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Posts posted by decker_cky

  1. I'm living in Saskatoon, but am from Vancouver originally.

    I'd try to get a hold of Mach_V (http://www.wyrd-games.net/member.php?4089-Mach_5) or Veskit (http://www.wyrd-games.net/member.php?4094-Veskit). Both are quite active in the community last I saw them.

    There's also the CHOP gaming club, which is based out of North Vancouver, but that has a number of Malifaux players:


    Ask on the facebook group and you'll surely find someone to point you the right way.

  2. I'm living in Saskatoon, but am from Vancouver originally.

    I'd try to get a hold of Mach_V (http://www.wyrd-games.net/member.php?4089-Mach_5) or Veskit (http://www.wyrd-games.net/member.php?4094-Veskit). Both are quite active in the community last I saw them.

    There's also the CHOP gaming club, which is based out of North Vancouver, but that has a number of Malifaux players:


    Ask on the facebook group and you'll surely find someone to point you the right way.

  3. I can't see gencon stuff being sold without boxes as it doesn't draw attention or look professional on a large stand at a convention (not to mention the increased risk of pieces being lost), and making two sets of boxes obviously isn't sensible.

    Whether at initial release or after, having the sprues photographed, the models painted, a second set shaded and both sets photographed is a lot of time and expense for the entire model range. Especially given that every single one of those display methods would likely have a few people preferring it, the vast majority not really caring, and a few people hating it.

    The renders are the most efficient and practical way to do things, in the end. They don't make everyone happy, but then again what does! *wink*

    They could do generic unprinted boxes (for much cheaper) with a sticker identifying the contents at Gencon if boxes were considered important (ideally with painted and unpainted models visible on the booth, or with a poster to show what's available).

    Shading is something that should always be done for all miniatures. You assemble a set, prime it white, then quickly shade it. Needs good pictures, but otherwise it's hardly an expense. Sprues could easily be done at the same time.

    Painting is a bit more of an investment, but for a game requiring that investment out of their players, I don't see why that shouldn't be done for the sales packaging (particularly for a company like Wyrd which has always been so strong in the painting community with their competitions and with Eric as one of the founders).

  4. I think that if nothing else, the website should include the renders, unpainted but shaded miniatures, a painted set of the models, and shots of the sprues. You can argue logistics for the initial release, but at a certain point, it makes sense to show the miniatures in all the relevant forms.

    I also wouldn't really care if the Gencon stuff came without boxes to make for a better box upon release to the stores. That way people in stores can see the actual miniatures rather than just renders - even if renders are what someone wants, showing renders and painted miniatures will appeal to other gamers/hobbiests more.

  5. I'd let you use it in game like that as long as Myranda was about Ht7 or so!!

    So by that logic, you'd be fine with Ht7 domesticate, right?


    And if Marcus and Myranda are going to be playing in the trees, who's going to stop their pet kitten from getting in on the fun?



    And who can keep that dirty ape Cojo from getting in on the action?


    And what's that coiled up in the branches? Why it's the dreaded tree rattler!



    A bunch of these conversions are only half done, but I had fun messing around with the models so far.

    I must say though...not the cheapest project if I didn't have everything ready to go already - there's over $100 of basing materials being used here!

  6. Thanks for the suggestion. That's sort of the idea I've been playing around with for this, but it's tough because the nightmare hanged are so fragile. Not only will they almost be touching the ground, but the extra handling in switching bases all the time could be enough to create issues.

    Regardless, I've been playing around with this some more, and will post some more pictures tonight with the expanded concept.

  7. I'm still fairly new to miniatures, so I'll ask: what is pinning?

    It's a skill that you generally get forced to learn with fragile metal models (either big, like a warhammer giant, or tiny joints, like either of the metal Vik sets).


    Basically, you add support to joints with a pin. A nice product to get you started is the P3 Modelling Drill and Pinning Set.


    It's pretty cheap, and comes with both the drill, and perfectly sized 'pins' for the holes it makes.

  8. As I understand it there cannot be any undercuts in the molds for plastic models so some pieces have to be separate. I too just assembled the Latigo set & for example the reason Perdita's holster was separate is because the handle of the gun would have caused an undercut (that's why the empty holster is part of her leg). I will admit sometimes the parts are split at weird spots, but undercuts are the reason.

    Bingo. It's a limitation of plastics, though with creative use of extra parts, you can get around it. To understand what's meant by undercuts, just imagine the difference between casting metals, which go in rubber molds, to plastics, when go in steel molds. The rubber molds can be 'peeled' from around metals once the models cool down, whereas the plastics have to be able to come directly out, limiting the directions of the details on a given piece.

  9. Illuminated are monsters against models without brilliance. I took a triple take when I saw how far they could charge and have a 2" MI range.

    Granted I've though their cloud sucked from the very beginning of beta and fought to get it changed, but to no avail.

    They are great tanks and damage dealers though, even without brilliance.

    They have an awesome charge + melee threat range, a very solid melee 6 attack ignoring brilliance, and incredible resilience with 1 wound per SS cost, Df5, armour +1, regen 1, a weak terrifying and an (0) healing ability that doesn't compete with anything else.

    When you factor in the damage bonus against brilliance models, and benefiting from addict, they're just incredible models.

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