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About RequiemNex

  • Birthday 01/10/1983

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  1. Hello People of Malifaux, Back in October of 2012 a friend and I started poking around at the idea of Malifaux. We downloaded our online rulebook and found what we thought were the coolest looking boxes and purchased them. Me "The Dreamer" and he "Pandora". We sat down and white knuckled through a game. Then after that we played another game with the help of an experienced player. Aside from a few rules interactions we had the general rules down and at least understood mechanics. So time has gone on and I am looking to get back into the game but am not sure I want to start back up with the dreamer. I am looking for advice on playstyle rather than just liking the looks of the models. As I am sure you can guess I have a fondness for the quirky idea of "Lord Chompy Bits" and also have a soft spot for the gremlins. I have looked them over many times as an option but have not been sold on it yet. That being said... I really enjoy forces that just when the enemy thinks they have won you turn it around on them. A force that someone goes into the fight thinking that they "got this". I enjoy trixxy forces. I enjoy forces that lure my enemy into a false sense of security. In other games I have played Eldar and Circle of Orboros. So guys, what do you think would be the force for me? What masters do you think would be ideal for that playstyle?
  2. So, I got my first game in. Me and my friend are glutton's for punishment. I playing the dreamer and having picked up a box of daydreams to add to the starter box and he having Pandora and her starter box + SS. We read the rulebook, had a bit of help from a veteran and went to town. 6.5 hours later I can tell you the following things. The card mechanic is amazing and I love it. The actions, with zero actions, and the way turns work is really interesting and brings a really cool function to the game. Playing the dreamer as my first master was probably like one of the worst ideas I have ever had, ever. Trying to figure out how to work him, LCB, and the daydreams was a pain in the neck. MVP goes to stitched together and the eye eater guy that i cant remember his name for the life of me right now. Put flurry on him using the dreamer and just watch eye tokens roll in. It didnt help my enemy any that all his stuff was WP duel and my stuff has an average of 5/6. He did however smoke out LCB before i even got him to kill something. We both did destroy the evidence and kidnap to make things easy. Constant reference to the rules is what made the game take so long. It was really good though and once we learned what our guys can do and the stats the game began to roll through a lot faster. I think my next purchase will be a teddy, that wont be until after i paint up what I have though. The game is really great and I see it as a solid investment. Hoping to drag some of my friends into it once they see us playing it more. One thing, for as complex and mind numbing as it is to read the book the game plays so much more simple than it looks. P.S. - I won. He had Pandora left on the table with 0 destroyed evidence and full kidnap points. I had 1 Stitched together, the eyeball eater guy, and one daydream left with full points for kidnap and 2 of my 3 destroy evidence tokens destroyed.
  3. So, my local gaming store does not have many people at all playing the game and i am interested in checking it out. I purchased a rulebook, a set of the cards, and the dreamer starting kit. I have read briefly about the dreamer and basically that he was a rough charectar to pick given his playstyle. so I am curious what, if any advice people have would be and if anyone is in the vermont/new england area who has an established gaming community for malifaux.
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