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Posts posted by MetaphoricDragn

  1. While I am familiar with the theory of "they can't play if their dead" in practice I find that does not go as smoothly as one would hope.  That's why I was eyeing a more control oriented pandora and I wanted to explore that, However, thread got derailed fast =/

  2. So with GG17 being less kill oriented than I i'm used to dealing with, it has me eyeing Voices Pandora as a possible option.  I would still need to watch out for Misery suicides with frame for murder, but paralyze seems like it would be a strong option regardless.

    I'm wondering if people think similarly, or if I'm off base with this one.  If people agree, what else would you be grabbing to go with her in GG17?


    This post brought ot you by the Coalition of people who haven't wrapped their heads around gg17 yet

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  3. 1 hour ago, Trixter said:

    Hello, folks! I need your help with the following match-up:

    Headhunter. Close deploy.
    ¤Claim jump ¤Dig their Graves ¤LyM ¤Show of Force ¤SetUp

    Pandora + 6 Pool
     - On Wings Of Darkness 
     - Aether Connection
    Poltergeist +Sorrow +Sorrow
     - Malifaux Provides 
     - Best Behavior
     - The Mimic's Blessing
    Killjoy (buried)

    With such pool and upgrades Panda almost always have a better hand and 3 times 3-4 Wd prevent.
    I know that Panda 'll try to use her 0-action with trigger for free 8" push. So ' walk-walk, 12" range cast, 8" push ' bring her in my deploy at most in 2nd turn. And now my low-Wp model (Wendigo or SilentOne) 'll activate by her choice. Same condition sometimes 'll bring to me by Candy and Iggy. And if I haven't 13 in my hand I even cant paralyze Panda. I can't ignore Panda because of Sorrow and Misery ability and because she going to engage Raspy. And I can't safe kill her crew because Killjoy's counterstrike.

    I loose such game twice and don't come up with nothing, except counterstrike with Howard's flurry after Ice pillars blocking Panda's Wp-push ability.

    I have full Raspy, Ramos and Colette crew, including Captain, Sue and Johan but don't have Ice Dancers yet. 
    Any tips/advice are very welcome!

    It is late for me, but a couple initial thoughts:

    With Tina and Silent Ones You're rocking more than enough CA duels to chew through the Geist and Sorrows, even with Martyrs.    If you can destroy one at range with your first 2 AP to lure out Killjoy, you could then drop Ice Pillars to block his charge lane.

    Sure you may not be able to paralyze Panda, but even better, with Frozen Heart, she can not paralyze you.  And if need be, you can pump armor instead of blasting, shift to a buffing, support Tina, and off set her damage output.

    Panda's Self Harm is a :ranged so Snowstorm's bullet proof if effective against it as well.

  4. 1 minute ago, spooky_squirrel said:

    Silent Ones, Ice Dancers, and Ice Gamin are all Minions. Luther (Blessed of December) is the Enforcer. Luther brings Subzero.

    Typically I'll have Ice Dancer, Ice Gamin, and Luther maneuver for a flank, with Bite of Winter and Subzero making them nasty in close combat on attack and defense. With the Work the Crowd (0), the dancers don't need to be inside Colette's bubble to drop a scheme marker as a (0), and with their momentum, I can push them to jam deeper, or break away to support Ice Mirror shenanigans from the Silent One(s). The Silent One(s) will play the part of mini-Raspies that can (0) to drop a scheme marker, eat doves for positives on damage, and benefit from both Prompt and All Together Now and the forward maneuvering Ice Dancers, Luther, and midfield Ice Gamin to put some serious pain out out of activation.

    I've flat-footed some opponents with it, especially since the Ice Dancer, Luther, and Silent Ones all spike damage hard. It was something I started playing with under the Collect the Bounty constraint of limiting bounty value while maintaining lethality.

    Thank you.  I've played 'Tina a lot so i'm fully loaded on frozen heart.  I wound up with a cheap Collette box so Showgirls on Ice has been in my head for a little while.

  5. 20 minutes ago, spooky_squirrel said:

    I'm thinking that the Rail Golem would work wonders with some support from a couple Steam Arachnids reducing the Df of targets, which takes my crew concept in a different direction than Colette normally goes for me*. Carlos burning can be really rewarding, but also really risky. If I burn my hand too fast (or my opponent burns it for me), Burning +6 is going to be a real problem. Conservative hand use can help a lot and I love having uses for every card in my hand, even if it's "discard to X".

