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Posts posted by Bairoth

  1. 8 minutes ago, Vangerdahast said:

    Page 14 of the PDF, 5th paragraph.


    If a model is ever without any ofits base
    supported by terrain or the table that model
    falls and suffers falling damage equal to half
    the distance it fel in inches¸ rounded down.
    It then continues any remaining portion of its
    movement as normal.


    Thank you! Page 50 of the printed rules, I see it now. It would have been handy if falling had appeared in the index. 

  2. Wyrd announced it, yes. No other info has been released at this time from what I have seen. Judging on how Unstitched beta went, they'll ask what people think, and then produce what they've put up. Only a couple new puppets that we haven't seen before, but I'm sure it will be worth it. The unstitched sculpts are great.

    It helps if I check the Announcements section of the Forum!

    To the latter points - it would be nice if there was a little bit more information about what Wyrd wants us to do with the playtest model stats. If it's just to drum up interest before the next release, then it has definitely worked for me!

    However, Puppet Wars Unstitched is aimed more at casual gamers than die-hard miniature gamers (hence the multiple requests for house-ruling the new models to fit the V1.0 rule-set in this thread), so as a marketing exercise the audience saturation of the pre-release model art/ stats will be pretty limited. Perhaps it's just to make sure that there are no broken combo's which the dev's haven't discovered yet?

    I just think that it would be great if PW:U could get a little of the geek-media input that the Wyrd team has put into M2E, particularly if they want us to beta pre-release model stats.

  3. Was there an official announcement associated with the release of the playtest model stats and Vassal module, or was this new content put out surreptitiously?

    I would like to hear what the plans for the game are - is this a beta of sorts? Are they gauging opinion before committing to a production run, will the production run size or format depend on the response to the released material?

  4. Thanks Rathnard and Rik(?) for the games against Feugan and I last night (both new to Outpost 6030).

    The Achievement League format is great and I got to try out a new M2E Story Encounter, which was a blast. My opponent was maximising his achievement points and took a fully painted, henchman-led Taelor list with Freikrops and Convict Gunslinger minion support. LJ, the Judge, Guild Guard, Austringer and Guild Hounds proved too strong for the Outkasts on the night though.

    I fear Feugan recieved a less 'relaxed' intro to the Outpost meta, with a spanking at the hands of Rathnard! At least we had some basic rules-interpretation errors soundly corrected :1_Happy_Puppet2:

    Looking forward to my next visit, as circumstances allow!

  5. That was never a rule.

    If the base couldn't fit it couldn't fit.

    It's the same now.

    The only time i ever saw that was doorways, and even then it was a house rule.

    I was sure I had read that in the v1.5 manual - but apparently not! That's months of not being able to effectively block enemy models, or getting away with poor positioning of our own models, for nought. Thanks for the clarification.

  6. I believe you remove the scheme markers when scoring.

    And no, you could never walk off the board.


    No, in 1.0 you could not voluntarily walk off the edge of the board. If you were in b2b contact with the edge of the board, and you failed a Morale duel, then you would be destroyed, but you couldn't just chose to do it.

    Thanks again!

  7. Thanks to all for clearing up those questions.

    Am I correct in saying that you could walk off of the side of the board in v1.5 to 'kamikaze' the DM and it's Pine Boxed victim?

    I obviously need to use different tokens for the Strategies and the general Scheme markers to differentiate the two and avoid token clutter confusion.

    So, to clarify, if you have both 'end of turn' and 'end of game' Scheme options available in the Scheme pool, declaring that a Scheme marker has been used for an 'end of turn' - type Scheme would therefore negate it's use in an 'end of game' Scheme as well?

  8. A Scheme Marker and a Squatter Marker are not the same. You could still place Scheme Markers as normal.

    I thought that you couldn't place a Scheme marker within 4" of another Scheme marker - but perhaps that's within 4" of a friendly Scheme marker?

    Can a particular Scheme marker only have one use (ie only count toward one Strategy or Scheme), or can you use it to complete as many Strat's and Schemes as you like.

  9. Apologies if these are covered in the M2E rule book: mine doesn't arrive until after Sept 25th (the joys of living in Australia!):

    Played LJ vs McMourning (Resser list) last night and a few issues cropped up-

    1. How many models can one DM bury?

    (My DM was walking around the board Pine Boxing every Flesh Construct that got within 1" of it, which seemed a little broken!)

