm pleasing some people!).  Here are my Viks:





    I have a lot of fun playing these ladies and I'm thinking of taking them to a single Master tournament early next year so I'm concentrating on stuff that are  options to take with them as they have to be fully painted (though I have an urge to paint Tara and mates too).

    • Like 3
  3. With a caveat that I've not read this whole thread so apologies if I'm repeating anything (I read most of the first page and this page but if you were on the second I have no idea what you said!) but thought I'd bring a bit of outsider perspective to this in the hope it might help!


    Firstly regarding the Malifaux rankings I really like these, my group like to check out where we are and compare ourselves against each other (was also quite cool to see that I'd only ever lost tournament game to people ranked inside the top 25, a friend top 26!).  We definitely appreciate the work that goes into these and I think it definitely brings a level of prestige in a good way.


    As somebody who isn't near the top 16 ranking I've never seen it as an us and them mentality and have never really got the impression that it is.  Within my playgroup we've discussed those who are nearer the top and see it as a commitment more than anything.  If you want to be ranked in the top 16 then you need to not only be a decent player but you need to play a decent number of events to stay up there.  Personally I think that's something that should be rewarded because the players are supporting the community and those running events.  I don't think it's something that's achievable for me because of time/money/travelling meaning that attending regular tournaments is difficult (I'll generally attend anything in Cardiff/Bristol but anything further rarely happens though we did May Feng in Bournemouth this year and probably will again next year (we'd have done September's Curse too if it hadn't clashed with the rugby)) but it's certainly something that's good to have there if I (or anybody else) decided to try and break into that.  I like that it awards regularly doing well and not just winning tournaments too.


    I've played several people in or near the top 16 and had good games against all of them.  I don't know if this is substantial evidence but it's pretty good evidence against rankings turning people into douchebags.  I played Luke Cocksedge on the top table in the last game of Here Be Dragons at the beginning of this year and we'd not defined a piece of terrain well before the game started and he ruled it in my favour despite the fact it meant me being able to full heal an almost dead McMourning and ultimately we drew meaning I won the tournament on VP Diff.  If this isn't a sign of not-douchebaggery (I'm a sociologist, I can make words up!) then I don't know what is.  If anything the top 16 players know that they are good and are near the top of most, if not all, events that they play and so the chance to win one tournament isn't the be all and end all.


    Straight knock-out tournaments suck ass.  It's a terrible idea full stop in a game that always involves some element of luck.  You do well all year and attend numerous events which cost money/time/commitment then turn up for the Master and lose your first game because you just can't flip face cards - nope!!!


    The champions of champions tournament is a good idea though.  I definitely don't think it should replace the Masters but a separate champions of champions tournament (following regular GG rules) would be a cool idea.


    I'm an outsider when it comes to top 16 rankings but I do enjoy attending tournaments when I can so hopefully my perspective has offered something to the discussion.

    • Like 4
  4. I run Sebastian every time I play McMourning because I like to use his Aura to make McMourning even more manoeuvrable with 'That's the Stuff' pushes.  Generally I move up first turn and use McMourning's Injection to bring Seb along who Transfuses the poison back onto McMourning.  The anti-shoot aura is nice plus you have an option of another summon to bring a Canine Remains in and 'Destroy Evidence' is great.  I've recently (well, recently for games with my Ressers who I've not played for a while) run Seb with Nico which makes for a horrible combo as you can Destroy Mindless Zombies for two cards and a SS if they're within Nico's aura too.

  5. I'm just getting started with Jack so am following this with interest. I have a game coming up on Monday where the strategy is Squatters and am wondering what advice people would give for running Jack in that. He seems like he likes to keep his crew at least somewhat bubbled up around him so Squatters might not be his strongest strategy, but my plan is to stick with him for a while until I at least stop forgetting what he does. :) 

    Probably a bit late but the only game I've played with Jackdaw so far is Squatters Rights and I just treated it like a mini Turf War and took two markers and held onto them all game.


    Taylor & Johan - moved up slowly

    Guilty - Made Taylor tormented and then pushed up the board to jam opponents. The model did its job as expected so no complaints.

