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About Jimmy_Hobo

  • Birthday 05/09/1986

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  1. I have always been tempted by the little guys But i ended up getting Viks crew when i started and recently got the rail crew box set and "WILLIE"!!!!!!! (I feel the need to shout his name in a Scottish accent, No idea why though. I may do that each time he activates until it annoys my opponents). I'm sure i will end up getting a Gremlin crew, especially if they bring out that guy from the wallpaper pic a while ago. the multi-barreled weapon guy. my army/crew selections have always been on what i like the looks of, screw the rules I'll deal with it. I ended up settling on Viks as with other crews I'd like the looks of a master but hate the other models, or love crew hate the masters etc.
  2. Awesome thanks, and looking good so far. Looking forward to seeing your crew fully painted.
  3. Do you mind if i steal your rail crew bases idea? I've been racking my brain of ways to do a train track. even considered using tracks from miniature train track. (But would be too small) What size I-beam works best size wise?
  4. Looking great! I really like the street bases and the one the archers on. Where did you get them from? Also can't wait to see the finished freikorps crew
  5. Hello Wyrd People. I'm Peter. Thought i might as well get myself on here. I'm from England and try and spend most Sundays in a basement with a load of blokes. ..........Wait. No not like that! playing Malifaux and other games. Most of the fellow gamers from the basement are on here somewhere, But they'll pretend they don't know me. ( I don't blame them). I'm the sort of guy that in a role play game.....well lets just say the last one. We were stuck in a room and needed white liquid to pour into a statue. MILK! I thought. well.... we had a cow in the party. I thought it was genius. The cow didn't think so. Yeah, you get the idea. Didn't end well. She proceeded to spend most of the adventures trying to kill me. But anyway HELLO!
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