    2. If I walk my DM + Pine Boxed victim off of the edge of the board, does the Pine Boxed model die as well as the DM, or just Unbury in the controlling player's deployment zone (or none of the above)?

    3. We had Squatters' Rights strat and opponent took Line in the Sand as a Scheme. Our interpretation of scheme marker dropping was that they couldn't be dropped on the centre line for Line, as they would be within 4" of the Squatters' scheme markers that were placed at the start of the game. The Squatters' scheme markers could be claimed by a crew, used to get Squatters' VP's at the end of every round and then the same scheme marker could count toward both Squatters' and Line VP's at the end of turn 5 (rather than having to chose either the Strat or Scheme to which the scheme marker could exclusively apply). Is this interpretation correct?

    Many thanks.

  10. Further discussion with the non-Malifaux players at BGG has revealed a fatal flaw in my understanding (or lack thereof) of the Puppet Wars Unstitched rules.

    I have confused the Malifaux concept of AP with the Puppet Wars concept of Action Value. Each model may only perform 1 Action per turn (possibly with one or two exceptions). The number in parenthases is the Action Value, the number required with a card flip (+- suit requirement) in order to successfully perform said Action. So, Standard Actions with a (0) after the Action title are merely automatic successes, not (0)AP or 'Free' actions.

    It follows also that the old concept of the 'Free' Action, as alluded to in Omenbringer's previous post, has been abandoned in the current rules incarnation.

  11. I've posted the same question on the BoardGameGeek Puppet Wars Unstitched forum:


    The perception there is that you can only take one Action per turn, regardless of it's cost. I'm sure that Omenbringer's clarification is closer to what the dev's had in mind with the (0) and (1)AP cost distinctions. However, it does illustrate the need for clarification as BGG users are the more likely target demographic for Unstitched (as opposed to regular Wyrd forum users) with the 'gateway' feel of Unstitched into the Malifaux universe. There is obviously some rules misinterpretation out there.

    Being able to take (potentially) multiple Actions per turn (AP cost-dependent) vs only 1 (regardless of AP cost) makes for two fundamentally different games.

  12. So called "Free Actions" (the 0 actions your asking about from the original rules identified by a Lighting bolt) seem to have been left out of the Unstitched Rule Book (they are supposed to be found on Page 20 according to the glossary).

    Under the original rules though you could perform as many "Free Actions" as you had though could only perform each one once per animation (think of them as unique).

    Under Unstitched Rules I dont believe "Free Actions" were something that was kept (as I cant find any of the "New" Puppets that have any.

    Under the old rules a Puppet Received an Exhaustion Token when it animated (not when performing actions). Under the Unstitched Rules the wording is a bit wonky (page 16) however it is somewhat implied that the Puppet receives one Exhaustion Token during the animation (unless there is an ability that would give it at another time) when it has performed an action. So Pokey Viks Stab Happy ability would net her 2 Exhaustion Tokens if she performed both.

    I'm glad that it wasn't just my lack of attention to the rulebook and an actual rules omission as regards 0 point Actions. In the absence of a definitive ruling/ FAQ, I will adopt your (?intended) suggestion and play them as the v1.0 "Free Actions".

  13. Two more 0 point Action questions (having just read the rules to Unstitched and played a 1st time run-through):

    Is a model limited to one 0 Action per activation (as in Malifaux)? I'm not sure if I missed that in the rules book somewhere.

    If a model takes a 0 and a 1AP Action, do they just get the one Exhausted token or two?


  14. Hi.

    I'm a new Malifaux player in Perth, Australia. My friend and I got a starter box each: Lilith vs Lady J. It's been fun working through the rules and I'm looking forward to having the basics down enough so that I can concentrate a bit more on strategic play.

    Anyway, my question is about walking in Treasure Hunt. Can the terror tots use Sprint when they are holding the treasure token? I would intuitively have said 'no', but the Sprint action text says that the tot moves its walk speed (possibly multiple times for one action!).

    Hopefully the tot can't sprint with the treasure token because in our game the tots got to the token in turn 1, ran to the back of the board in turn 2 and Lady J's crew spent most of the rest of the game slowly inching toward the back of the board to try and retrieve the token, running out of time to get back to their deployment zone. (I've now pruchased Lucius to try and rectify their appalling mobility:) )

    Thanks for your help.

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