    Jack can negate Taelor and Johan's weakness of being so slow by making them Tormented.  They benefit from the free push a great deal.

    A good trick is to use Jack to copy the Guilty's ability to make model's Tormented on the first turn as after that it's unlikely that he will take it again which means that model will never lose Tormented.  The Guilty is then free to zap other model's as it chooses.

  6. Aaaand one last post!  First up a couple of Crooked Men that I've based in my Resser theme but in all honesty will probably see more action with Jackdaw!





    And a Doppelganger that I painted for a friend:



    Some details on the base:


    Got some more painting and I'll try and update a bit more frequently!

    • Like 3
  7. Next up here is the lovely Taelor who I took as my leader in said campaign.  I own the metal version of her but finally managed to get the plastic version on it's own (I had everything else from the Viks box) and really enjoyed painting her:



    A Ronin:



    And the Pokey Vik Puppet that I use as my Hodgepodge Effigy:



    • Like 1
  8. So it's been a *little* while since I updated this PLOG.  How about a mega update then?!?!  Been painting quite a bit recently but only got around to taking photos recently.  So here we go.


    First up my Desolation Engine:





    I had a lot of fun painting this guy and he was an absolute start in our Shifting loyalties campaign once I hired him about halfway through.  I'm really looking forward to playing him with Tara and Uburying him with four attacks into something's face!


    Next up here are a couple of Freikorps:







  9. The Debuff is wonderful.  I put it on Tara and did the aforementioned KJ bomb to kill her off in one activation!  Also, Plant Explosives becomes pretty damn easy with her as you just drop Drowned next to the enemy then attack it a bit with Molly to splash BB (and generate yourself some cards) before they die and you leave a scheme marker for Finish the Job.

  10. Great suggestions from Khaiden.  I'd actually recommend getting Necropunks as they're great (personally I prefer them to Crooligans but you should try them out and see which ones you prefer as they both have ups and downs).  If you're playing McMourning you probably want a third Flesh Construct as well (if you already have Carver people have suggested using him as a proxy which is a good idea if you want a little variation).  Throw in Toshiro with Yin and Izamu and you have most of the Ancestors too which sets you up for buying Yan Lo's boxset.


    However, I would hold off that for a while.  Ressers basically have two different branches.  The classic Undead/Zombie branch with McMourning/Seamus/Nico and the Spirit branch with Kirai and Yan Lo then you have Molly who can go either (but is considered to be better in the Spirit side though I've not played her with that yet).  With what you have and Khaiden's suggestions you've pretty much filled out that classic side and can go into the Spirit side when you want too.  Having said that if you want to throw the full $500 at our lovely faction the Yan Lo's box is worth it if only for Chiaki (he's generally not considered a good Master but you can have good fun) plus Datsu-Ba and Shikome are available for pre-order during the BF sale allowing you to get most of the Spirit options.

  11. Hi, I think it's a noob question but I had a doubt about it.
    The scheme markers, have to be completly within of the 6" inches to the deployment zone or just touching?
    I have this question because when measuring, you dont need to be completly within, but when you deploy your crew you have to be completly within and the manual does not make difference between both.
    Thanks for the answers!

    Just 'within' which means as long as at least some of the marker touches that 18" line it counts.

  12. Why does it need either of those things?  Breakthrough states that markers have to be within 6" of your opponents deployment zone.  Their deployment zone is 12" which means that 6" from that is 18" which is the halfway point on a 36" board that Malifuax is played on.  Close deployment makes some schemes very easy and others (such as Bodyguard) much more difficult.  It's the reason it only comes out on a Joker and is generally avoided in tournament play.

  13. Last year the $300 specials were the Translucent Bete Noir and Performer and I don't think we've seem either of them since.  There will be a lot of people getting them which means the secondary market will have a lot available and they are likely to be offered pretty widely as prize support if you happen to go to tournaments.  I've had two Bete Noir's in my possession (one of which I sold and one of which I gave away for the WAAC auction) and a Performer (which came from a trade with a friend) and didn't order anything last year so you probably will be able to get them if you're patient.  Miss Ery sells for peanuts now for a Ltd. Ed.

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