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Posts posted by kross1

  1. So the whole crew is broken  because 4 model have a 5+, one of them a master, the other his only enforcer, plus the convict gunslingers? The gunslingers are still the only 2 that fulfill your  criteria. My opponent didn't feel overwhelmed by my shooting, or my movement. Granted I only played one, but I shudder to think what it would be like to play Titania or Raspy, without it. We also played with alot of terrain which helped. Plus he played cagey, my master was stunned, injured and staggered with Phiona ready to deliver a message at the top of turn three, and Sue was chasing around a sneaky Watcher that was shooting shockwaves out it ass. My Mvp was Maddog Brackett who blasted the Guardian 2" back and with the next blast caught Mechanical attendant and Hoffman in it, killing the guardian with a severe on a negative flip. There where a lot of fun moments for both of us in the game.

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  2. It might be your board also, if they're easily moving about, and getting multiple shots without cover or concealment, you probably need more terrain. You'll see lots of models feeding them there actions (via scheme dropping), which will in turn limit the rest of the crew. With crews like Rasputina, Kaeris, any crew which manipulates terrain, will dominate a Parker crew without it. Armor also helps mitigate this alot.

  3. Wow! I got my first game in M3E, took Parker and bandits, and he was a blast to play. I played him alot last year, and while I could get him to work most of the time, it was always a battle you had to fight internally and still fight the externally against your opponent.

    While I really haven't gotten that much out of Parker himself, (he spent the game injured, stunned & slow, while successfully dodging Deliver a Message. He did his job), Mad Dog was a beast against Hoffman. The Convict Gunslinger ,Sue and the Bandido's played like what you expect them too. Zipping from cover to cover, blasting away with their pistols. 

    The only thing I found problematic was Doc Mitchell's 2" range on his heal. Makes it hard for him to keep up with the rest of the gang.

  4. Strategy: Reckoning

    Schemes: Vendetta, Deliver a Message, Detonate Charge, Power Ritual, Dig Their Graves




    Mechanical Attendant

    Phiona 10 pts

    Guardian 9 pts

    Guild Lawyer 7 pts

    Watcher w/No Prisoners 6 pts

    Watcher w/No Prisoners 6 pts

    Warden 5 pts

    7 ss

    Schemes Taken;Power Ritual & Deliver a Message




    Parker w/Hired Mercenary

    Doc Mitchell

    Mad Dog Brakett

    Hodgepodge Emmisary


    Convicted Gunslinger




    So Taken; Deliver a Message, Dig Their Graves

    3rds Played

    Time: 2 1/2 hrs


    Parker: 4 (2pts Reckoning, 2pts Deliver a Message)

    Hoffman: 1 (1pt Power Ritual)


    This was both of our 1st game, and we both thought the rules where familiar enough to keep moving, while the changes felt intuitive and easy to get a handle of. Had to ask the forums about conditions and whether they are applied after SS prevention brings Damage to Zero. Still can't find it in rules, but went with, what I was told. Thanks again!!

    Terrain rules are great, cover is useful, but isn't such nutbuster to models that don't have built in positives. Mad Dog actually destroyed some garbage cans with his "Blow it to Hell" action.

    I gotta say that after playing Parker for the better part of last year, this was buy far the most fun I've had with him!!

    Again, this was both of our 1st game M3E. The crew choices where made before we actually drew schemes and strategy, just to streamline the process. We are both looking forward to our weekly game!!







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  5. Getting my first game in tomorrow, and have chosen to play Parker. From just reading the cards I get; shoot, eat scheme markers for fast, cards, and stones, shoot some more, and so forth. Looking for a little more detail in how he plays, what to watch out for, cool combos, you get the picture... Thanks in advance.

  6.  I've been playing the viks for the last few games and while the the sling shot/ Scion are both undoubtedly good, sometimes it can be counter played or terrain is bad for it or so forth. Plus with Marlena in the mix, I have been trying to leverage more out of Ashes. I've been playing pokeball Viks and it's been a lot of fun, both for me and my opponents. In my last game, I managed to get a Dragon's bite off, with sister's in fury on Ash and Vanessa, and Blood just with the Mark on  a executioner, killing it and, 2 watchers, and putting a bruising on Nelly, phiona moved twice, then Dragon's flighted Nelly, pushing into the printing press, killing it and burying, next turn Nelly pushed Ashes towards Phiona makes Phiona fast, child casts fury, Phiona drops debt and charges Blood, does 4 twice dropping here to htk. Then killing, but wait, soul tether goes off, Blood is back to 6, w/Htk. Vanessa is slow, walks within 6 of Phiona and drops Blood. Blood could've charged,  but I went with a slow Ash and Dragon bite Phiona dropping her to 2 after all the Sister attacks and prevention, Finished her off with Blood on my next Activation. Glorious!!

    • Haha 1
  7. I have a HH tourney coming up in a week or so, and i think i may go with this:

    Oftoto w/ call thunder 3 ss cache

    Sidir w/ promises

    Chiaki w/ pull of the grave

    Clock work trap

    Trying to slow everything, then beat it to death w/ Ototo. Works well with McCabe, should be able to handle this. 

  8. Bring shooters, start shooting rats in his backfield. Anytime i hear outcasts, i bring shooters. Bring friekorp trappers, if you have too. Its 14 pts. If you don't have that, push your regular shooters forward make them the target the rats. Spread out, so if you can't kill the rats, Killjoy and the Viks don't punish you to badly.The majority of their list is the killjoy bomb. Make them pay for it. Take Aionus and kill Killjoy before he gets unburied. If not just kill the rats. If killjoy isn't close enough to charge you, he has to charge his own crew. It's a one trick pony. Play some "friendly" games against it

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