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About mujrim

  • Birthday 03/03/1976

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  1. Thanks for the reply. I assume the pigapult is there to throw pere (and occasionally Ophelia) into the midst of the enemy crew? I haven't ever played him because he seems kind of hit-or-miss to me. He does have nice damage potential though. Also, what should I be looking to counter from collodi? I've never played against him.
  2. I have a 30SS tournament coming up and I think I want to give the ol' gremlins a go. I have not played much Malifaux, so it looks like Ophelia is a better choice. I have played a lot of other tabletop games, so I'm pretty good on the basics of strategyn in general, I just need to adjust my mindset a bit. Also, I've read the gremlin entries at pullmyfinger and the first 10 or so pages here, so I think I have the basics down. I'm looking at this for a list: Outcasts Crew - 30 - Scrap Ophelia Lacroix -- 3 Pool 3 Young Lacroix [6ss] Bayou Gremlin [2ss] Bayou Gremlin [2ss] Bayou Gremlin [2ss] Bayou Gremlin [2ss] Bayou Gremlin [2ss] Bayou Gremlin [2ss] Francois Lacroix [5ss] Rami Lacroix [6ss] Slop Hauler [4ss] Or going really heavy on the bayou gremlins (8 total) and cutting francois; I think having a model with somewhat capable melee may be important though. Also the strategies will all be shared and are escape and survive, supply wagon and slaughter. Schemes are one use: Assassinate, Bodyguard, Breakthrough, Holdout, Grudge and Frame For Murder. Any advice on which schemes are for this creww for each strategy? Is this too much of an uphill battle for an Ophelia crew? I have most other gremlin models, is there a better list that isn't too complex? I want to play the gremlins because they look like a fun and not too serious. I know they are seen as at least competitive as well. I mostly want to have fun, but I'd rather not get tabled, so I do want to feel like I can at least stay in games. Thanks for any input.
  3. Hello fellow Malifaux denizens, I am willing to trade any of my GW stuff 25% in your favor for items that have a * in my wants, 50% in your favor for ** items. I have a well established trading rep at bartertown and other places. I’m not interested in buying unless it’s an excellent deal (more than 60% off). I would much rather trade, but if you want to buy something, please make an offer. I will not respond to “how much for…” messages. I don’t really keep up on GW releases, so more of those items are likely OOP than are actually listed that way. Please ask if you have questions. Here are my lists. Haves: Malifaux NE Dead Justice Box Set LE Miss Demeanor Ressurectionists: 3x Necropunks (bare) 3x Crooked Men (bare) 1x Bete Noire (bare) Neverborn 1x Coppelius (bare) Warmachine I do NOT have MkII 2010 cards for these models unless noted. Khador 1x Butcher (minor conversion, partial paint) Cygnar 1x MAJ Siege Brisbane (NIB) 1x CPT Haley (original, partial paint) 1x CPT Haley Alternate (NIB) 3x Mechanics 1 leader & 2 gobbers (partial paint) 1x Journeyman warcaster (bare) Cryx 2x Defiler (partial paint) 1x Deathripper (bare) 10x Revenant Crew (Painted) 10x Revenant Crew (partial paint, different style) 3x Revenant crew (primed/bare) 1x Rengrave (major Conversion, painted) 2x Machine Wraith (1 painted, 1 bare) 2x Pistol Wraith (1 bare, 1 painted) 2x Skarre (1 Painted, 1 bare) 1x Goreshade w/slave (Unpainted) 1x Witch Coven GF9 token set (NIB) Menoth Retribution of Scyrah 5x Destor Heavy Cavalry (NIB) Mercs 1x Mariner (primed) 1x Capt Bartolo Montador GF9 token set (NIB) 1x Phinneus Shae GF9 