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Posts posted by jonahmaul

  1. Boo, you got me all excited! I really love the model too. I have the whole Viks box apart from her (I bought Ronin then managed to get the rest of the box bar Taelor separately). I do have the metal version but want to get the plastic (think I might end up buying the box just for her then selling the other bits!)

  2. I ordered my stuff online from my FLGS (Firestorm Games) to make sure I could get the starter set before it sold put (plus they do reward points for ordering online) so can I provide a screen shot of my order from my account? It shows that it was picked up in store (so it's definitely local!) and shows its collected so it's a genuine order (plus I can photograph the stuff if needed?).



  3. Also labelling comments as "very dishonest" because they say something you disagreed with is actually a good reason not to tell you things. If you're going to accuse people who don't say what you want to hear of being dishonest then what's the point in answering your questions?

    Perhaps the very dishonest comment was a bit much but honestly as a defence this is poor.  Nobody from Wyrd is saying things we don't want to hear, they're not saying anything at all other than 'it's closed because it is'.  Why did somebody decide that the OTP have run it's course all of a sudden?  Was there something in particular that sparked off this change of perspective?  What was the thought process behind the decision by the Wyrd team to shut down the OTP and not provide a new one?  Given the size of it it's understandable that it might have got bloated and taken up a lot of space but if that's the case why not just say we're going to delete this one permanently and start a new one, please stop posting videos as they take up too much room or something similar that addressed directly whatever the perceived problem was?

    • Like 6
  4. The problem with starting all those threads is that they would likely just be shut down and we risk getting hit with a ban-hammer/warnings.

    If Wyrd provided a good explanation for the thread being shut down then maybe we could accept it but there's no good reason been provided and Justin's vague responses in this thread don't really clarify the situation at all.  Wyrd does a great job of not being 'that' company and allows unboxings/trading'painting of non-Wyrd models present on the website so disallowing the OTP seems like a strange, an unexplainable, decision.

    • Like 3
  5. Just what I was looking for: thanks! Still not psyched (I 'payed that tax' on the C. Hoffman crew because the Avatar was so bloody excellent), but I can understand. It just means players in my group will be playing the campaign a lot more (and still can't wait for the drop-in 50mm surrounds to come out for the other masters that never got a mini...Von Schill...looking your way...).

    I'm still considering buying that bad boy anyway and using it as a 'counts as' Rail Golem.  Think it needs to be on a smaller base (I think the Hoff Avatar is 70mm?) and want to get rid of Hoff himself so some slight conversion but it's a bloody cool model!

  6. You have really nailed it here which was I was trying to say as well but I'm not a wordsmith such as yourself. I do agree though. I am still dumbstruck as to why the discussion for example on the Night Terror was "officially ended". I don't quite understand that the Soapbox thread was opened and lead to Ausplosions getting banned, for what seems like a total ban, I believe I managed to read the posts he made as they were deleted and then he was gone and none of them very that bad to my eyes that it deserved that. Not sure what Godlyness did but that seems like a rough deal too, guy has won all the major tournaments but not allowed on the forums to share his thoughts seems like a pretty big loss to me.

    I don't quite agree with this anymore, I might have before agreed with this but seeing as to how many monday preview threads got closed, Nekima threads have gotten closed, the discussion on Night Terror thread was officially ended, the statements made in the Guilty as charged unboxing. A lot of the not overwhelmingly positive and topics that can be negative in tone in the form of feedback and critique have been pretty much shutdown. But no-one comes in when the super ridiculous "I'm gonna marry this render" etc comments starts pouring and say "okay enough of this feedback, we are closing this now" it's when people critique and voice their opinions in a negative way that gets the topics closed. And it's not in my recollection (I can be wrong here) always the fact that the forum users somehow get offended by these statements and start defending wyrd with name calling and subtle hints about the stupidity etc of the critiquing party. Sometimes they just get closed due to "enough of this" which to me doesn't seem quite fair. 

    What happened with the Night Terror thread (are you even allowed to tell me?!).  Was this on the Monday Preview?  I believe that the Godlyness got banned for his attitude in response to rules questions.  I have to say he was pretty obnoxious in the way he answered and I was glad to see him removed for that but a total ban certainly seems OTT (the irony is that I've always thought he is a guy I'd never get on with but after listening to him on S&S and seeing some of his AWP Facebook posts he actually seems ok so it's funny how a forum (particularly a rules forum) changes the way people come across).  Banning somebody for posts in the Soapbox Thread which was a Thread Wyrd themselves made for ranting seems very off though.

