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Posts posted by jonahmaul

  1. Tara really plays better in Outcasts that she does in Ressers in my opinion.  The Students are definitely useful for her and you also want Punk Zombies, all of which can be summoned by Karina (although as an Enforcer she can't use SS so you're going to need a high crow to get one out).  Punk Zombies in particular are excellent because of HtK meaning that even after they've been summoned/buried/lost half their health they're still going to take 2AP to take out (barring a few exceptions that ignore HtK) and when you can deposit them with Fast into an enemies face they will cause carnage.  Death Marshalls are almost an auto-take with Tara to give you ways of Burying things (your own and enemies).  If you want to do her trick to Unbury enemy models and control them it's much easier to Bury them with Marshalls than with Tara's own Glimpse of the Void Trigger. 


    Bete is an excellent choice with Tara although be wary as she likes to dump cards if you have any Void models around but Bete really requires you to keep hold of one 10 if possible.  However, having the freedom to Unbury Bete when you want is excellent and don't forget that you don't have to wait until she dies before taking Death Rattles, you could let her take an attack/interact etc. and then Bury rather than risk your hand being drained.  Rogue Necromancy or any other big beater (Nothing Beast, Killjoy) all work well with Tara.  Ping them for a wound to give them Fast and have them fail their GtV Trigger so they're Buried with Fast and then during Tara's second activation bring them out wherever you choose right in the enemies face (it helps to have activation control with this trick so Tara is activating after all of the enemies models).  Bishop is also very good with (though as with Killjoy you have to pay the merc tax in Ressers but he's totally worth it).

  2. Big rulebook page 50 as I already quoted above.  And can you point to a reason that it 'is not correct I'm afraid' because according to the rulebook it is?  Also, can't seem to quote people directly at the moment, don't know if it's a problem with the new website (assume not as everybody else is able to) or computer I'm using at work.

  3. 'The aura icon ( :aura) appears as part of the range for some Actions or Abilities ... An aura is centred on a model and radiates out in all directions from the edge of the model's base and moves with that model as it moves' (big rulebook page 50, my emphasis).


    The Vulture allows you to measure LoS and Range for Ca action.  Auras are measured from 'a' model and not necessarily the model that casts it.  Undead Crowing is a Ca action meaning the Vulture can Cast it and so the Aura can be generated by, and measured from, the Vulture.

  4. Yeah, I only played one game of Warmahordes and it was enough for me.  I really disliked the emphasis on your leader (caster?) and it basically just seemed to be about killing them and not a lot else.  I love the tactical mission based games of Malifaux and I really hope that carries across to TOS (it may need to be altered somewhat given the larger nature but could definitely be included in some way).

  5. Sybelle's Trigger specifically states that you count as a Peon for Encounter purposes so definitely works.


    Collette is very good at anything scheme marker based as she has lots of just 'place' scheme marker tricks.  But even outside of Collette access to lots of Peons and then a couple of very difficult to kill things to accomplish schemes isn't that hard to do (or take schemes that don't involve interacts).  Fluff wise the MtS comparison might be different but I don't think that's a good reason to justify not having Peons count for scoring in CtB.

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  6. You definitely make some good points Psientologist but I don't think that there's any other strategy/scheme that actively encourages you to take one specific build or makes that specific build that much better than anything else.  We can discuss 'typical' Reckoning crews but they're not always the same.  I for example have largely started ignoring Reckoning when it comes up and just picking my crew to ensure I can get the max 6VPs for my schemes and if I happen to pick up a point for Reckoning so be it (this is a little easier with Ressers I find though who are naturally hard to take down meaning taking down two in a turn requires a lot of AP).  But with Bounty you can take a majority Peon list and almost completely negate your opponents ability to score any VPs from the strat at all.  Though you can make it hard to score VPs from other strats it's hard to almost completely take away the ability to score from it at all.  NPE was Martin's term, I'm not sure it's relevant in the same way that Brewmaster has been discussed as a NPE (or that I find playing against Pandora!).


    HH was a good game, I gambled and lost!  But it was also brought about by a very good Mech Rider bluff so it wasn't as it I'd just made the mistake completely of my own accord, I was lured into it by some good play (didn't stop me kicking myself after!).  Definitely hoping for a re-match at a future event (unfortunately most of us will now not be making September's Curse (sorry Psientologist!).

  7. OK, for some reason it's not letting me directly quote the bit that I want but the 'Don't be a dick rule' is nonsense here really.  I enjoyed my game with you and I know that Neil did too.  And I'm speaking a bit for him here (but we did discuss the game after) but he didn't feel it was a dick move/crew either.  The way the strategy is scored encourages you to take lots of Peons and it's 100% a viable option in any game (let alone a top table tournament deciding game). Collette is hardly the only option for this even if she is a strong one (pig swarms would be equally frustrating).  I think that the strategy itself is the problem, as Neil said to me after you can score for Peons for things like Make Them Suffer so you should be able to score for them in Bounty.  That would mitigate against Peon swarms but not discourage people from taking them at all (especially with the having to be killed by an enemy rule meaning that Pigapults wouldn't be completely invalidated).


    PS totally handed you that win in HH ;):P:D

  8. I like 'The Other Side' from an insider's point of view.  As Crush states it alludes to the fact that Malifaux is breachside with this new game most likely be setting Earthside which has not become 'The Other Side' because of the power generated in Malifaux by magic (and in particular SS).  However, SGE makes some very good points about how in isolation it sounds a bit meh.  Warhammer, Warhamchine, Deadzone etc. all have a much better ring to them and call immediately to what the games involve in a way that The Other Side doesn't (and I don't fancy telling people I'm off to TOS tonight!)

  9. I think a Mr version of one of the games characters would be a great idea, just to add some more variety in.   I'd like it if we saw them released a little more frequently too (obviously not too frequently that they become saturated but maybe 2-3 a year (Gencon, Black Friday and maybe Easter?).  There's a lot of models that could get some awesome treatment.

  10. Don't give him ideas, he's a horrible enough man as it is!  I think Pariah Iron/Bone are somewhat overrated because there's so many good options in Outcast though if you are running one of them I think that you need to take more than one Construct/Undead to make it worth it otherwise you're paying a 1SS tax for a single model.  You're free to borrow any of my Ressers/Outcast models to try stuff out.

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