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Posts posted by spydr261

  1. A few of questions regarding Jedza's Life of the Earth action:

    Firstly, if the action targets a piece of hazardous terrain it says to resolve the target's Hazardous effects. Would a model with incorporeal be affected? I don't think it would because incorporeal models ignore effects from hazardous terrain, but my opponent thought that since it is part of an attack action and not the terrain itself that the incorporeal model would be affected. Which one of us is right?

    Secondly, If Life of the Earth targets hazardous terrain, would models that fail the duel but not in contact with the terrain suffer the terrain's effects?

    Lastly, I think I already know the answer to this but, can terrain have concealment? For example, if a terrain marker inside concealing terrain is targeted by Life of the Earth, would the duel be at a negative because it an attack action and LoS is being drawn through concealing terrain? I think the answer is probably no, because the rules only talk about "models" getting concealment and I don't think terrain is considered a model. Can anyone confirm this for me though?

  2. On 6/12/2018 at 11:19 AM, Artiee said:

    As a note.  There is no double walks.  It’s 2 separate walk actions.  So you can take one single walk action and walk right pass a models engagment.    But if your single walk ends in a models engagement and you walk again, you have to declare that you was leaving engagment and provoke a disengagement strike.    

    So does this mean that if you have flight or incorporeal, and don't have enough walk to bypass impassable terrain with the first move, you can't walk twice to reach the other side? I've always played it that way because it simplified things.

  3. 19 hours ago, esqulax said:

    I have played against Hayreddin a few times after his buff, and I feel like he is just generally good now for 6ss. 

    I agree that Hayreddin is a bargain at 6 stones, but the problem I always run into is what to drop from my crews to put him in. He doesn't have any particular synergies with anyone and he often displaces important support models.

  4. On 5/31/2018 at 9:30 PM, solkan said:

    The thing about being “engaged” is that it’s caused by “engaging” (having a model in your melee range) or “being engaged” (being in someone else’s melee range).  So the models surrounding the Paralyzed model can still engage it (and thus become engaged) whether or not the Paralyzed model has a melee range.

    And that causes all of the consequences you’re probably trying to avoid:  No :ToS-Range: attacks while standing nearby, and randomized shooting if you try to shoot the Paralyzed model while surrounding it.


    On 6/1/2018 at 9:57 AM, Artiee said:

    You are engaged or not engaged.        You could have a 5" :ToS-Melee:  and a enemy model at the tip of 5" and you still wouldn't be able to :ToS-Range: attack. 

    The only way you can  :ToS-Range: attack is with a enemy model next to you is if it is Paralyzed or doesn't have  :ToS-Melee:  AND yourself does not have a :ToS-Melee:

    I thought this was the case. Thank you for the clarifying.


  5. Can a model use a projectile attack (:ToS-Range:) while it has a paralyzed enemy model is in it's melee range? More broadly, can a model be said to be engaged with a paralyzed model? I think the answers to these two questions are no and yes, respectively. This is because, although the paralyzed model is considered to have no melee range (as per the errata'd paralyze rules) the non-paralyzed model is still considered engaged with it since it is within its melee range.

    Do I have this right? It just seems weird to me. Though I know that if the answer to my second question were "no," it would lead to another weird situation where models couldn't score or be scored with for certain schemes and strategies if the model had no melee range, whether by being paralyzed or having no :ToS-Melee: attacks (ex. hold up their forces, ply for information, take prisoner, etc.). I would just like to hear some other opinions on this since it matters for the new Seamus build that has been discussed recently.


    3 hours ago, bimpi said:

    Hayreddin with Seamus and his 0.50 flinlock is amazing :)


    I have tried him in a Seamus list because he and a lot of the models I take with him have a jump of 2 damage between weak and moderate (and two more with his gun). The main problem is that my opponent often gets just as much use out of Heyreddin's aura as I do, especially against crews with a lot of forced movement (i.e. neverborn). I've used him as a scheme runner or scheme interceptor, but then I feel I don't get enough out of his plus flips to damage. 

  7. On 5/25/2018 at 1:29 PM, WWHSD said:

    Difference in elevation makes no difference for a place effect does it? If you have a 6 inch place, you can put the model on top of a Ht3 building that is 6 inches away from it's starting point, right? Spending the 3 inches to cover the vertical movement would only apply to moves and pushes.

    I don't think this is true. You add differences in elevation when determining range don't you? Or am I wrong?

  8. If a marker has a terrain feature like impassable or blocking, is the marker considered to be terrain? Some markers are listed as being terrain, such as the Shard Markers created by the Carrion Emissary, but others such as the Stash Markers in Guard the Stash, have terrain features but aren't listed as being terrain. This is important for abilities like Seamus' Back Alley which states that he must be placed within 1" of blocking terrain. There are also several placement abilities that say that a marker or model can't be placed in or touching terrain.

