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Posts posted by AureaSimia

  1. I think one of the examples uses two soulstones... But one was on the +flip, and the other on +suits.

    I believe the intent is to have one soulstone per chance per function.

    This was brought up in referance to Ramos' Spider summoning during the 2E Beta and we were told that since you needed a :tomes per spider and could summon up to 3, if you only got 1 :tomes in your initial casting you could use soulstones to make up the other 2 :tomes you needed to get 3 spiders out. Leads me to assume that you can just spend as many SS as you want to keep adding suits.

  2. Hey just wanted to ask if anyone else was having problems putting this box together?

    The models are very detailed, but assembly was very difficult for me for some of the models. The instructions helped for most of the assembly, had trouble with on of the models legs.

    Putting the Judge on a 30mm base was very difficult cause his legs are so far apart that he has to balance on the rounded edges.

    One of the Marshals, one that looks like he is sliding down the side of a coffin, is very top heavy. I'm trying to find metal to weigh them down.

    I have yet to put Lady Justice and Scales, but they will probably get touched sometime later this week.

    Anyone else put this box together?

    I had some of the same problems with my M2E Lilith Mother of Monsters box set. Barbaros' feet are SO far apart that if they were any further they wouldn't even be on a 30mm base (hence why I have a thread on here where I asked if he was supposed to be 40mm). My solution was to buy pre-made bases like these http://www.shop.microartstudio.com/shale-bases-wround-30mm-p-48.html that have a feature on them that's just slightly larger than 30mm and mounting him to that.

  3. So, I find myself at a problem. I have too many pieces to fit in the Tackle Box I've been using as a Malifaux case. A friend is selling his foam Malifaux Case for $60, but I just started a new job and am poor.

    I was wondering what are other players using to schlep their pieces around or what suggestions they may have. I currently have 4 50mm pieces, 3 40mm pieces and 20-30ish 30mm pieces.

  4. What kind of model should I mount on the pillar? I want something suitably gothic and moody to paint-up as weathered stone or bronze, but I seem to be blanking on what exactly to add. A Malifaux, GW or Privateer Press model would make this scenery a bit too "brand loyal" for me. I have been considering using something more neutral, like a chess piece. Maybe a sinister looking queen would fit the setting, almost like a Red Queen meets Mrs. Lovitt.

    I would love some suggestions!

    You could always use Lilith's totem the Malifaux Cherub painted as stone and it'd also be a good Doctor Who reference.

  5. Last night I sprayed 3 months worth of painting (almost an entire Dark Debts crew) and came away with the dreaded grey "frosting" all over them.

    A bit of research and I found that Olive Oil is an effective remedy. I've rubbed it in with a Q-tip this morning, given the model a light rinse in water, and it seems to have recovered. I'll check back after I finish work today to see how they look once they've dried off, but I'm hopeful!

    If that works, it'd be a godsend to a monetarily poor fellow such as myself.

  6. So, I painted my Nothing Beast yesterday. I primed it in black, painted it in a basecoat of black and then dry-brushed it in various shades of green and made a look I loved. However, when I went to use the Matte Clear Coat spray to finish it, it lightened the whole damn mini so much that now the black is light grey (about the same shade as the Nothing Beast box art) and the greens are bright as well. On one hand, I'm going to have to do the same to the Void Wretches so they match, but on the other I'd like to know how to keep this from happening on the rest of the crew.

  7. I'd say if you're doing a unifying colour and are considering Purple, you may also want to consider if you'll ever get involved with The Neverborn. My initial answer to that question was a resounding "No, I'm a Guild player!". Now, several months down the line, I own crews from almost every faction in the game (with the exception of Gremlins). So, if you paint your Rezzers purple, what would you then use for the Neverborn?

  8. So, I've started on all my guild and I've got them all wearing quite a bit of red as a sort of uniform. The coats/hats on Perdita's crew and the death marshals, the hood on the Stalkers, etc... But I'm starting to feel that doing that is becoming overdone or cliche. So, I was thinking more of a hint of red on each one. The Judge's scarf, Lady Justice's blindfold, a ram design on the backs of the Death Marshalls, etc... thoughts?

  9. You wait for him to activate. And then have the twins lure him out of the way of the stuff you care about and then eat him, a dead papa can't do a whole lot. Sometimes killing is the answer
    Does eating him negate BOOM or would it still go off and just injure the twins?

    ---------- Post added at 09:32 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:23 PM ----------

    Don't group up. If you think Papa is annoying you haven't seen Criid violate her own Stalkers.
    I'm looking at Sonia's and the Stalker's cards now. I'm not sure I know what you mean.
  10. I recently started using parts of Perdita's crew and Papa Loco just feels broken to me. Isn't there a resist or anything for the damage of his BOOM? It feels wrong that I can just slam him into enemies and let him sit there until he dies and it's 5 free damage to anything inside the aura.

  11. Very nice stuff. We try and run with Special Terrain as often as possible, but with the exception of a sacrificial pit we made for Warhammer and a Graveyard, we've been making do with makeshift things like coins, boxes, and bits of cardboard. I've recently bought a few trees from a model train aisle in the local hobby store to make Hanging Trees, but you've inspired me to keep going and make more!

  12. My question is, How often can something reactivate? Is it only once total or once per ability/spell that grants it?

    I was sitting around spit-balling ideas and I had what is quite possibly a brutal one. A Ramos crew with the Brass Arachnid, Rusty Alyce, and the Rail Golem. In theory, you can Link the Brass Arachnid to the Rail Golem and have it follow it around. During play, the Rail Golem can use burning tokens to Reactivate itself. If you follow it's reactivation with casting Stoke through the Brass Arachnid, it'll reactivate again. Then, after that reactivation, cast Burnout from Alyce and give it a third reactivation. Granted at the start closing phase, it'll wind up at 1 wound, but if you can cheat initiative, then you can make sure the Rail Golem goes first, blow your remaining burning tokens and then you're back at healthy. Then the game begins again.

  13. When using Cheatin' Bastard, you always go last when cheating in a duel. Can this ability be used to force drain someone's fate hand?

    Let's say I flip a 7 and my enemy flips a 9 in a duel. So, I announce I'm cheating. Because I always go last in a duel, my enemy cheats first and cheats in a 13. Well, the highest card in my hand is a 10. To conserve that high card, can I just cheat in a 1 or do I have to play that 10?

    As well, I want to make sure that this applies only to duels that Jakob Lynch is involved in.

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