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Linus Mcmold

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Posts posted by Linus Mcmold

  1. It would actually look really nice in Leveticuses crew, your right.

    A bit weird looking in Marcuses crew, but it'd probably look just fine in some other construct crews (which I don't play so I haven't given that much thought).

  2. I've ordered:


    Explosive Solutions - Wong Box Set 


    Coffins Hats and Guns of Malifaux


    Hodgepodge Effigy






    with a side dish of Miss Ann Thrope

    Smallest Gen Con order yet for me and I've even used a discount coupon. I'm really sad I missed getting the book and Crossroads Seven, but for one the books fattens up the shipping and the custom fees by a lot and I've actually taken stuff I am (another player in my META) need for playing in the near future. I also thought that those Moon Shinobi are going to be avaliable soon so I skipped getting those for my Zoraida.

    I can't wait for Shifting Loyalties stuff to become avaliable at retailers in Europe, since I want to run a campaign starting sometime starting this Fall.

  3. Site looks really good and it offers some useful links for the new players or wannabe players.

    My favourite is that there is now fluff for every faction and master. This is the thing that drew me into the game on the old site.

    Can't wait to see the updated Army Builder!



    Only thing I found wrong is that I can't seem to open some of the links in my notifications (replies to the threads in miniature showcase I'm subscribed to).

    Also, yay for videos section - mega hapiness! Can't wait to see what's going to appear on the Wyrd TV...

  4. Can't wait for shifting loyalties. It looks an feels so good.


    The Crossroads Seven aren't completely what I expected. Boondoggle Seven would make more sense for the name of the band with this art design.

    I love the look of  Pride, Gluttony and Lust the most and they are kind of what I expected.

    Pride actually looks like a front-man of an existing band, which name I can't remember atm.


    Sloth and Envy have a sort of Addams Family look to them.


    Wrath would be totally boring without Sorrows flying around him and I'll probably sculpt some long hair and paint it black on him when I get the band.

    I'm not sure what to make of Greed. She seems kind of meh, but it's a little picture so I might be wrong.

    Anyway, I like the look of 80' cartoons on this and they're slowly growing on me. I'll definitely get them.


    Starter minis are looking good except the scion horned guy wich is ... not to my liking at all. Too much of Games Workshop aesthetics on theat minis design...

    I'd like to get the starter for the doctors crew, because it seems like they work with McMourning Guild crew thematically

    (I don't know about the new Docs rules at all).


    Darknes Comes Rattling looks awesome and I wish I had it when I was a kid!

  5. Hey! I'm glad to see you back in your thread.

    I can see a big difference from your previous painting on their guy and their armors.
    I really like the Infinity minis you've did, some are a bit too colorful, but overall they have a great color scheme.
    The pigtail girl and bronzed skin blond guy look really cool. I mean even the generic gun people are cool.
    What's the name of that faction?

  6. Heh, the folded wings Shikome has a Princess Leia braid.

    I thought that on the old artwork the reason for nipple guard was aesthetic because the Shikome also had an elaborate outlandisly mythological hairdo and those seemed like some sort of weird jewlery. The new concept takes after the old one, but they have a more traditional Japanese hairdo and those guards look like they only serve the purpose of coverage which doesn't make a lot of sense aesthetically. Logically any clothes or armor would hamper their flying ability... so I guess nipple guards??

  7. Hey! This tactica seems pretty darn useful. I finished reading it yesterday and I've found out two big things with your help:

    - :-fate to enemies Willpower is kind of a big deal. So burying and attacks that attack willpower (Ctulhu, Bishop and Datsue Ba can wreak havoc). Also helping those attacks is some free focus(I pay better and/or fast).

    - Hannah using a Death Marshall coffin is just brilliant!

    The thing I didn't understand is how Void Wretches are a fast scheme runner? They have incorporeal so they can go to interesting places and use terrain much better, but I can't see how they're better than crooligan (probably for the combat and healing abilities).

    Is it safe to Tara Bomb the Hannah closer to the enemy?

    I haven't tried out Tara yet and I'll play her as a Resser first since I'm currently painting Molly and they can both use some of the same minis, but I intend to use her mainly as an Outcast because of the western theme and how I intend to convert the Freikorps Trapper and Librarian (and Hannah a bit).
    After the summer I'll be entering the Outcast faction with Tara, Leve and Viks and they'll get similar styles and I intend to interchange their minis.

  8. Thanks for the ideas. I'm not sure yet whether or how I might texture the tendrils. I'm not even sure I see them as vines, per se, so much as generalized representations of wild, chaotic energy, reminding us that these are creatures from an "other" place, fertile and feral.


    So I may just let paint and color get the thing across. I'm not sure yet. I welcome more suggestions on the possibilities. (And reserve the right to stubbornly ignore them! ;) )

    I didn't wanted to impose anything, it was just a suggestion. And I missinterpreted vine as a root(which is more bark like)... my English got all mixed up.

