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Everything posted by bchatzis

  1. Ah yeah, that would be better then if theyre easier to play with. Thank you very much!!
  2. Yeah, well I live in Cambridge in the uk. There's a few people who I play warmachine with who I think also play malifaux so il ask them
  3. Thanks, that makes a lot of sense now, thought it was because of the box or something. Any other advice is very welcome
  4. ah ok, thank you very much for that! if the viktorias need a few because they get into a lot of close combat, then how come they have 0 cache?
  5. Hi there! thank you all for your help! Theres a few conflicting ideas there, about whether or not to add the ronin. I think removing Johan from the list would make things a little fairer by the sounds of it. If i were to add the ronin, what would I swap them for? My girlfriend doesnt like being overwhelmed with rules at the start, but I was just going to give the the Lady justice box to use, and I'd struggle with the Victorias. I'm afraid I dont see her reading much fluff, and as she lives away from me at the moment, 2 rules manuals would come in handy instead of taking it in turns to read. I still dont get the whole soulstones mechanic (i have only read a little of the rules so far) so will the vics have a tougher time? or will the minion total cost be enough to cover it? Just looked at the pull my finger site, it looks really handy! thanks!! Thank you all by the way
  6. Hi there, I've been looking around the internet for advice and stuff, and thought maybe if I just ask it would be easier to have all that vast information put in a more understandable way. Basically, I play hordes and warmachine. I started earlier this year and really enjoy it. However, my girlfriend wants to start malifaux because of the cheaper cost and she likes the models more. I basically want to know what to get to start us off. I have all the hobby items from warmachine, and so just need help on the malifaux game aspect. I downloaded the rules and have read through that, and will get the rules manual for each of us too. Looking at the models, the Victorias box set and the Lady Justice set both appeal to us. I have 2 questions though before I do any purchasing. Firstly, should I make changes straight away before playing (e.g. add ronins)? or should I just leave them as they are for the moment, get to grips with the game mechanic before adding stuff? I want these to be as even as possible so we both have the same chance of winning, and no one person constantly dominates over the other making the experience of first time playing not fun, so if changes need to be made to make this fair then thats fine, or if all is well to kick off with just the box sets then thats good too. thank you very much for any help, hope this is the right place to post this.
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