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Everything posted by keraunos

  1. Hello, and thanks for the answer. Now, I just own Marcus( which I'm already told that SUCKS) and a Viktoria crew. But the thought of sending a massive wave of undead at the enemy surely got my head spinning. I'll will certainly buy Nico as soon as possible.( already in process of buying Seamus)!
  2. Really? I heard this especially about nicodem: that I should buy more zombies as he can summon them from corpse counters and benefits from having a large horde of undead about him. Also there's the case of the nephilins: they go from terror tots to young to mature. Maybe I will need to buy the extra forms if I'm wanting to field them. Let me reformulate my question: what are the cases were I'll need to buy more copies of minis that camei n blisters or on the crewboxes for them to perform better with some masters? How many morezombies for nico? How many witchling stalkers for sonnia? How many nephilin for teror tots? How many daydreams for the dreamer an so on...?
  3. Hello, My name is Thiago. I got interested on boardgames 6 years ago, and in mini wargaming for like 3 years now. I've played many minis games like Heroscape, Star Wars Miniatures, Dreamblade, Heroclix, and even own 3 warmahordes starters and all MERCS factions. A year ago I discovered Malifaux and was psyched about it. the low figure count of the game and interesting assymetric play got me salivating on the idea of trying the system. Well, and today I managed to trade some boardgames on 2 starters ( Marcus and Viktorias) as well as the 1rst rulebook. I'm already reading pullmyfinger like a nut just waiting for my stuff to arrive. But first, I have a TON of questions about the system,minis, and just wargaming overall. 1-I've never played any measure tape style game before. To me,it seems very clumsy having to move my pieces that way. Can someone tell me more about how if this is true or not? 2- I must buy anything to represent clouds of gas, fires, area of effects or other things like that? 3- Is there the necessity of buying multiples of some figures? I can know that Nicodem is a zommbie master that need a bunch of them ( don't know how many). Is there other cases when we do need more than one to make it matter? 4- Where I can get my minis painted? I have some paints and brushes but I'm most interested on playing at the moment. 5- I kinda dislike demonic themes... I'm on Malifaux more for the cool zombie lords and the awesome cowboys( love the death marshals). Shoul I skip the neverborn alltogether or just Lillith? 6- As I just got the 1rst rulebook, do you recommend me to get the 1.5 one? Well, I guess this is it! Thx everyone for answering.
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