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Posts posted by OTP

  1. On 07/09/2016 at 5:02 PM, Keith Robinson said:

    On the off-chance you have a drop-off rate of around 20%, please add me to the reserve list (Keith Robinson).

    Thank you :) And I guess more likely to see you all next year!


    Keith, you seem to be next on the list and I now can't go - Mike I assume Keith just PayPals me? But given we have never met perhapse you could vouch for me?

  2. Hi All,

    I was hoping for a bit of advice, I am looking for a third master to compliment but also counter point Rasputina and Lilith my two current masters.

    Primarily I need a new painting project so would be after something with a strong visual theme, and that can be played well within them,  for Raspy uses only frozen heart stuff and cats, and Lilith only nature and Nephilim. (neither of them massively restarted themes it must be said). I guess I am looking for some sort of support and or summoning master I suppose – that’s said it would have to be just something sufficiently different to add a new play experience


    All Pete

  3. 40 minutes ago, jonahmaul said:

    Thinking about it more not sure I like the idea that you have to have every faction represented in your group.  What if you don't have a player who plays faction X?  Or what if you all want to rock Ressers/Guild/Arcanists etc?

    So don't go?

    why must every new idea be met with negativity - dont like it? Organise your own event 

  4. I'd almost turn the original question around - why would you take them together?


    Paralyze one, you got them both, Slow one, you got them both - DISTRACT one - get them both etc etc (you can run your opponents hand out real quick)


    Lilitu i like but i just dont see what Lelu brings for his 7 stones (beyond that big downside)

  5. I'd like to pick her up, but what you describe EntrepeNinja, seem to require huge amounts of adrenalin, it cost two to trigger into Uppercut, and at only base Ml 4.... if you have already spent 2 to trigger into it, how many do you have left you bump the ml up into something decent, both the first time, and certainly the second?


    This is whats holding me back (along with the lack of models, and a dislike of proxying). how are you getting 6/8 adrenalin? or are you doing the above with 4? So drop 2 hit at ml6 (which is good) then drop 2 and hit at ml4 (which is not)

  6. I think what this does in round one is cause all the top players to 'stomp a noob' and get a free win. Giving the best players a big VPD, and the middle players a more average VPD. This makes it easier for 'top players' to win events. Which is not something I'm comfortable with.


    Seeding works where you have enough rounds to mitigate the advantage or provide byes. In a three round event I'm not sure you're gaining anything.


    This is what i was trying to say Scott but couldn't 100% agree with mythicFox here


    Maybe, but that's fairer than allowing one top player to stomp a noob and 2 other top players slogging it out for a narrow VP diff.


    you are right about the mid players though, although a low VP win for one would likely not see them meet a top player until the last round where if they beat them they would be above them on TP.


    I would just like to see it tested and see what the outcome actually is


    its fairer for the top players, not the middling ones, for the reasons above. (but i know you like it and i don't - i don't even like it in tennis when there is at least a strong "entertainment at the end argument")


    As for henchmen, my issues isn't so much with them per se - its with mixing them in. Say I have Mei and a few other constructs and declare aracanist - whoops I don't have a henchman unless i have a larger collection and have joss or cassandra etc. or a very themed collodi crew, vasilisa cant hire half of it, or even Marcus, Myranda cant hire half of it. Is it a puzzle to solve - maybe for those of us with lots of stuff, for others its just a barrier to entry.

  7. Thanks everyone for there thoughts so far - id hope this doesn't end the thread, as id still like  tips on the things already discussed.


    Scott nailed the question, Joel nailed the answer. Scott please do write a blog it would be a great read.


    The emotions are i think the big thing, and as Joel identified it both positive and negative ones "i have this won" and "i cant win from here". Id love to hear tips people have on controlling this it would help in Malifaux and frankly (if some what dramatically) in life.


    Now i just need to figure out my opponents weaknesses - though id rather remove mine!

  8. I am after a bit of help really,

    I have got to the point where I can’t see the good in my masters / Crews whilst every opponent seems over powered. I don’t need there good points listing I can see them – the just don’t seem to stack up to what other crews bring to the table.

    I’m not so much after “Raspy is awesome – she can dole out 20 dg in one ap” (which she can, I have wiped a crew out in one activation once – but doesn’t often) or “Ramos can summon 40 more ss of models in game”.

    I have played Raspy a lot (and I think just need a break) Ramos and Marcus moderate amounts. Part of me is looking for a wholesale change I think.

    That said the main issue:

    Certainly locally all my regular opponents have figures me out – they know what I’m going to try and do. I however haven’t figure them out.

    I can recognise I have some habits – I can be baited into to wasting ap/cards killing things, I like to paralyse or root models – sometimes an excellent idea other times I do it just because I know it annoys me and throw me off my game, and thus I hope it does the same.

    People have been helping on twitter and one of them offered to expanded hence starting the post here.

    How do I learn my opponents (I haven’t managed to in 2 years) and how do I change my game to force them to learn me again

    And after playing arcanists for 2 years im toying with a break and looking at:




    Brewmaster/AN other

    Colette also come into mind

    Many thanks!

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