  9. This seems like an elementary question and would be surprised if it hasn't been answered already but here goes: do models with Flight or Incorporeal only spend movement for vertical distance when their end point results in a change in elevation? For example, a model with Flight moves 3" plus any horizontal distance to get on a Ht 3 rock. Would the model still have to spend 3" of vertical movement if it just "flew over" the rock and ended up on the other side? I'm sure this would make more sense with a picture but i don't know how to make one, sorry.


  10. What abilities can a model use when it is buried? I know buried models can't declare triggers per the FAQ but do they benefit from other abilities like Terrifying or Manipulative? If a Void Wretch attacks a buried model with one of those abilities, will it have to make a duel? It seems strange if it would. The question can also extend to other abilities like the Doppelganger's Ill Omens or Lillith's Rush of Magic.

  11. Nicodem's upgrade, Shadow Embrace gives him the ability, Welcoming Pain, which says when a friendly model would suffer damage the Poison condition they heal 1 damage instead. Embalmed says something similar: when this model would suffer damage due to the Poison condition, instead, it heals 1 damage. Does Shadow Embrace stack with Embalmed? For example, when my flesh construct would take damage from poison, would it instead heal 2 damage?

  12. On the alternate sculpt for the Flesh Construct there is a dish-like piece attached to the sprue between his legs. While it was in the package, I thought it was part of a backpack like the other sculpt has but when I opened it and was looking it over I realized there was no obvious place to put the thing on his back. Next I thought it was part of the handle of his meathook, like it was a hand guard and you slide the hook through the hole. But there already seems to be a handle on the hook and if I tried to use the dish as I described then it would cover his whole hand. Not only that but if the piece was used that way it would be obvious in the picture and it's not.

    None of the pictures I've seen of the assembled model seem to use the dish piece, not even the one in the Wyrd store. Did anyone use this weird dish when they put theirs together and if so, what did they use it for?

  13. When a duel is occurring between two masters (or henchman, or whenever both sides can use Soulstones), how many opportunities does each side have to change their duel total? My question derives from the somewhat unclear wording of part (B) of the Strike Duel.

    Book 1.5 p. 40

    B. Change Starting Totals or Pass. Starting with the losing model, each model may use either or both options below (Cheat Fate; Use Soulstones), in the order listed but can use each option only once. A model may choose to pass and not use either option. If both models pass changing their totals, move on to Step C below.

    I could give a long explanation with explanation with examples but I'll try to make my question as simple as possible: Do you only get one chance to change your total; i.e., you pass, or cheat and/or use a Soulstone and that is your final total? Or (how I learned it) can the losing model cheat, let their opponent cheat, then use a Soulstone, then let their opponent use a Soulstone?

  14. The rule for the Rotten Belle's Seductive as it appears on the card says that it gets "+4:masks Ca when casting Lure". Compare that to the text for Lilitu's Dark Beauty which reads: +2:crows Ca when Casting or Channeling Lure.

    As you can see, casting is capitalized and in bold on Lilitu and channeling is explicitly mentioned. Seductive is rather vague by comparison. The rule for Channel in the RM says "this model Castsa (1) Spell. There are two possible solutions I can see to this problem:

    a) Seductive doesn't work with channel because you are using the Channel action instead of the Cast action

    B)Seductive does work with channel because it involves Casting Lure as part of the Channel action and the mention of Channeling on Lilitu is just for extra clarification.

    As a Seamus player I hope it is (B) but I just wanted to be sure.

  15. Yes. Also worth noting, Lady J cannot use triggers on the damage as its not using her CB

    Actually, there is another reason she can't declare triggers, it's because she already declared one: Riposte. You can only use one trigger per duel and since Riposte uses the result of the duel for which it was triggered, you can't use another trigger.

  16. Can Carrion Effigy use Horrific Feasting to eat Mindless Zombies? The zombies count as corpse counters and Horrific Feasting allows friendly models including the effigy to discard a corpse counter within 4" to make a healing flip, so this works right? I also think it shouldn't matter if the zombies are in the control range of an enemy Nicodem since the zombies are neutral. Lastly, the zombies are discarded instead of killed so they don't make corpse counters. This is how we played it in our game, let me know if I did it right.

  17. When Judge uses Blades and Bullets or Blades and Bullets to attack an Onryo and hits with the pistol part of the attack, does he take damage from Immediate Revenge? Based on this ruling I know that these spells don't follow the normal ranged and melee rules so are the Longarm and Longarm pistol strikes granted by the spells considered melee and ranged strikes respectively? Or are they something else altogether?

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