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Linus Mcmold

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Posts posted by Linus Mcmold

  1. Do you have any favourite cinematic experiences which make you think of Malifaux?

    This is a long post and I've bolded the links to my reccomendations...

    I've just rewatched a movie I've seen three years ago and it made me think of which movies I remember when I'm reading Malifaux stories or seeing its artwork.

    These movies are all of quite different genres, but they all share a certain feeling of surrealism.
    They also share some of my favourite directors (Jean Pierre-Jenuet, Alejanro Jodorowsky and Takashi Miike) and all are visually enticing. Most of the movies aren't in English language and some are definitely not safe for work and have mature audiences ratings.

    The movie that looks the most  and even feels like Malifaux is The City of Lost Children.
    I don't know if I should introduce it much since it's a cult classic. Set in a dystopian out of time steampunk world, a silent hero and a little girl (a heroine) are on a quest to save the dreaming children. This movie is even suitable for children even if it's a bit dark looking.
    Also another movie from the same director is a postapocalyptic movie set somewhere in the past: Delicatessen. A movie about street performer who starts living in an apartment building after he lost his monkey and some strange things start happening (I don't want to spoil much). It's also not very brutal (and it could have been considering its title) and has some adventurous scenes. Both movies have broken down buildings in them and are set in vast old urban settings, very much like Malifaux.

    I've just watched The Last Circus again. It's a very violent and a quite sexual flick and later in the movie it becomes quite a bit crazy and it nearly becomes a horror film. Atmosphere is set in the past and even if it's mostly set in seventies it feels out of time and reality. The movie has an artistic meld of beauty and ugliness. It also contains Penguins (lol auto-corrected c-l-o-w-n-s), so I wouldn't reccomend it to everyone... it's definitely not for children. The scenes of battle on the beginning and near the end of the movie resemble weird scenes and locations that might as well be situated somewhere in Malifaux.
    For the most part the story itself reminds me of a lot of background stories I've read for Malifaux.

    This is a weirdest one I'm mentioning and don't let the low budget looks decieve you, it's a great movie and an awesomely weird western: El Topo. It's a weird spiritual quest for excellence, undertaken by a gunslinger, which takes him on a trip through desert and he finds himself in awkward situation after he's reached his goal (again I don't want to spoil the movie too much).
    It's a movie about human corruption and I would reccomend it only for mature viewers... yes there is violence and weird scenes, but it has a bit of a hidden meaning in it, so it's not for people wanting action of a western or even gore. It's not trying to be smart and you'll need to relax into the movie to experience it beyond weirdness (it tries to toy with the watchers emotions). The movie seems dated but it's before its time in some aspects.

    This movie is a much easier watching, because it's an action/adventure set in the time of French Revolution:
    Brotherhood of the Wolf. It seems like a werewolf story (which it isn't), it has an indian in it, martial arts, Monica Belluci and weird cults. The secret society and its conflict reminds me of Malifaux and maybe most of Lucius because of the french costumes and deranged aristocracy. There is also a poacher society which screams Wyrd and I don't want to spoil anything. This should be a fairly popular action flick...

    Next two are somewhat similar because they have a colonial theme set in familiar outlandish settings of Africa and Orient.
    Ok, both are happening on real locations, but the stuff that happens seems outlandish and it has its own mythology.
    First one is The Ghost and the Darkness, set in Africa near a railroad building site where strange animal related murders have been happening. I'm mostly not a fan of Michael Douglas, but this is one of the two movies with him that I loved.
    Second one is The Bird People in China, set in deep wilderness of China filled with jade deposits. There are no weird bird people in the movie (I'm sorry), but that doesn't mean that the movie hasn't got its wonders. This is by far the tamest of the movies I've mentioned here, but it shows how modern civilization can change a  traditional lifestyle and rewrite its mythologies in a bizzarely poetic way.

    Lastly I'll post a link to a short animated film on youtube called Backwater Gospel.

    I've seen it posted on A Wyrd Place on Facebook, so I'm reposting it here


    There is another cartoon I've seen as a kid, but I can't remember its name... I'll post a link to an article about it when I find it.


    Dead Man is one of my favourite movies, but I want to rewatch it before reccomending it for Malifaux like atmosphere.
    I just don't want to reccomend it just because it's a great movie and the reason I love Jim Jarmusch's style.

    I just remembered that I want to rewatch the movie Vidocq with Gerard Depardeiu. I can't remember much about it.
    I drifted away while watching it the last time. It had some intense visuals and I remember that it had some light-fantastic elements set in Victorian age, but that's it.

    Also a question from me: is there a more Malifauxy' movie visually/thematically similar to Gangs of New York or Moulin Rogue? I can't remember if I've seen or heard of anything similar... Sin City is not it.

    • Like 2
  2. Oho. New stuff after a long absence!

    I love the Taxidermist mini a lot and I think he's best suited for orange toned skin.

    Alt somer is look great as well (also very human looking).

    How has it been in the Bayou?


    Also I haven't got anything to post as well. I mostly convert and assemble stuff, did some painting but haven't finished anything yet. I'll probably have some finished proxies for Shenlong through the next months time... I've kind of been inspired to paint lately...

    • Like 1
  3. As people mentioned, Ramoses crew is the most eye-catching, but my vote goes to Tara.

    This is the most original Tara crew I've seen so far. Ok, there were some grait paint schemes posted around, but the effect these bases give is minblowing.

    Also dig the convict gunslinger ;)

  4. Which is the fifth Teddy?

    You have the old regular one, Nightmare Teddy, new plastic one and Miss Ery.
    Maybe you're thinking about the alt head?? Are the Puppet Wars Teddies as large enough for HT 3?

