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Posts posted by jonahmaul

  1. Yeah don't summon off Izamu!  You don't want to cause him wounds if you can avoid it.  Seishin are your friends here.  One of our playgroup plays Kirai occasionally and he never hires a FC but uses Seishin to summon off instead.

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  2. 8 hours ago, Mantis Toboggan said:

    Honestly, I almost never use the Seishin for the +2Ca, I find them much more frustrating for the opponent as healers. Especially if you don't immediatly use them can build up a few. Nothing seems more frustrating for opponents than to have wail on Izamu and get him a few dots away from death and them a bunch of wee ghosts run up and undo all their work. And like I said, handy for getting funky angles on Swirling Spirits.

    You should have enough Seishin around to do both!

  3. 2 hours ago, MEGAHORSE said:

    The autopsies are really hit or miss. Sh5 is average and usually you'll miss or your opponent will cheat the duel higher than youd like it to be for you to cheat it back for a paltry 1 damage and 1 poison. Then you have games like yesterday where I nailed Kaeris with 4 damage and 3 poison off two shots. I personally really despise them, but they really add some great activation control and tax the opponent's hand heavily. Then once they run out of cards, the autopsies and flesh constructs get reactivate, allowing you free reign to just put some hurt down or run schemes. 

    The reactive can really help keep your opponents hand in check.  Sure it's likely a rubbish card but that's one less card (or a higher card they're having to use) for Flurry, Defensive, Rapid Fire etc. etc.  Sh5 is good enough to hit most models.  I usually run them in pairs though to make sure I can get plenty of shots off.  Your opponent may well be prepared to let a shot get through because the damage is so low but once there's poison on them that's (1)AP charges for Shikome and Rafkin and 3 damage if you can get Sebastian in the mix.

    You make a good point about needing to get stuck in with McMourning and friends though and not worrying too much about them dying.  McMourning is probably the most aggressive of the Resser Masters whereas the other tend to hang back and make new friends to do the work for them!

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  4. 2 hours ago, MEGAHORSE said:

    I would drop a Gaki. You dont need to hire them, depsite how great they can be. They cannot trigger Malevolence :( Plus, I think making room for Spirit Beacon is incredibly important. I also dont leave home without Phillip and the Nanny with Take Back the Night anymore. It helps relieve the strain off summoning Ikyro repeatedly and summoning Seishin. I friggin love the rules for the model, just wish the sculpt was cooler :( not a fan 

    Hah, I think the opposite!  I love the model for P&N but struggle to find 8SS to put it in my list.  I do really need to start using it more though.

  5. On 23/01/2016 at 7:17 AM, Peasant said:

    I think Guild autopsies are getting released within the next few months and a poison McMourning crew should function without Rafkin.

    I'd be cautious about assuming that.  We have seen renders for them but that doesn't equate to a release date soon unfortunately.  Necropunk renders were seen last February and have only just been released for example.


    I take Guild Autopsies in pretty much every McMourning list I take.  They are good cheap minions which gives you activating control and a way to dish out poison at ranged whilst they are also good target to be Injected meaning you can drop scheme markers more easily (and as it's a place can set up things like Plant Explosives well.  I managed to get 8 markers down for ALiTS with a McMourning crew once!).  Rafkin I take less often because he's another mid-cost model to fit in the list and I don't always find I use him as well as others (but this is a personal thing).  I would certainly suggest that you have these models available to you though if you want to play McMourning effectively as part of his combat beater shtick comes from being able to Expunge for horrific damage.


    I'd suggest picking up the TTB male bits as you could make some good Autopsies and a Rafkin out of those.  Guild Guard could also be used to make stand-in Autopsies too as this is essentially what they are before they're McMourning'd (and he ironically made them shoot better!)

    • Like 1
  6. 8 hours ago, Obeisance said:

    Schemes and Stones Kirai ep was really good. Unfortunately his list was a little too specialised for a beginner, but the ep was super useful. 

    The idea of hiring what you can't summon is interesting. 