    Your idea with the cobblestones is great as well. No suggestions there :D wings that move through morphing the surrounding is a great visualisation.

  9. Your cherub looks like he's giving a tortured wail. I love it, he looks very interesting all tangled up.
    Very nice work on the bases as well and I love your concept for the Lilith.

    Only thing I wanted to point out is about the vines themselves that they should have some sort of a bark like texture to them if you were going for the vines. These look great as a tentacles or maybe magical tenderils.

    I usually make textures on minis with either liquid greenstuff or wet clay (better for bases and bigger surfaces), but all this might not matter if you have some sort of painting idea. There might be better technical paints for it out there, but I'm a noob and can't name them.

    I'm very interested in future developments, be it painting or converting. Keep up the good work!

  10. I tried to do keep my Ressers bases coherent as well, but some Asian stuff and Tara from the desert sneked in.
    I'm trying to wrap my head around it.

    Pinning and having alternate bases would help, but my Ama no Zako just wouldnt cling to the base if she wasn't glued on with the pin because of her size.

    Also wanted to mention that I hated the concept art for the new Zoraida, but you and some other people I've seen on the forums made the mini work. It even doesn't have to be a smart base or a conversion, competent paintjob changes everything.
    I'm starting to belive that there are no bad minis. If a real artist puts some work and imagination into the mini, it should work!

    • Like 1
  11. So many options with the new Silurids. Glowy one is my favourite.
    Their bases look like Zoraida decided to move into someones house.

    Do you base your whole factions with the same theme, because I've seen your Dreamer and those bases complement each other. Just as I remember that your new Dreamer is extra rad. Love the something is under the carpet stuff.

    Also Godsmack made me go listen to some more Godsmack :D

    • Like 1
  12. I totally wanted to discuss a topic like this on a couple of occasions.  As Ikvar I see that this is an importan topic to be discussed and I don't just agree with people posting in this thread, I applaud Ikvars remark about improving the artistic part of the hobby and other posters remarks how to communicate the helpful critque. This sort of deliberation helps community and it should be seen.

    I'm somewhat artistically inclined, but I guess I'm presently an amateur since I didn't follow through with my past artistic endeavors and just educated myself about it. I've also been very blunt with my criticism in the past and I thought being sincere, positive and polite with my criticisms was a way to go.
    I learned about being diplomatic on the English Confrontation forum back in the 2006 because I had some harsh backlash and I've been called out as a troll or worse. And as with your experince it seems diplomatic course of action doesn't always help because on the internet anything can be misread.
    I'm usually lost when I see a gap or a mold line on a very well executed tabletop painted mini or even superbly painted ones if I should point them out because I'm afraid I'll make someone feel bad about their skills, but I will almost always comment a miniature if it piqued my interest (I still have reservations about giving negative critique sometimes).

    Anyway I agree with other posts about criticism and how you should go about it and that you should read your audience and about gamers feeling strongly about their hobby work. Wyrds forum was always a miniature painting forum and I think people should be free to criticize (without being jerks) and that people do come here to grow as artists.
    I thought that this sort of communication was cultivated oer the years, but there is a lot of praise and sometimes people even don't bother to criticize minis, which is a great loss in my opinion.
    Anyone posting in a thread with their minis wants some sort of comment and if I posted anything I did and I didn't get any replies I would probably read in it that my work isn't that interesting to anyone. That feels worse than criticizm to me.
    Not everyone is a professional critic and you will mostly get "I like it comments", but seeing opinions about details, techniques and critique shows me that people have thought about the mini that is being exposed in a public forum.

    I would have appreciated well mannered critique as Ikvar and Mako are mentioning in the past because my home miniatures club forum has a similar commenter breed to youtube commenters, which is quite harsh and I had my trial by fire when I posted my first painted mini with which I was quite happy (artistically).
    I'm sort of reluctant to start galleries or my miniature painting/conversion thread since the beginnings at least until I've given my very best. I think I'll whip up a thread some time next month with a similar "criticize me" caption that Ikvars thread has, because I've started feeling confident about my painting skills.
    Iron painter sounds like a great way to hone your skills and I'm sorry I don't have time for it for the next couple of months.

    EDITED because I was typing the original post on my phone

  13. I didn't have any problems assembling metal models since I've started pinning them. Before that there was only pain.
    Afterward I stumbled upon Necrotic machine. Assembling was a bit of a pain because of the thin limbs, but the real problem came after the said limbs decided to break off while being transported. I've since repinned them, but I'll have to sculpt or glue something over the gaps that were created by being broken. Since most of Mollys crew has some bows on them, I'll give Ponto a couple...

    As for plastic I must say Ten Thunder Archers gave me the most trouble. Those helmet/hat scarves are a pain.

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