    I really like the nightmare teddy mini, but there is no way to get one anymore :(

  5. The Red Joker isn't "...any  :mask cards...", is it? You just get to chose what suit it adds to the duel.

    I'd say it's counted as being all symbols card. But, I'm just simple that way.

    I'm not sure why people are anti- new sculpt teddy. New players can hardly get their hands on an alt Teddy if they want to.

    I know I'd like to own Nightmare Teddy myself, but it's kind of impossible if you don't want to get it for a nasty e-bay price.

  6. Yesss! Oh-em-gee I love it ... her! Also, I need another Teddy.

    I suppose there are going to be a lot of haters on my home forum ;)


    On the contrary. They love it, I mean her.
    They've hated everything I posted yesterday :mellow:  what's wyrd stays wyrd...

  7. What the..?!

    I don't remember seeing that Nicodem crew in the competition at all. It's an awesome paintjob and I'd surely remember it.

    Beautiful Killjoy. That bloodspatter perfectly fills out the large mini (that could look boring without it) and even looks artistic in a way (Dexter Morgan way).

    I'm not too keen on the Fuhatsu mini itself (nice looking armor though).
    He looks just too goofy for Ten Thunders (and actually reminds me of Goofy himself).
    I'm probably going to convert a bandana on him if I ever get him.

    • Like 1

    Cheers Osoi!


    My list of stuff I have the supplies to paint is:


    I'll probably open the case so I can get to it all, and just see what I pick up first. Subconscious choices!



    Didn't you paint Cassandra already?

    I know because it's the best looking Cassandra I've seen...

    Can't wait to see your fully painted Ten Thunder box btw. (also one of my favourites)

    Bonus question. How do you like the new Kirai design?


    Love the serpants head. It looks so much different because of the contrast. Almost human like...

    Very dynamic basing.

    • Like 1
  9. Awesome!

    I'm waiting for the greenery to set in. Any trees in the planing (except for the obvious one with the outhouse), or just the low vegetation?


    I don't know why there was a double post

  10. Fingers crossed for the Nightmare Bunny Rider. :mellow: Maybe it's scheduled for the next easter...
    I'd prefer if it was a single nightmare model than a nightmare crew this year.
    I'm more into new books that are coming out on the Gencon since I have a lot of unpainted stuff.

  11. Fast on Op'helia is sort of an overkill. I don't want people to hate me even more.
    On the other hand Young Lacroix pay themselves off since they reload Ophelias guns and keep up with her speed.

    Nice trick with granma' Sam(your avatar). Even more reason to wait for her to get released than I originaly planned.
    Sorry for the offtopic :lol: .

  12. Gracie features regularly for me when I want a turn 1 deep strike from Ophelia, 4 AP up to 18* from deployment with  :ram baked in  :D

    How do you get 18'' movement from her?

    She  has walk 4 and cg 6, even with reactivate. It probably has to do something with Ophelias companion and saddle I suppose...

    Thanks guys!


    @Malal: I've seen you talking about Ophelia/Gracie/Lenny combo in another thread. He gives gremlins & pigs :ram 's and reduces their damage, Gracie helps slowpoke Lenny to move around via saddle & I also see that Lenny with his upgrade can summon a piglet which helps me with my gaming style (plus he can toss gremlins). :huh: Wow!

    He has an excellent synergy with Gracie! I see this is going to be a costly summer for me...

  13. The best color scheme for Rasputinas clothes I've seen. Love your ice people as well.
    I'm still not sure I like the cowboy guy Wendigo is about to cannibalize... if I ever get the mini I might replace him with something else.

    I've seen two of your crews in real life recently and I must say they look even better in person (I'd say in the flesh - in the paint seems like bad English).

    • Like 1
  14. Love it that there is now a female young Lacroix.
    The guys with the sling are cute as hell as well.
    The moonlighting one is the only one that's a bit 'meh, but will look good next to one of the bayou gremlins I had converted (he sort of looks like his dad, now that I've mentioned him).

    They are pretty useful because of the Plink and the reason I sometimes use Jug Rocket and My Threatening Gun for shooting(only since recently, but they have their uses). I've never fielded more than two and I don't remember they were useful when I tried using Ophelias guns with them... but it might still prove to be useful. Usually they can't hit anything, but at least they deplate opponents hands with a lucky shot or two.

    Hey, I have a question. Does anyone else uses pigs in Ophelias crew?
    I've realized taking one piglet is really good for exra movement shananigans in her crew.
    I have to find out another higher ss costed pig worth taking along a hog whisperer and a single piglet in her crew, because I haven't gotten any use out of my wild boar yet (except that people like to target him for some reason).

  15. Effigies look great, but I'd say Nekima steals the show.  Damn, that's a hell of an improvement.  Nekima was one of the models I hated the most from the metal range due to looking so bizarrely awkward. 

    That Lucky Effigy though...don't even play Gremlins and I want it XD

    Heh, you can play all of the Effigies with Collodi. Can't wait to see the art or render for him.

    One of the masters I'm most excited to see the new art direction for (since Mah and Ulix were already teased).

  16. I didn't expect a gentlemen Ulix, but I think he's a pretty cool guy and isn't afraid of anything.
    I wasn't sure if I would be getting him, based just on his rules and concept, but with the art avaliable, yes I think I will be getting him.

    I'm also not in love with the Brewmaster and he's keeping me from going Full Metal/Plastic Gremlin.
    I'm overall happy with most of the other gremlin goodness out there and the new Gremlin direction doesn't bother me.
    I need the new plastic slop haulers, because I'm currently proxying them since I didn't like the metal ones...

    New taxidermist will look great with Ulix on the table.
    They both look like grizled veterans. That's what life surrounded by pigs will give you, I suppose. :D

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