    I don't follow too many threads so haven't seen that many locked (mainly I just check the faction forums and rules discussion) but locking them just because of negative opinions seems pretty petty to be honest.  Especially if it's the preview of the models.  Models are art and so like any art it's subjective.  The Guilty are a prime example as many people have said they really don't like them but I think they're fantastic.  I didn't realise the Nekima thread got locked but that model is pretty dumb as it's far too small for what it should represent.  I really wish Wyrd had owned up and admitted a mistake with the scale like they did with the Viks.  I do hope they take up the suggestions to make a Nightmare version which is a Puppet though just to troll us all!

  7. Hey guys, wow it's been a long time since I posted anything.  I got a bit distracted by real life and also Batman: Arkham Knight and The Last of Us: Remastered but I'm back with several models to show.  First up is my Forgotten Marshall conversion (seriously I don't think I'll ever not use him, he's bloody awesome!):



    Nest up my Seamus Avatar:



    And this is my TTB character Tarquin de Walt. Shamed Earthside because of his 'experiments' to truly understand life he managed to escape to Malifaux in the coffin of a family friend who's will requested he be buried Breachside. A learned scholar from a wealthy family Tarquin has not let his fall from grace affect his gentlemanly conduct and tastes for the finer things in life:



    He'll be getting based soon as I'm borrowing some of the GW cracking earth stuff from a friend.

  8. I can't seem to justify him over a trapper and when considering him + an upgrade it's already getting over to "ah fuck it, deuce trappers SEG style!" territory and the choice is simple.

    Some people do like to keep their friends though!

    • Like 1
  9. Hey folks, so a discussion just came up on A Wyrd Place (the unofficial Wyrd Facebook group for those not sure) regarding Envy and the ability on the front of it's card which I thought I'd bring to the rules guru's here who I know don't all frequent the Facebook page and one that may need calification in the FAQ.  The ability If I can't Have it ... reads:

    'When targeting an enemy model which is within 3" of one or more scheme markers with an Sh attack, this model gains +1 :tome to its Sh'

    The question was whether this grants +1 to the Sh value and a :tome  or just a :tome making the attack Sh5:tome rather than just Sh5.  I have argued the latter as it seems quite clear from the way that it's written as this is how it should work because nowhere does it say 'this model gets +1Sh'.  Others have argued different and used examples of Lenny and Misaki who get :ram and :crow respectively as bonuses with no +1 etc. in front of it.  Ototo's card also states he gets +2:ramMl which people have argued gives him two :ram and +2 to his Ml value whereas I would say it only gives him the +2:ram so that he can double critical strike innately.

    What say you rules gurus?  I think that this is an issue with the consistency of the way that abilities are written as I think all of the examples above just confer suit bonuses (+1 in the case of Envy, Misaki and Lenny, +2 for Ototo).

    Page 21 of small rulebook. Stat modifier, it gets both.

    Thanks for the page number!

    First of all, it's tome not tomb.

    Seriously?!  What does pointing out a mis-type bring to the conversation?

  10. Hey folks, so a discussion just came up on A Wyrd Place (the unofficial Wyrd Facebook group for those not sure) regarding Envy and the ability on the front of it's card which I thought I'd bring to the rules guru's here who I know don't all frequent the Facebook page and one that may need calification in the FAQ.  The ability If I can't Have it ... reads:

    'When targeting an enemy model which is within 3" of one or more scheme markers with an Sh attack, this model gains +1 :tome to its Sh'

    The question was whether this grants +1 to the Sh value and a :tome  or just a :tome making the attack Sh5:tome rather than just Sh5.  I have argued the latter as it seems quite clear from the way that it's written as this is how it should work because nowhere does it say 'this model gets +1Sh'.  Others have argued different and used examples of Lenny and Misaki who get :ram and :crow respectively as bonuses with no +1 etc. in front of it.  Ototo's card also states he gets +2:ramMl which people have argued gives him two :ram and +2 to his Ml value whereas I would say it only gives him the +2:ram so that he can double critical strike innately.

    What say you rules gurus?  I think that this is an issue with the consistency of the way that abilities are written as I think all of the examples above just confer suit bonuses (+1 in the case of Envy, Misaki and Lenny, +2 for Ototo).

  11. The Cracked Trigger is also bloody lovely and can make taking down tough characters so much easier if you can get a few hits through.  Agree with the point about armour as the Freikorps are Armour+1 which is a nice bonus but hardly rely on it and there's not *that* much stuff that ignores armour in the game.

    Even so it doesn't stop VS being boring as hell to play (IMHO) which is the reason I struggle to reach for him in games.

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