token set (NIB) 1x Gorten Grundback GF9 token set (NIB) 1x Magnus the Traitor GF9 token set (NIB) Hordes I do NOT have MkII 2010 cards for these models unless noted. Circle Orboros 1x GENCON Druid Gone Wilder (NIB) 1x pKaya (primed) 4x Argus (3 bare, 1 primed) 1x Classic Feral Warpwolf (primed) 1x Tharn Wolf Rider (NIB) 1x Woldwarden (primed) 1x Woldwyrd (NIB) 1x Sentry Stone & Manninkins (NIB) 1x Tharn Whitemane (bare) Trollbloods 8x Pyg Burrowers (painted) 1x Impaler (bare) Legion of Everblight 1x Saeryn (bare) 1x War Chief (bare) Skorne: 1x Archdomina Makeda (NIB) 2x Cyclops Savage (primed) 1x Basilisk Krea (NIB) Warhammer 40k Eldar 12x Guardians (partially assembled, primed) 8x OOP Harlequins (bare) http://www.solegends.com/citcat911/c2096eldarharlequins.htm http://www.solegends.com/citcat911/c2097eldarharlequins.htm High avatar 1 Avatar 2 Warlock 1 High Avatar 2 Death Jester 1 Trouper 16 Trouper 17 Trouper 19 3x Warlock 2 4x OOP Harlequin Jetbike (3 metal canopy, 1 resin; bare) 20x OOP Rangers (some partial paint, some bare, some NIB) 3x OOP Eldar CCW sprues Space Marines 1x Land Raider (partial paint, missing treads) 1x Land Raider Crusader (primed, needs some gaps filled) 2x Dark Angels SGT w/ sword (primed, metal) 1x Space Wolf Iron Priest (bare, metal) 1x SGT Naaman (bare) 1x SGT w/ Bionic arm (painted, needs arm fixed) 1x Bike Chaplain w/ faring and book NO BIKE (bare, metal) 1x Beakie Legion of the Damned Marine (bare, metal) 1x AoBR Captain (NOS) 4x Space Marine 2x bolter, 1x missile launcher, 1x flamer (plastic, base-coated UM blue) 12x Space Marine w/ bolter (mostly assembled, bare to partial paint) 11x Space Marine (partially assembled, bits to do bolters or a mix of assault troops and bolters) 2x RT era Space Marine w/ bolter (primed) 1x Assault Marine (metal, partial paint) 3x Assault Marines w/o JP (plastic, partial paint) 1x Converted Standard Bearer (metal, primed) 2x OOP Librarians (metal) 3x OOP Chaplain (2x bare, 1x painted; 3x metal) 1x Command Squad – Commander, Standard, Apothecary, Champion (mostly assembled, plastic) 1x OOP Forgeworld Whirlwind bit ??x bits (extra arms, legs, meltagun, plasmagun, flamers, CCW/pistol sprues, etc.) Blood Angels 1x Commander Dante (bare) 1x Death Company Chaplain (NIB) 1x converted BA Standard Bearer w/ jump pack (primed, metal) I also have an army, most of it painted to a basic tabletop standard. I'll take $100 cash for it or $175 in trade: 1x OOP Predator/Rhino (partial paint) 1x Attack Bike w/ HB 17x Bolter Marines (2nd Ed) 2x Missile Launcher marines (2nd Ed) 3x Marine SGT (2nd Ed) 8x Bolter Marines (RT era) 1x SGT w/ Stormbolter (custom RT era) 10x Bolter Marines (3rd Ed) 1x Lascannon marine (3rd Ed) 2x Heavy Bolter marine (3rd Ed) 2x Multimelta Marine (3rd Ed) 1x Plamsagun Marine (3rd Ed) 10x Jump pack Assault Marines (mostly 3rd Ed) 10x Dismounted Assault Marines (3rd Ed) 1x Chaplain (painted) 5x BP/CCW Scouts (from space marine game) 1x Missile Launcher Scout (converted from space marine game) Pics available upon request. Imperial Guard 1x Female Commissar (primed black) 1x Leman Russ – Annihilator Twin Las turret, HB sponsons, hull Las (partial paint) 1x Leman Russ – Annihilator Twin Las turret, HB sponsons, hull HB (partial paint) 1x Leman Russ – Conqueror turret (conversion), hull HB (partial paint) 1x Leman Russ – Demolisher/Vanquisher turret (conversion with removable Vanquisher barrel), open sponsons, Hull HB (partial paint) 1x OOP Stormtrooper HB team (partial paint) 2x Sentinel w/ multilaser (1 painted, 1 partial paint) 4x OOP Catachan ML team (primed) 2x OOP Catachan HB team (primed, bare) 