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Posts posted by kross1

  1. Hmm, stepping back and looking at both the crews, the Kaeris crew seems outclassed in both speed and ranged options. Each time I have faced a Rasputina crew, I look to focus on her ice mirrors, and limiting her options at who she can fire at. This should have the added bonus of drawing her in so you can mob her with you own models. Cover will be very important, especially hard cover, which will give a negative flip to damage.

    I would also look at taking Sue, he has great synergy with Kaeris, and can really hamper casters.

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  2. Take sinister rep for feast on fears to take out Huggy (with it being a Ca action it ignores incoporeal), take a hanged and neuter his illuminated by denyiing them regeneration and halfing their wounds, counter charge with Sybelle and soulstone for a crow to get with a flourish. Look to resurrect rotten belles & drsd doxies. Lynch is a mostly a living crew and will drop corpse counters.

    When you decide to expand, look to add a beater and a utility model like Bete Noir and a convict Gunslinger, and some dedicated objective runners will free up Seamus to do what he does best, kill things.

  3. I would probably go:

    Kaeris 6 ss

    -arcane resivoir

    -blinding flame (for positioning enemy models)

    -purifying flame (for keeping my crew and bodyguard target alive and the wall)

    Eternal Flame (to help keep Kaeris and Howard alive)

    Howard Langston -imbued energies (bodyguard target and backfield deterrent for stake a claim)

    The Firestarter (my go to for stake a claim w/3 ap due to reckless. Also a potential bodyguard target,if I want to play keep away. Plus she/he is great support personnel for Kaeris and gunsmiths, good w/Vendetta as well)

    2x Gunsmiths ( great for vendetta as mentioned, but good w/stake a claim due to easy fast defensive trigger.

    2x Fire Gamin (good with Distract & your more common burning Shenanigans)

    Altis should be no problem if you go Grab & Drop instead.

    Good topic!

  4. I haven't had that much of an issue. With a metal gamin they are def 6, with htk, and the amount of healing that a Kaeris crew can put out is usually enough to keep them up.

    I also tend to focus fire, to take out key models, and really try to abuse the burning mechanic.

  5. Johan and the Arcane effigy both remove the condition that the Hanged give. Johan in particular is an excellent model for her, with his mass heal, and relic hammer. By the way your opponent could only have had 2 Hanged on the table. Due to them being rare 2.

  6. I like two gunsmiths and find them to be a versatile model that can fulfill a variety of tasks for me, but I do find them more crew dependent & secondary or even tertiary Ways of getting burning out to make them really shine.

    Fast can make them excellent objective grabbers, and protection of metal, hard to kill and all the healing in the list makes them surprisingly tanky. Switched chamber makes them a scalpel & the hard way makes them ridiculous against burning targets.If you want a more independent model then take the December's acolyte, but if you want a team player take a gunsmith or two!

  7. My bad, but the Eternal Flame can still follow around and heal the Rail Golem.

    Personally, I have been running her more minion based:


    Kaeris w/purifying flame, born of fire, arcane reservoir

    The Eternal Flame

    The Firestarter

    Johan w/bleeding edge tech

    2x Gunsmiths

    3x Metal Gamin

    6ss pool

    Needless to say, depends on a lot of variables, such as schemes & strategies, Opponents faction and terrain, but my go to models are a couple of Union Miners, Willie, Sue, & the Rail Golem.

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