    I don't think it's too specialised for a beginner, it just needs a wide pool of models as a couple of them (Sebastian and P&N) come in different crew boxes and it was designed entirely around getting Kirai to work.  I'm not convinced on the Sebastian/Canine Remains trick myself as it seems Crow intensive but then Joe has won a tournament with said list so I'm inclined to take his word!


    Hiring what you can't summon is the Resser motto :D

  7. The fact that they're cheap and non-Peons.  You won't take them in every list but in Reconnoiter/Interference they are gold as having 3-4 cheap fast guys that can stay out of trouble combined with Nico's summoning means you can easily flood all four corners and score for yourself as well as have a good chance of denying your opponent scoring.

  8. 4 hours ago, thephantomartist said:


    Where are you guys getting those shipping prices? It's coming up as £10 odd for me

    Yeah as Sordid states I just chose the deck without a box then went to the checkout and put my address is and got $3 something ($3.21 I think it was) as a postage quote.  Haven't ordered yet as going to order en masse for gaming group.

  9. For Ressers key things you'll want are:

    Sebastian, Nurses, Canine Remains, Flesh Construct (I've listed these together as they're all in the McMourning crew box)

    Extra Flesh Constructs and Canine Remains (I have three and four total respectively)

    Rafkin (hard to get now so may want to build a proxy from TTB)

    Guild Autopsies (also not available but you could also make from TTB models or Guild Guard)

    Necropunks (great scheme runners though some prefer Crooligans)


    Other than these core models you'll want some of the key Resser models such as Chiaki, Valedictorian, Yin, Hanged, and Izamu.  Generally I don't go much outside the core of models listed above although the Valedictorian does make quite a lot of my lists.  Rogue Necromancy and Shikome also work well with McMourning because of their poison abilities (RN giving it out, Shikome getting (1)AP charges  against them) though with the stuff you need to get McMourning doing his thing you usually don't have a lot of points left over!

  10. 17 minutes ago, Fetid Strumpet said:

    Not to be pedantic, but it actually doesn't completely neuter the master's in question. As a devotee of hyperbole myself, I do feel obligated to point it out in this case. Completely "neutering" them would be along the lines of preventing them from even being able to make use of their rules, as in they mechanically could not actually use them. This single scheme doesn't do that. They can still use their mechanics, nothing prevents it. It doesn't even make it more likely that you will lose the game, as the mechanics have absolutely no bearing on how many points the master in question can accumulate.

    The best case you can make for this is that it in general means the enemy is going to easily get 3 points. In my experience it is VERY difficult to deny well picked schemes the opponent chooses in any case, and most of my games came down to who was able to more deny a point or two in the Strat. But even barring that all it does is make it easy for the opponent to gain points in the same way summoners had to deal with Make Them Suffer. Sure the level of ease in gaining the points isn't exactly the same, but the situation, IE using a master's mechanics in the way they were intended to work creates a situation where more points will be given up to the opposing player is exactly the same. And it wasn't as if there was actually all that much more effort required to gain those points. We can certainly agree that the amount of effort is different, but let's not pretend that minimal effort or not, it still generally meant that if you brought a summoner into a Make Them Suffer Game and used their summoning rules that your opponent WAS going to get those three points. The ultimate effect, even if the amount of effort differed, was the same.

    That isn't to say I don't respect your view, nor that I can't understand why you feel the way you do. Totally get your reasoning. I just don't agree with it.

    Likewise I disagree. And I think MtS is a poor comparison. It's a pretty easy scheme to score from no matter whether you're facing a summoner or not. There aren't that many hardy Peon/Minion lists and the scheme punishes you if you have no Peons/Minions in play so you have to bring them.


    Levi's game play mechanics are built around him wounding himself to get (+) and Burying before coming back (and his 'free' Waifs are effectively counted in his stats and SS cache. Similarly there's two ways Dreamer is generally played.  As a summoner who uses Waking to Heal then Buries at the right time to reduce it or as a LCB beater (again needing to Bury).


    Another massive difference between MtS (and every other scheme in the game) v Neutralise is that your opponent doesn't have to use AP or do anything to score VPS in the latter. They just have to let you play your game using the mechanics that your Master is designed to play with. You can't even counter to it as it's unrevealed so first time you know your opponent has it your down VPS. 


