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Posts posted by decker_cky

  1. don't the decks get reshuffled rather often in a game? (just starting to learn myself)

    Every time the deck is reshuffled you would have to start your count over again...

    At least every turn the deck is shuffled. Most crews don't tend to make it through a deck in a turn, but it happens on occasion (more often for some crews than others).

  2. If you want to keep track of that stuff, just make a mental track for yourself just count either high and low cards, or high, middle and low cards as your opponent cycles through the deck (you too). Counting for you and your opponent is remembering 6 numbers at once, which takes some practice, but once you're used to it, it's not too hard.

    I don't bother though - I find that there's no huge advantage compared to just remembering "lots of high cards seem to have been coming up" or "lots of low cards seem to have been coming up" for both decks. But if you can track those numbers [important caveat] without distracting yourself from the actual tactics of the game [/important caveat], then counting cards to some degree is always useful for making educated gambles.

    What's most important is knowing whether the black and red jokers have come out so you can really make good gambles if you or your opponent is operating on a short deck. If they have 5 or so cards, one of which must be the black joker, and you're thinking of a duel that will flip three cards for whatever reason, you have a very good chance of success.

  3. I'm not sure an errata is necessary either, but if it is, then earlier is actually better. As it stands, these 'well above par' models will overshadow balanced models during testing. I'll call them above par, because they aren't broken, but they do skew crews and factions.

    There's multiple ways to deal with this, each will make some people unhappy. One option is to have new models steer well clear of purpose overlap with above par models. Another is to accept that some new models will just be underused compared to those above par models. The last way it to fix the above par models, then balance everything as best as possible. There is another option, but boosting new models above par because they don't compare to wave 1 above par models absolutely should not be the way to go.

    I think consideration should be given to fixing those models now, since it opens the possibility to get errata'd cards out with the wave 2 arsenal packs.

  4. I think that pretty much sums up my concerns on them. They're nothing you'd really spam outside of Seamus or Molly, but for 10ss it seems as if two of them are near auto-include in Resser lists.

    I don't think it's a "rush out and cuddle them" situation, but I wanted to at least mention my thoughts on them in my battle report, since one of the goals of M2E was to move away from auto-include models.

    Yeah....I think people are underestimating the value of having a model as tanky as belles are too. Austringers and Belles both feel like models that made it out of beta too strong - both basically have master level stats on a key ability while being extremely cheap. If Belles dropped to Ca7 (still the best suited lure in the game) and Austringers dropped to Sh 6 (still incredible for an ignore cover/LoS attack), then both would still be great models. Probably too late for an errata, but I feel like models like that really skew a lot of the other models that (guild riflemen vs austringer sticks out to me).

  5. Personally, I've also been using Eric the Red as Iggy (modelling him as surrounded by Wyrd Flames), which rounds out the Neverborn Children nicely.

    Ohhhh....I like that one a lot. Always felt that desperate merc didn't really fit, but Iggy works much better.

  6. IIRC jack the ripper could be played as kade or seamus's avatar, lizzie borden (sp?) as candy, don't remember hearing about the viking.

    Lizzie borden was Candy or student of conflict. The viking was a desperate merc.

  7. Yeah we've got everyone called in on this.

    Funny, Gencon we managed to get through. This .. not so much. I swear I wish I had Amazon's server backbone right about now.

    Sorry folks, we are working on it.

    I think that's the difference between an event where there's not intended to be any real limit (even though some things did run out pretty quick), and an event with limited quantities (only 13 nightmare LCB last year, though nothing so limited this year).

  8. Accepts paint quite easily. If you want to take it another step, use brush on primer for the locations you want paint and avoid the areas you want transparent/smoke/dayglow.

    I'm definitely considering getting Tara's crew, then for Tara painting her but leaving the claw and bullet hole transparent.

  9. *whistles*

    Just got the email. Super cool looking Obliteration. Considering buying the blue Rasputina crew even though I got the normal one (and the tara crew which I didn't get at gencon). Dayglow is referred to differently than the transparents - what is that?

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