    I'm a fan of starving trolls out, but I'm concerned about prospective Colette players running into the combined effect of people whinging about the cuddle on one side and people saying "git gud" on the other. I'm in the camp that likes the change because I believe that it is good for the health of the game (does not necessarily mean good for Colette), and that it will help people that want to play Colette learn more nuanced ways to play her (and Malifaux in general). I realize that it may make me sound like I'm saying "git gud", but I'm offering up things that I've used in game that have scored me VP and given me the ability to shift momentum in my favor.

    * Of course, Colette's crew concept has shifted to a Show on Ice variant for me, so maybe it's not too much of a stretch to have the Animatronics Incorporated concept congeal.

    On the Doves question: Envy with positives on damage. I will never have all three doves on the table for any length of time because of things like that.

    Could you elaborate more about your Show on Ice lists?

  6. I think there is some fluff hooks that might lead to more Neverborn Lucius.  Firstly, the new Governor General appears to not be a fan of him,  if it becomes harder to manipulate the guild, he will need to dip into neverborn resources to continue his plots.  Secondly,  Titania hints she knows exactly what type of neverborn he is.  This to me implies that he is something different from what we have explicitly seen.  This could lead to more neverborn of that type that work well with him .

    • Like 4
  7. 13 hours ago, Da Git said:

    Kirai's vignette has a passing mention of the Court of two

    Jack Daw's, Sonnia's & Zoraida's has mentions of the Burning Man being a mash up of Cheruf and the Ex-GG (check out book 3 for how we got burnt{see what I did there!})

    Zipp's story has a bit about an Absynnian engineer leading the team to make the airship. From memory, I think there's also a pop-up in the Guild section about him too... could be in book 3 though...

    Dreamer's Vignette touches on the Attack on London with the Burning Man.

    Don't think there's really anything out there for Gibbering Hordes & King's Empire.


    the Under Quarantine Through the Breach book mentions a temple under malifaux dedicated to some sort of water god.  This might be a side reference to Meridion.


    As for Factions, I find myself torn.  I like Gibbering Hordes a lot story and aesthetically, though its not my usual play stye.   However,  KE keeps drawing my attention too, Play style looks fun, but I'm not as excited about the  look of the models.  Then suddenly it turns out nearly everyone local is also looking towards GH, like 2.5 to 1 ratio.  Not sure what to go  with now.

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  8. I had been thinking of posting a different thread but this is probably close enough.  I'm a bit worried about Rasputina in GG17, so much focus on scheming and she is definitely more murder prone.  With Snow Storm always eating into the points pool I do often feel a bit hard pressed to fit in enough schemeyness too, so I was curious what people were thinking about Tina in GG17

  9. 4 hours ago, Ryökäle said:

    Yeah, for hiring. But I feel like summoning them is the main way to get them. And by looking at the card, I don't see why you wouldn't, one way or the other, get at least few of them. Reinforcement tokens are a big buff for most of Hordes units and being target of "Survival of Fittest" somewhat hinders any unit other than eggs.

    True, but if each fireteam summons one egg clutch per game, doesn't seem like a bad time investment to me. It's 6 scrip worth of models, after all. Of course, it's hard to say, since I don't know the flow of the game enough. Maybe one stagnant turn for Karkinoi is too much, but I doubt it.

    You could, potentially, stagnant them to grant a bunch of glory, next turn Endless Numbers a clutch back anywhere on the field, Hatch it, and next turn wail to make up for the lost walk in the long term.

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  10. 12 hours ago, Akai said:

    I am not sure how much of Wyrd's characters are based on real people; however, the image of the "ghost" Binh reminds me of a fox.

    In Chinese mythology there are stories about nine-tailed fox demons or spirits. The fox spirit or demon seems to be common in east Asian cultures as I also see stories about them in Japan and Korea. I am not sure if the fox spirit/demon is in Vietnamese culture, but I do know Chinese culture had a strong presence in Vietnam. 

    I agree my first thought was a Kumiho or Kitsune as well.  Though at least the former tends to be always female.

  11. Karkinoi and Yarazi feel like they might be their proper names, like what Stormsiren would call them.  Barbed Creepers and Spotted Skulkers and the like seem like they are what the British soldiers dubbed them.

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