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Pagan Wolfe

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Posts posted by Pagan Wolfe

  1. I am currently working on one for fun with friends.

    Set by faction.

    You buy a pool of models to draw from at the start of the campaign.

    If a model is removed during a game you loose it from the pool.

    You can recruit new models into your pool but their ss cost goes up.

    Models that survive may become veterans, flip a card and gain something minor (eg. +1 def)

    Masters can never gain veteran status (ie. they remain unchanged)

    Summoned models cannot gain veteran status.

    Veterans can be bought back under specific circumstances, but loose some gained bonuses.

    Just the basics. So, it is more like a novelty league...just for those that are interested.

    Cards flipped for veterans will be done in front of other players....even at the start of each game (so veteran level 4) would flip 4 times. Although I would rather just have it set.

    Keep it simple.

    I will post up the rules when I have them done and play tested more.

  2. Well, most of the people in the league are extreme novices...if you have a painted crew then you are ahead of most :)

    As I put up I am happy to travel to games and sit by and help as required and just generally be social.

    I will PM you when I am organizing the next round, it will be an odd one as it with have to be over before the 'silly' end of December (my workload also gets insane around that time). It may even have to wait until early January...

    Thanks for your interest!

  3. Unburied models immediately kill themselves in shame.

    Unless they are pigs and Gremlins!

    True story, rural Vietnam, the toilet in the the village was a fairly large building. When you looked down the hole just a few feet below were all of these hungry little pigs looking back up at you.

    Don't. Fall. In.

    Don't. Eat. Pork. There.

  4. Update time, and thanks guys...I like this crew, now I need to start playing them to see if I can make it work!

    Still many models to paint though...so it may be a while.

    The Beckoners...and my massive hands...


    I keep looking at these two and comparing them to the metal and although it all seems fairly much the same size these felt so slim. Then you think about the Victorias wrists and, well, they are the same.

    My wife rolled her eys at this one and said "Oh, you HAD to make her a red-head" :)





    The base here looks blue, but it is actually Jade Green...




    Thanks for looking in again. If you live in Perth and are going to skulls you may just see these guys in the flesh...while I try to figure out how to play with them...no time for practice with this crew. Maybe I should stick with guild...

  5. Due to the overwhelming success I had running demos over the summer campaign many of my new players have picked up their first boxed sets and are ready to go! Thrown in with some of my friends who have played for a while we have managed to cobble together a league.

    With everyone working and having family/kids once a fortnight was voted as the best so people could commit.

    If you like the looks of this and want to get in on the next one leave a message, as these are going to be a pretty regular occurrence (i.e. I plan to run one after the other to keep people interests up).

    What: Malifaux Garage League Series

    Entry: FREE!

    Who: 6 players, you know who you are! Will post names and match ups later.

    When: First games are late this week (Thursday October the 4th)

    How: Three games per player over 6 weeks (one each fortnight). The winner will be determined by total victory points earned over the three games, with a maximum of 8VP per game.

    Game Format: Keeping it simple to start...1 shared strategy decided at random, 2 schemes chosen by each player (unique for the league...so you cannot take the same scheme in more than one game). Remember you can sacrifice a scheme for an extra soul stone.

    Crew: Starter boxed sets + totem + 1 other model (35SS). Next league will be more 'open', but this is the restricted format to keep it fair for players with limited collections at the moment. Don't forget, unspent SS go into your pool for the game (masters SS + leftovers = max 8)


    Winner: $25 towards something from the store

    Runner-up: $15 towards something from the store

    I will pay postage :) This may drop later...but not by much!

    Where: Each player will be contacted by email regarding their match ups SOON. Most of you have said that you cannot play this week. Once you have the match ups you can email each other and arrange the time/place, please CC me (or email me if you text the hell out of each other) to keep me in the loop.

    All current players are South of the river Perth Metro (Armadale and further)...so if you are thinking of joining later please keep this in mind. Sorry, nobody like commuting for an hour down the freeway after midnight!

    Devil in the Details:

    I will also be playing in the league, but am ineligible for any prizes. I will also play any games if someone needs to forfeit, so people can still get their game in and earn points.

    Once you win it will take about 3 weeks for your prizes to arrive due to postage time.

    Not everyone will get to play everyone else, but you can have games outside of the league...they just don't count :)

    I will attend as many games as I can / am welcome at. Please make a point of contacting me if you want me there for help (or because I am so very pretty).

    Painting Contest

    To keep you all motivated, without huge pressure, I will run the painting contest we discussed.

    How: Choose 1 model from your crew. Send me the name and a photo of the model.

    Each time you play a game ask your opponent to have a good look at it. In the after game email from each player please include a score from 1 to 10 for your opponents model (with 1 being "At least it was primed" and 10 being "I thought it was going to start moving!"). Highest total score wins!

    Prize: $10 towards something in the store

    Devil in the Details: You can only enter a model once...ever...

    All scores given are totally confidential and will never be discussed. Promise. Except totals, if you want the totals I will give you those...but never what other people rated any model.

    Post Game Email



    Shared Strategy:

    Schemes (2) used by YOU:

    Victory points earned by YOU:

    Judgement on painting of OPPONENTS model: /10

    I will be in touch with you all regularly anyway...even if it is on Borderlands 2!

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