1x OOP Catachan HB team, missing armor plate, have a non-GW replacement (bare) 3x OOP Catachan LC team (primed) 2x OOP Catachan Mortar team (primed) 4x Mortar tubes, no crew (painted) 2x Catachan Snipers 10x Catachan w/ pistol & CCW (assembled) – 4 pending 23x Catachan w lasgun (mostly assembled) 6x Catachan w/ shotgun (assembled) 2x Catachan w/ HB (assembled) 6x Catachan w/ flamer (assembled) 1x Catachan w/ Heavy flamer (assembled) 1x Catachan w Grenade launcher (assembled) Chaos Space Marines 5x blister of Chaos Cultists, 2 ea (NIB) 1x OOP Nurgle Champion (NIB) 1x Iron Warrior Warsmith (NIB) 1x OOP Slaanesh Champion (painted) 1x OOP Chaos Lord (painted) 8x Khorne Berzerkers (mostly on sprue) 4x OOP Khorne Berzerkers (3 on sprue, 1 primed) 1x Dreadnaught TL-AC, CCW (painted) 8x Chaos Marines (mostly on sprue) 7x OOP Chaos Renegades/Marines circa 1988 (bare): Bolter 11 and bolter 15 http://www.solegends.com/citcat911/c2108chaosrenegades-h.htm Khorne - bolter 1, bloodletter head 1, skull head x2 http://www.solegends.com/citcat911/c2106chaosrenegades-h.htm 9x OOP Raptors (8 primed, 1 even more OOP batwing style partial paint) 17x Chaos Marines w/ BP+CCW (partial paint) 16x Chaos Marines w/ bolter (partial paint) some of these are a mix of chaos warriors and chaos marines 2x Chaos Marines w/ flamer (1 painted, 1 primed) 1x Chaos Marines w/ plasmagun (primed) 6x Chaos Marines w/ Missile Launcher (partial paint, 5 RT era, 1 3rd Ed) 5x Chaos Marines w/ Autocannon (primed) 4x Chaos Marines w/ Heavy Bolter (primed) 3x Chaos Marines w/ Lascannon (primed, 1 2nd Ed, 2 3rd Ed) 2x Chaos Marines w/ Chaos Icon (1 painted, 1 primed) 3x Bikes (partial paint) 5x Special weapon bits (2 plasmagun, 1 flamer, 2 meltagun) 1x Iron Warriors bits pack (bare) Warhammer Fantasy Wood Elves: 2x OOP Treeman (1 partial paint, 1 bare) 17x OOP Dryads (partial paint) 2x Sorceress (primed) 34x OOP archers (16 NIB, 18 primed) 12x OOP Waywatcher (primed) 17x War Dancers (10 NIB, 7 bare) 1x Wood Elf mages blister (NIB) 1x Mounted Wood Elf Lord (primed) 2x OOP Wood Elf General on steed (1 NIB, 1 primed) 8x OOP Glade Riders (primed) Demons of Chaos 10x OOP 6th Ed. metal Horrors (primed) 5x OOP Flesh Hounds (metal, partial paint) 24x OOP Bloodletters (primed) 7x OOP mounted Demonettes (slight conversions, bare) 1x Demon Prince (partial paint, 6th ed) 1x OOP armored Bloodthirster (painted, needs some touch up) http://www.solegends.com/citcat912/c20246rcbloodthirster-h.htm Warriors of Chaos 1x Sorcerer w/ sword and wand (NIB) 5x Chaos Knights (NIB) 5x OOP (6th ed) knights (bare) 1x OOP (4th-5th Ed) knights (NIB) 9x Marauder horsemen (some partial paint, some bare, some NIB) Wants: Malifaux: Ressurectionists: Drowned x2* Night Terror x2 Mindless Zombies x6* Carrion effigy Necrotic Machine* Zombie Chihuahua** Nicodem Avatar* McMourning Avatar I’d also like to start a Kirai crew, LMK what you have** Guild: Lady Justice avatar Perdita avatar Criid avatar Lucius boxset* Hoffman boxset* Ryle Brutal Effigy Scales of Justice Governor’s Proxy Enslaved Nephilim** Guild Guard Captain* Guild Austringer Witchling Handler* Arcanists: Snow Storm** Silent One Neverborn: Lilith avatar* Hooded rider** Iggy* Tuco* Outcasts: Lazarus** Rat Catcher x2* Slop Hauler* Piglets x6 Bayou Gremlins x3 Viktorias avatar* Rusty Alice Desolation Engine* Desperate Merc female* Pale Rider* Warhammer Fantasy Warriors of Chaos 1x Hell Cannon Miscellaneous Sabol/blufoam trays: 2x 2” trays 2x 2.5” trays 3x 3” trays 3x 4” tray Battle foam: Malifaux bag* any battlefoam bag Any trays except 1” Please PM any inquiries or offers. Thanks for looking.
