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Posts posted by ttsgosadow

  1. Malifaux is booming in Alphen aan den Rijn! Join the ever growing community! On saturday 19 september I am at the Games Guild demo-ing Malifaux. Come join us, and if you like you can flex your Malifaux some more the next day. On 20 sep there's a Malifaux game day at the same location. Borrow one of many crews and get in the action. That's the surest way to see how much you like Malifaux.

    Bad things happen! Enjoy it :)

    Location: www.gamesguild.nl


    See you there!

  2. The Hero Malifaux Deserves

    The first official NL Malifaux tournament since M2E!

    Date: sunday 22 november, 10:00 - 18:00

    Location: Games Guild, Alphen aan den Rijn

    Malifaux 2E tournament

    Gaining Grounds ruleset

    Fixed faction, 50 soulstones

    Registration: let me know on facebook or on this forum (PM prefered) if you're coming. That makes it possible for me to prepare (tables, scenery, etc.).


    Rules: http://www.wyrd-games.net/s/Organized-Play-Formats.zip


    The Hero Malifaux Deserves

    Het eerste officiële NL Malifaux toernooi sinds M2E!


    Datum: zondag 22 november, 10:00 - 18:00

    Locatie: Games Guild, Alphen aan den Rijn


    Malifaux 2E toernooi

    Gaining Grounds ruleset

    Fixed faction, 50 soulstones


    Registratie: laat hier op facebook of op dit forum (liefst via PM) weten of je komt. Ik moet rekening houden met tafels en terrain, dus heb het nodig om te weten hoeveel mensen er zullen zijn.


    Regels: http://www.wyrd-games.net/s/Organized-Play-Formats.zip

  3. The 20th of september we're having an open Malifaux day at Alphen aan den Rijn. You are all welcome to play a game of Malifaux, meet other players and have a good time! Here's the info in Dutch (we're the Dutch Malifaux Guild after all ;)).

    Open dag om Malifaux te spelen in Alphen aan den Rijn. Ik wil jullie allemaal uitnodigen; een mooie gelegenheid om elkaar (weer) te zien en (beter) te leren kennen, goed excuus om weer modelletjes te schuiven!

    Kom je ook? 
  4. On the Henchman section - which I love seeing so prominently on the front page - the city I am in is misspelled. Is should read 'Alphen aan den Rijn', not Alpha naan den Rijn

    I see you edited the city name, but it got another misspelling. It should read 'Alphen aan den Rijn', not Alpan aan den Rijn.


    Also I noticed the url that's supplied in boxes for assembly instructions is dead (malifaux.com/instructions.php); maybe redirect that url to the new place for instructions? Or remake the page with some info? People who are new to the hobby might find it difficult to find the instructions otherwise.

  5. You can use the bloodbowl mechanic, where you turn models that have activated already facing towards you, while models that can still activate are facing towards your opponent. That's an easy way to keep track of it!


    On a more related note: love reading the discussion! Thanks for all the tips and tricks!

  6. I recall vividly my first game of Malifaux. I got it explained and played Raspy. At the end of the game both crews where tabled. I was up in VP and won as well. That got me hooked, and now I am drowning in crews :)


    Think it's one of the definining things about the game: killing models help you winning, but it's not the victory condition in itself. <3

  7. Highlander Grow-League

    Starting 4 juli on the Games Guild,  AGG club and Dutch Malifaux Facebook group is the Highlander Grow-League. Everyone is welcome to participate. In the time of 6-8 weeks we battle for the illuster title of Highlander. Introducing unique rules to make head-hunting even more rewarding  :) Read more in Dutch:


    Highlander Grow-League
    Vanaf 4 juli starten we op de Games Guild, de club en de Nederlandse Malifaux facebook groep met de Highlander Grow-League! Iedereen kan meedoen! Over de tijd van 6-8 weken kunnen mensen potten spelen op jacht voor de befaamde hoofden van de machtige Highlanders. Aan het eind sluiten we af met een deathmatch pool om te bepalen wie de echte Highlander is! Je wint daarmee de illustere eer, mag jezelf Highlander <naam> noemen!


    Keep reading at our website: http://alphengamesguild.nl/forum/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=1244 

  8. Highlander Grow-League

    Starting 20 september on the AGG club is the Highlander Grow-League. Everyone is welcome to participate. In the time of 6-8 weeks we battle for the illuster title of Highlander. Introducing unique rules to make head-hunting even more rewarding :) Read more in Dutch:


    Highlander Grow-League
    Vanaf 20 september starten we op de club met de Highlander Grow-League! Iedereen kan meedoen! Over de tijd van 6-8 weken kunnen mensen potten spelen op jacht voor de befaamde hoofden van de machtige Highlanders. Aan het eind sluiten we af met een deathmatch pool om te bepalen wie de echte Highlander is! Je wint daarmee de illustere eer, mag jezelf Highlander <naam> noemen en krijgt de Highlander titel op het forum!


    Keep reading at our website: http://alphengamesguild.nl/2014/09/highlander-grow-league-vanaf-20-september/



  9. Trying to place an order, but get the following error. Anyone got tips/knows what it means? I dont have any weird characters in my name or adress or anything.


    Order declined.

    Review your data or contact the store administrator. 
    Reason: Declined Error: This transaction cannot be processed. (Code: 15005, Severity: )



    In respons to Ben th3 Bear: shipping this year is exactly as last year. Each item has a fixed shipping cost (around $3,50 for most things, with the books having $22 or so). Everything you order will add to the shipping, with a minimum shipping of $10.

    Yes its relative expensive shipping, but they are dollars, so its less in Euro's. You get about the same price as buying them here, but you get them early and with free goodies!

  10. I'm gonna have to ask for clarification on the killjoy thing,

    Tara's Eternal Moment doesn't have any kind of "in play" clause on it. That would mean that if she has to go after "all other friendly model have activated" then she needs killjoy to activate in order for her ability to work.

    That was my line of thought as well. Reading mpangelu's reply with "buried models cannot activate" does imply that they could be activated if this line of text wasn't included? If you follow that reasoning, Tara won't get reactivate unless the model that is buried had activated earlier - which it didn't in my game where Killjoy started buried.

  11. We got three weird rules interactions, wonder what other people think about this.

    Tara: player fielding tara and a burried killjoy. He activates tara first and uses (0) that gives reactivate when all other friendky models have activated. Question: does the burried killjoy count for this? Sure he's burried, but still a friendly model who hasn't activated.

    Scheme interacts: a couple of schemes want you to make interacts on enemy models while in melee or nearby. But then you are engaged and cannot take an interact action according to the rulebook!!

    Mei Fengs steam: mei fengs steam is worded totally different from langstroms. The way its worded it's super powerful, also has a negative effect on your own actions, stacks with cover, and - this is the weirdest part about it - has no interaction with kangs upgrade shapes in the steam. Meis steam doesnt affect los or whatever, so shapes in steam doesn't do anything.

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