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Posts posted by Durza

  1. I had success with him with pre errata Colette and armour of December, a prompt is 2 3" pushes and armour +1 but you can only do that once per turn now. Although with Angelica pushing him as well you can still get quite a bit of range on him. 

  2. A precise min 6 damage peacekeeper is a thing of beauty, it's like over half your crew in the Judge and stompybot but nothing within engagement of the peacekeeper is surviving. 

    An executioner is slightly cheaper but also squishier. Frank could be a good target too, well actually anything with a high min damage and crit strike is a good target. 

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  3. I've found there's not enough poison going around for Sebastian to really shine so I usually don't take him. 

    I don't think the Judge can use bullets and blades (blades and bullets?) while under the nurse buff, as it's still a sh action, not ml. I like taking the Judge, with precise from Doug and his upgrade and triggers that's a lot of armour ignoring attacks. 

    I usually play hyper aggressive with Doug so Frank tends to get left behind so I usually don't take him. 

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  4. 39 minutes ago, Chris Rivers said:

    I just got an email and they said that it would take about a week to fix before printing.  They gave me store credit.  It is still irritating.  You would have figured they would have made sure the second run was good before shipping.


    They did check, the test runs they did were correct according to Aaron, which is why they thought they had fixed it. 

  5. 2 hours ago, edopersichetti said:

    I appreciate the efforts towards balancing the game, although I'm definitely not happy with the Gremlin cuddles...especially since we didn't get any Gremlin buffs :P
    Also a bit disappointed about Colette: it's not like she was an overpowered master that needed cuddling (like, say, Leveticus), I think limiting the use of her prompt is a little excessive. Overall a bad errata for me, even though I must say I'm happy that Rotten Belles have finally been addressed!

    The problem with prompt was that it was her only action being used, and her activation 90% of the time was to prompt howard 3 times, the once per turn limit is to shift up her playstyle and make her more interesting. 

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