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Posts posted by decker_cky

  1. IMO, you're comparing apples to orangutans. Molemen are some of the best scheme runner. Metal gamin are essentially very resilient generalists without much speed (remember - you're wasting 1 AP early to protect themselves) unless you're harming your own constructs, or your opponent has constructs. 

  2. A big consideration for the mages is what the rest of your crew looks like. Do you have two henchmen/Ironsides already? Then you get a lot more out of them because they benefit two models. Having a pair turn Cassandra and Joss up to 11 mages those two ridiculous headaches to deal with, but you're talking at least 32 soulstones, so they really need to fit into the strategy (I can see that being a good choice for Kaeris, Mei, Ramos or Colette in certain situations).

  3. I was running it in a Ramos crew and summoned spiders with it, but having looked at some of the above posts and considered my game I might have been better off summoning metal gamin.

    In a Ramos crew in particular, more Steam Arachnids might make sense, where you want an Arachnid Swarm for schemes. 

  4. Pride feels incredibly focused on forcing discards, which isn't particularly synergistic outside of Misaki's crew (though it's always handy). His sphere of influence is very small, though Montressor could boost the range of his auras which would be nice. He's like an even more specialised version of Tannen.


    Forcing discards is great in any crew that has a lot of tests against a fixed value (terrifying, manipulative, lots of pulse abilities force a test or X). Hand pressure is ALWAYS immense (though its often tough to get a handle on how much value you get out of it). 


    Taking pride in a crew with a few December Acolytes is nice for extra discards too (can't Cassandra use the discard ability with understudy too?).

  5. Cojo is fragile, but he's such a great tool in a lot of games. If there's a cliff worth throwing something off of, Cojo is your ape. If there's a lot of scheme markers around, Cojo is your ape. If you want to separate a key model from the pack and isolate it, Cojo is your ape. 




    I'd find a way to fit in 2 rogue necromancies, if only because they REALLY shake up what people have to react to for Marcus crews. 


    I'd change scheme runners to 2 silurids, 1 canine and 1 moleman. I'd drop one of the hoarcats or rattlers (love 'em both, but they're lower priority in my experience). 

  6. Were there expansions promised for Puppet Wars 2nd edition? Or was it just an expectation because 1st edition had it? Just because it's possible to expand something doesn't mean it's planed.


    But anyway, if they keep up the release rate there wont be a lot, if any, unreleased Malifaux by the next GenCon. So I'm not really surprised that they are planing another miniature game. You really want to keep the new releases flowing if you want attention and sales.


    There were rules released for models that never even had 1.0 puppets. I believe the puppet art continued to be developed after puppet wars dropped. I think it just wasn't a success so they dropped it. 

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