  4. Thanks for all the good advice. I think I will try the list without Mort with the two mercs. The extra corpses should make up for mort corpse making on some level. The extra soul stones should help with criticla rigors too. I think you all have swayed me from my initial want o have a massive summon pool, to critical summons and lots of rigors shutting down the opposing crew's power pieces. Also, I like having activation pressure to be able to run each pice when it is most advantageous for me.
  5. I really like bete, but I think in this format the rider will give me more utility and consistent contribution. After poking around some more, I am looking at another possibility, dropping mort for a second merc and a necropunk (and 2 more ss in the cache). I know the punks are better in multiples, but he's more there for mobility. I can possibly summon more if need be. I also considered a crooked man instead of the mercs, less activations, but he gets the buffs from Nico.
  6. Thanks for the input. I thought the first list was stronger... the dead rider just seems like a beast. I usually tend toward combined arms type armies. On one hand, I guess that why I wanted to go with Nico, since that is not his style. Just hard to break old habits I suppose, I feel naked without some solid ranged support. I have pretty much anything Nico can summon, flesh constructs, rogue necromancy, punks of both sorts, crooked men and more. My plan has been to try to bring in a big guy (construct or necromancy) then flood as many punk zombies as corpses allow. Is this sound? I know it is opponent and scenario driven, but I assume there are some general strategies that work? I like the belles and crooked men, but I assume that generally I will need more punch.
  7. Hi all, I have been tinkering with Malifaux for a while and I want to give it a real go. I have bounced around between factions at various times, but I've really only played a few games over the years. Ressers are the only one I really haven't tried, so I'm taking them this time. I have acquired a number of models along the way (thanks bartertown), so I feel like I'm pretty set to run varied lists. I have been looking at Nico for two reasons, he looks underplayed and I really want a strong summoning master. I have read most of the Resser content on pullmyfinger, but I have no game experience with these guys. I do have a lot of gaming experience in other table top games though. Here are a couple of lists I was kicking around (for a 30 pt tournament coming up): Ressurectionists Crew - 30 - Scrap Nicodem, The Undertaker -- 5 Pool --Grave Spirit [1ss] Canine Remains [2ss] Canine Remains [2ss] Dead Rider [10ss] Desperate Mercenary [2ss] Mortimer, The Gravedigger [7ss] Rotten Belles [4ss] Ressurectionists Crew - 30 - Scrap Nicodem, The Undertaker -- 6 Pool --Necrotic Machine [2ss] Canine Remains [2ss] Canine Remains [2ss] Convict Gunslinger [6ss] Mortimer, The Gravedigger [7ss] Rotten Belles [4ss] Rotten Belles [4ss] Both lists use pretty common/solid models as the base. The first uses the Dead Rider as the major damage source. He looks to be very strong with the armor buff from the grave spirit and Nico's undead buff. I have the punk zombies, mindless zombies, flesh constructs, etc. to summon as corpses and cards permit. The second list uses many of the same models, but adds a second belle and a convict while swapping in the necrotic machine for the grave spirit. The convict is the real damage in this one, but he should be able to held back a bit to keep him safer since the belles can bring him targets. Also, I thought the necrotic machine would be nice here to let the convict in on Nico's buff and healing (mort too, if need be). This is a one list event, so I tried to make these lists all-comers types. I assume the first list is all-around stronger, but I really like the second belle and having some effective ranged fire. Any advice appreciated.
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