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Posts posted by decker_cky

  1. Now for Rasputina box, the ice gamins are cute and Kommander Rasputina is obviously a Sorscha ripoff, which is fine by me. They need to add an upgrade called Icepick of December that turns her into a melee monster!

    I know it won't cover for using a Sorscha model, but she will have a model turning her into a melee monster when the avatar rules are released.

  2. Less promising is that the pack only seems to come with one copy of the Moon Shinobi card. Can anyone confirm whether that's a mistake?

    Similar to 10T only having one Monk of Low River.

    Arcanists is actually worse having only one Hoarcat pride. Not that I'm sure everyone had a half dozen, but it is an old non-limited model. At least with the monk and shinobi them not having duplicates can be explained by them not having released models yet (doesn't make it any better for proxying, but you will get more copies if/when you buy the actual minis).

  3. I have an undead miss terious with my dead justice crew...

    I've got one still in box, and I'm waiting for the plastic character sets from my TTB pledge to see if there's some interesting conversions worth doing. Undead death marshall is one of those ideas.

  4. Who is the beta though "you know what swarms need? A way to carry models away!" I would have rather had self repair not need a scrap token or maybe unimpeded or pass through.

    ---------- Post added at 05:34 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:33 PM ----------

    I'm kinda curious what will happen to the Vikis. I sense them getting a cuddle but am not sure.

    That rule for swarms is actually pretty much word for word something that was suggested for arachnid swarms. A few people liked it. Heal without scrap would be better, but I think the additional control and movement is still a nice addition, and solidifies them as a control piece rather than a slightly bigger arachnid.

    I'm really interested in how Hoarcat Prides turned out.

  5. Just played a game with Marcus yesterday, and really enjoyed using feral instincts. Last edition, because you were always casting wild heart, I found it tough to make good use out of casting feral. Now it's a legitimate spell I'll consider casting all the time. Marcus' extra action point also means he can easily howl, cast feral, then cast some other spell (domesticate or darzee's chaunt are perfect for this with your extra 0 action), then you still have two action points to play around with (and accomplice to get the drop on a now weakened target).

    In a way, Marcus is still similar to how he was in that you have a ton of options but you really need to keep in mind what you are trying to accomplish with him, but now all (or at least almost all) of those options are legitimate.

    Also, make a point to save your middle masks exclusively for the cerberus when you get them. When you can rely on leap, the cerberus is an absolute terror to deal with.

  6. I think Imbued Protections isn't given quite enough credit there. If you have The God's Domain, Marcus is quite a bit slower, so protection becomes more important. There's a number of Cb6 models that can really threaten Marcus if he gets engaged, and Df8 means they'll be wasting more attacks to hurt him rather than hurting something else. And without any protection besides his raw defence (and regen), I think the one-use quasi-armour is really handy for a turn if you get caught out of position (once again - more likely without the extra speed). Overall, whether it's worth it or not is a question of what other upgrades you want.

    Even with Trail of the Gods, it increases Marcus from average defence to slightly better, and provides that one shot get out of jail free card. It ranks a lot lower, but is definitely solid with Trail of the Gods, as opposed to being great with the God's Domain.

    With Darzee's Chaunt on friendly models, I think it's reserved for models that can get unengaged reliably, either with an automatic ability (Cojo's rude sign language, Rattler if you can succeed with a melee strike) or if you have the required card in your hand for a leap (cerberus most likely, but silurids could work in a pinch).

    • Like 1
  7. Thanks. I've done a bit of research on this.

    Intellectual property isn't really the issue here though. If this person acquired the photo either by signing a NDA or through someone else who signed a NDA, then it falls under breach of contract, not copyright violation. It would only be a copyright violation if there was direct monetary gain by posting the image and/or a loss of revenue for the owner (either Wyrd or the artist depending on the contract between the two).

    Disclaimer: This information may be outdated, and also I'm not a qualified expert on the subject, so do your own research if you want to know for sure.

    It'd be a copyright violation too, but damages would be negligible.

  8. Exactly.

    But neither jurisdiction in France, nor any other legal impediment is the issue. Can't reach them because from a practical sense, it's tough to identify the person who leaked it. But there's clear law for dealing with international contracts, and the breach of them.

  9. They said it would be something special. The latest idea I had for what it could be is someone like English Ivan, who infiltrates other factions. His upgrades could be something like Levi has letting him infiltrate various factions. Gives a single faction master with access to troops from various factions.

  10. -Arcanist is the interesting one since there isn't any great fluff to make speculation on. The best option is the random steam fitter from Book 3. Long shot is the guy from Dead Heat, but I can't see us getting two masters from that campaign (though I believe the factions tied).

    I see the possibilities as being English Ivan, the guy from Dead heat, the girl Marcus finds in book 3 and Hoffman (though supposedly Arcanists only get Mei as a dual faction master).

    -10T is similar in that there is no good fluff to base speculation on. Safe to assume they won't be dual faction to stay on theme.

    With mixed faction to every faction out there already, I'd guess that the remainder of their masters will be pure 10T.

    -Gremlins is all kinds of craziness since they're new. Beyond some guy named Ulix we got nothing. McTavish and Bert/Wong are likely the only models that have a chance at going master.

    McTavish wouldn't really make sense IMO - I don't think he even would justify being a henchman let alone a master. Bert and Wong would work I think - or someone out of the blue.

    -Outcasts is another one with nothing really strong to make speculation on. Daw is probably the best guess simple because he's the poster-boy of Malifaux. Would make sense for a guy who routinely shows up in the art to become a master.

    The key thing with Daw is that there's that tormented keyword which just screams daw. I really hope Daw is upgraded to master (and would love to see an avatar of torment miniature).

  11. I think it's optimistic to think that the metal blisters will still be on shelves when the plastic releases come out. Admittedly there's eBay, but if you want new models, you won't have access to additional minions without buying additional crew sets.

    Old blisters would probably need a price increase to justify it, but I hope they keep any blisters that are already made available at least in some manner. No sense in wasting old sculpts that still have a reason to be sold.

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