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Posts posted by decker_cky

  1. - Hoarcats now have a rule that gives all shooting attacks targeting them a :-fate to the attack flip.

    I like the change a lot - it means they'll be above it's 3 wound threshold when it arrives at the enemy much more often. If you suspect you'll be dealing with a very shooty crew, Marcus will be able to crew a very tough to handle crew with hoarcats, waldgeists and silurids. Extra terrain + extra :-fate to shooting means those crews will have a tough time putting out much damage.

    Even when not expecting heavy shooting - Manipulative 12 + :-fate means they'll fit into lists much more easily.

  2. I much prefer metal over plastics. But I do think Wyrd is doing an excellent job on their plastics. I had hoped they would have done a resin-plastic mix like some wm/h minis.

    Wyrd's use of plastic doesn't constrain the poses done by Wyrd plastics, which is IMO the main limitation of hard plastic. There's a lot of hate for all of the various types of resin-plastics from what I've seen, so going with a hard plastic is the right move IMO.

  3. I will be sleeving mine as well. My only sadness is how nice they feel unsleeved, as the tactility of the finish is great. The smart profile of the rounded corners is also diminished by the pointy sleeves.

    Hmm. I guess that comes off like I'm some kind of fetishist or something, rubbing the cards against myself in the dark like a deviant. Oh well, you guys know what I mean.

    We do. It's well documented that all Malifaux players are deviants like you.

  4. All normal, painted zombified.

    My only complaint is that Death Marshalls die too easily. I knew this in the Beta, but didn't care at the time.


    They did gain +1 Df since beta. Not ironmen by any measure, but it's a pretty nice boost combined with them having hard to wound.


    After that everything gets easier though. Just fill out an online application. You must have two fully painted box sets. The one event per month can range anything from a demo to a tournament. It's your choice and depends on your area. At first you may just run one demo a month but then upgrade to other events. And if you have to miss a month here or there, it's fine so long as you let someone know.

    I was wondering what sort of support you get for growing the community. Is there prize support for running tournaments and things like that? Or is that stuff separate from henching.

  6. You should ask for permission because it's polite, but so long as you don't copy the words from any document, there's no real copyright issue.

    I love the idea too - it's a great way to pull together all the sources of background in the Malifaux world, some of which will quickly become more difficult to find.

  7. Yes.

    Wave 1 arsenal decks come with all wave 1 cards.

    Wave 2 arsenal decks come with all wave 2 cards.

    A later arsenal deck may combine both waves 1 and 2 once they have both been out for a bit, but that's not for sure yet.

    I would love a set of all the factions together at a slight discount for wave 2 (or for the combined set).

  8. I quite like Ice golem and he's finding his way to more and more of my arcanists builds I especially like running the bash brothers, where you take ice and rail golem and tell the opponent good luck.

    Hopefully with each of them hanging out near their favourite Metal Gamin buddy?

  9. Rail workers are still dual faction aren't they? Not the best fit for Rasputina, but worth noting.

    One nice thing the Ice Golem can do for Mei is to toss gamin, which can make for a better railwalking path.

    It's also just an overall very solid enforcer, and dangerous to end your activation near. If you have a high card in your hand, Smash will kill a lot of models in a single shot - particularly models that sacrifice wounds for armour. I think a Mei Feng + Ice constructs crew could be pretty fun to play.

  10. I don't think so, you will be eating a LOT of cards and you can't really sell them for more than a dollar or 2 before people go "screw that". Models I can see it more, but chances are that if you load up on Seames crews you will end up with a LOT of rotten belle's and a big number of Seamus on your lap for example.

    If people were breaking down and selling cards, you'd see a lot of cards go for almost nothing, and a few cards like moon shinobi (one per arsenal pack) go for $3-4.

  11. Zoraida now has a huge pool as a gremlin master - she can basically have a totally non-gremlin crew there. Certainly makes for a very different looking crew that she adds to the gremlin faction. On the other hand, Ototo and Bad Juju stand out as models which are MUCH better with their signature upgrades available, so maybe they're just choices that won't be too competitive.

  12. I don't think Cojo is going to be in the Marcus box set. Everyone thought that was the box set when the picture came out, but EricJ quickly corrected that the pictures may not match the box sets. I'm actually predicting a box set with molemen in it for Marcus.

    I have not seen the Lilith box set, yet but in the Tara box there were like five different sprues. One for the NB, one for Tara and Karina, and separate sprues for the void wretches. Are the other plastic crews only one or two sprues? It would be nice if any new characters were on separate sprues, but that is probably not likely. I figure the minions must be, so they do not need separate tooling for the Death Marshall or Belles only boxes. Since Ice Golums are not rare 1, Raspy crews will be sad if they have to buy a second box too.

    The Viks box set is a similar breakdown with Taelor on a separate sprue. I think the breakdown on the sprues were done so that individual models can be sold. Taelor is on a separate sprue, Ice Golem is on a separate sprue, I'm guessing Barbaros and the Judge are the same. They probably won't be too cheap, but I think they'll likely be available at some point.

  13. I never once said they should release new decks. I said it would of been nice if they did what I suggested in the first place. I feel it would of made things less confusing when mixing models, much how i_was_like_you suggested.

    That necessarily means printing a new deck. The arsenal decks as they stand have duplicated efforts since the new models will use the cards from the arsenal. If they did a second set, they'd need to be printing different cards entirely exclusively for the arsenal. The arsenals would likely be a few dollars more expensive because of this.

  14. Shipping is very high this year. Despite being plastic the Tara box was $12 by itself to NY! Adding a 1lb book raised it to $14.65. I have ordered during the last three GenCons and shipping has been $5-$8 each year for the exclusives plus something extra to get over $100. This seems excessive.

    For real? I can get Tara shipped to Canada for $10 using the basic international shipping (minimum possible to Canada). Fedex ground is more at $18.26 though.

    Two Taras is $10 international shipping too (at 3 it raises to $12.60).

  15. Sorry to hear about the migraine and thank you for the sneak peeks.

    I don't have any smart questions. I was wandering about Ophelia and you've already answered that one and the questions about Waldegeist, Lilith and Papa.

    Did they change Myranda or her upgrade Skinwalker?

    Most of these have been answered already. Here's what I remember:

    Waldgeist: Trees they make are no longer dense.

    Lilith: Ml7 on card's attack, 3" range card drops to 2SS.

    Papa: Take this boosts a friendly model rather than weakening an enemy model.

    Skinwalker is the same.

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