    It's not an issue in friendly play/non-s8ngle Master events but having a scheme that is so poorly thought out in the way it impacts on certain Masters is poor IMHO.

    • Like 1
  11. 1 minute ago, Red Moon Head said:

    I'd have maybe preferred something like:

    1VP first time they are removed from play

    2VP first time they are at half wounds

    3VP if they die

    But hey, onwards with the March of the death marshals I say!!!

    That would still mean no 3VP Assassinate against Levi which is a problem. Waifs/Levi should have been FAQ'D so that if Levi couldn't Unbury at the end of a turn he counted as dead (friends suggestion, I was messing around suggesting re-wording Assassinate!)

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  12. 3 minutes ago, Chumbalaya said:

    Were you outraged that Lucius had a hard time competing when Make Them Suffer popped up?

    There's a huge difference between schemes being easier/harder for certain Masters and a scheme that completely neuters Masters and gives your opponent VPs without them having to do anything to earn them. Plus nobody plays Lucius competitively ;-)

    • Like 1
  13. 6 minutes ago, solkan said:

    Consider the circumstances leading up to that:

    1.  You flipped for schemes, or otherwise determined what the schemes were.

    2.  With full knowledge of what the opponent could choose for schemes, you choose to take this master.

    That's not the scheme contradicting how the master is supposed to play.  That's a person making a choice to use a master that potentially gives victory points to the other player.


    In regular games you are absolutely right but now imagine you're playing a single Master tournament. You are now neutered from taking a strong Master which Collette, Nico, Sonnia players etc. are not. Or if you.do take Levi/Dreamer and Neutralise is available you basically give up 2-3 VPs. That is not competitive or fair at all. 

    • Like 1
  14. 2 minutes ago, Nathan Caroland said:

    I think they are just doing a CYA situation to be honest. Took them three days to get the printing done last time we tested something, and then of course shipping time. 

    Not saying it won't take that long, just I'd be personally surprised if it did. 

    That was my thought.  Shipping is pretty reasonable too IMHO.  Not sure why it's so much more expensive to rest of the EU mind!

  15. 2 minutes ago, PeregrineFalcon said:

    The beauty of this is that this is just to change things up for 2016, who knows what 2017 will bring. Its a pendulum, to give different tools and masters a new look or different look. Its healthy to "Shake Things Up" and forces all of us to re-think our game play, game style, and maybe even will get us to use models we weren't seeing a lot. This is a lightning rode of energy Wyrd has just surged into the game!

    In general I like the new schemes as it's nice to freshen things up as you say (although I'm personally not a fan of them all not being revealed) but having a scheme that completely contradicts the way a Master has been designed to play is ill thought out IMHO.  If it had said 'if you reduce a Master to below half wounds' and 'if you cause a Master to leave play' then at least you'd force your opponent to do something!  The way it's written means that once Levi has channelled twice your opponents goes 'surprise, thanks for the VP' at which point you're left deciding whether to continue playing him as his rules are written and intended or leave him on half wounds making it easy for your opponent to score the extra 2VP.  Similarly the first time Dreamer gets to enough Waking to bring out LCB your opponent gets 2VPs as it doesn't say it has to be revealed for the 1VP before you can score the 2VP.

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  16. 2 minutes ago, mythicFOX said:

    Some master do have bad schemes.  Ramos always had the same issue with Make them Suffer and you didn't see Ramos players complaining. 

    There's a huge difference between bad schemes and schemes that reward VPs for playing the Master the way it's designed to be played in which your opponent doesn't have to do anything to accomplish it at all.  At least with Ramos swarms the enemy has to go to the effort of killing your spiders!

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  17. Most announce schemes on the day (every one I've been to has anyway though I'm going to one in March that is going to announce the schemes in advance apparently).  The fact you couldn't full score Assassinate against Levi was pretty stupid but it would have been better to fix that than make up a new scheme that completely negates the way that you are supposed to play certain Masters (who's abilities etc. are factored into their gameplay design).  The fact that if you're a Levi/Dreamer player and your opponent doesn't actually have to do anything to score VPs with it just seems daft.

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