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Posts posted by MilwaukeeBeast

  1. Ive used them with both Kirai and McM.

    They definately work better with kirai, even if Weighed Down keeps her from swirling them around. they can move up to 11" any given turn anyways so its never really been an issue for me.

    With McM tho, i just wasnt feeling it. they felt like more of a liability than an asset. i was constantly worried about them being too close to something of mine when they did pop. at least with kirai most everything she has is spirit so 2dmg isnt so bad, but 2dmg to say, a punk zombie, that hurts a little more than i care for.

  2. spirit, float, driven by purpose, slow to die, a zero action push for enemies, and they explode when they die, whats not to love?

    I tend to run them as suicide bombers; haul ass up field, and just wait for something to kill them. even if theyre not immediately in range for maximum explodey goodness they get a slow to die action to move a little more forward. or if theyre already engaged when they drop you can take one last swing or try to cast riptide before popping.

  3. The shikome is usually at the top of my summon list, apart from the Ikiryo of course, you just cant go wrong with it. Onryo take second place, they're nice and versitile for a pretty fair number of wounds. Jaakuna brings up the rear, shes just too situational to pop up that often. As for Gaki, i rarely ever bring them on the board except with spirit food or the Datsues ability.

    On the (very) rare occasion i might have the Lost Love summon something, it might be a Gaki or Onryo, since theyre cheap enough.

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