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Posts posted by Mr.Soulstone

  1. So i need your guys help. We're designing the outcast deck, and after looking through the new art work/character for 2.0 i've started constructing a list. THis is what i have so far. Would appriciate your thoughts/changes/ideas. You'll see its not a fully completed list yet and i'm up for changing it all about if thats what the comments suggest!




    Student of Conflict

    Desperate Mercenary




    Rusty Alyce




    2 Viktoria's



    Red - ?

    Black ?

    No Schill in there? I would make the viks on one card if they can fit and then schill to replace one of them.

    As for the cards Student of Conflict/Red and Hodgepodge/Black

    A freikorpsman/Hannah to replace student in the jacks


  2. Hi guys and gals

    I and looking to sell or trade some models, I have

    treasure hunters box set sprew inbuilt or touched brand new

    guild hounds x4


    these models together are great to start with Lucas

    I AM looking to sell or trade particularly for perdita Ortega stuff I have lots of other guild that I may also be willing to part with.

    pm me



  3. Hi guys and gals

    I have intentions to use Sue in my crews as a Convict Gunslinger as he suits the Perdita theme and looks better with guild than the original gunslinger!

    My Question is to anyone who has assembled him.

    The guitar on his back, 1st, is this a separate piece or when the blister is bought is it attached to his back already!

    2nd, if it is separate can it be left off without leaving a weird looking back, like an unsculpted area or slot where the guitar fits?

    3rd if it does leave a slot or something could it be touched up with green stuff?



  4. Hi DumbLuck

    Didnt have a response from you by email, but I think its a problem on my end!

    Regarding proxy models is it ok to use Sue as a convict gunslinger? He looks better in a Guild crew than the actual model, I have both so its not an issue but purely personal preferance!


  5. Hi Guys

    Received my Relic Hunters box a couple of days ago and I am absolutely in love with the new models (and plastics in general, VERY IMPRESSED).

    Sidir is by far my favourite model at the moment, followed closely by the Wastrels.

    Scanning the forums however it seems that the opinion of Sidir is a little negative! I play Lucas and Perdita so was wondering if anyone knew the best ways to use Sidir in a game regarding SS size, schemes and strategies etc!

    Any help would be well appreciated


  6. Have played some proxy games with him and a few games against him, generally his themes arent too hard to get to grips with so its fine as a starter! The trick is just practicing his techniques like with any master. I would agree with all of the above model selections (basically if it has guard, then take it!).


  7. Oh ok great I have plenty of standard fate decks but I think the retro works nice with guild crews:)

    and yeh will have to make sure the rulebook is available, so far have just used the pdf on my laptop which i would rather not have out and about at the tournament!



  8. Manley, Motley & Soulstone. Solicitors at large in Malifaux... there's a story in that surely!!

    Sorry to derail the thread, but that just struck me :)

    Will have to come up with something! ;)

    Just wondering guys as well, this would be the 3 of us in our first Malifaux tournament so we are not to sure on the social convention in this kind of situation. We used to play in Warhammer tournaments at Warhammer world where drinking wasnt a problem and was infact encouraged by Bugmans! Just wondering the rules regarding drinking in the day etc? We were jsut used to drinking in the day and having some fun then going to a pub nearby afterwards with our new friends for the day.


    Mr. Soulstone

  9. I loved Dan Abnetts Gaunts Ghosts series. Ive read through it twice already (yes all of them) and would not have a problem reading them a third time. His Esienhorn and Ravenor series are also very good. And no I'm not a 40k groupie... I haven't been able to get through most other 40k authors books.

    I agree with you Twisted, Dan Abnett is one of my favourite authors I have read all of the Gaunts Ghosts and they were fantastic, even if you dont like 40k they are a great war novel! And Eisenhorn and Ravenor were great to. I got up to the Last Heretic in the horus heresy series before losing interest!

  10. Go to the store and pick up the following book immediately:

    The Lies of Locke Lamora, by Scott Lynch.

    Do it now.


    You're still reading this, stop reading it and go buy the book. Now.


    Fine! You obviously won't take my word for it, but here is a review of the novel.


    Seriously go read the book.

    Hmm seems to show promise, George R R Martin likes it as well so should be good

    thanks for the recomendation


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