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Posts posted by decker_cky

  1. I like a pair of molemen and a silurid for any scheme based game. 


    Canines are a bit more all-purpose IMO, not focused on schemes but still fast enough to pull it off in a pinch. 


    But Molemen are spectacular, if only because they're resilient and they have a reliable place out of melee.

  2. 2) The first wave of Wyrd plastics has been out for over a year, and in that time they have not offered any of those models individually. Now to be fair, in the initial plastic molds all the figures are off the same sprues, so marketing any of those separately will be tricky, but given precedent it seems unlikely.



    Now at least in the plastics I've recently gotten the master and special models have been on separate sprues so Wyrd could at some point in the future decide that they want to sell the pieces individually, but at the present if you want the master, totem, or special big mini that comes with the set you need to buy it separately.


    On these grounds, I think Cojo may provide guidance - he's a rare 1 model from the Marcus starter, but is available separately. He's a bit of a special case though, since he wasn't in the old starter and is a new model. Gives hope for models like Barbaros to get a separate release though.

  3. Po Boys Terrain Roadmap

    April 15th: Victorian Sets, latex player mats, and already debuted Western Set become available for retail purchase.

    May 15th: Mining Sets and few scattered "Swamp" buildings become available.

    June will see a Steampunk style airship, pylons.. landing towers.. aircars inspired by Malifaux fiction become available.

    Come July Po Boys main focus will be on more Victorian/Gothic builds with a strong Steampunkish flavor to fill a under served niche. I am also looking into some suggestion to cater to a couple upcoming game releases (modern, zombie, superhero genre) as well as making terrain available in different scales. It is too far down the pipeline to give any information. Just letting everyone know direction the business will be taking.


    Wow. That's a LOT of releases over a 6 month period. Seems overly ambitious for such a small company. 

  4. It would also be nice if there was a thread that one of the developers made a list of issues that will be dealt with for the FAQ. That would provide the developers with a nice list to check, and the players with information for whether an issue has been paid attention to. No need to give an answer before the FAQ, but let the players know that the issue has been seen and won't slip between the cracks.

    • Like 1
  5. I very much doubt a plastic Schill box would have that art and models. Just look at the size of the Steam trunk! Thats not a 30mm base mini. 


    Steam trunk is actually going to be errata'd to be the second 70mm based model. Need to get more use out of the base after the dragon required it.

    • Like 1
  6. But my opponent said I don't get a disengaging strike with squeal.  Is this true?  It's not a walk action.


    He's correct. What's being discussed is just sitting the RSR beside Ophelia with Defensive +1, making it tough to attack, and next to impossible to walk from. I think there would still be defensive triggers though, but I just skimmed the section.

    • Like 1
  7. That's why I was thinking Law of Meat and RSR. Can anyone confirm if I'm right about not being able to use triggers on disengaging.....I don't have my stuff with me.


    On my reading, it's only the attack triggered by the disengaging strike that isn't allowed triggers.

  8. I mean, point to me where in Bear Hug a model suffers damage that could be enhanced?  It has a target, but no a "target suffers X damage" clause or anything similar, so there's nothing to enhance.


    That's just how damage is written in some cases, unless you're claiming burning doesn't do damage.


    Burning +1: At the end of the turn, this model suffers +1 damage, then remove this Condition.
  9. So when comparing wordings between last beta cards and the final rules, I noticed some wording which seems a bit odd.


    The slate ridge mauler has frenzied:

    Frenzied: While this model has 5 or fewer
    Wounds remaining, its Ml Attack Actions

    deal +2 damage.


    Bear hug is a Ml attack action:

    Bear Hug (Ml 6C / Rst: Df / Rg: 4)




    Bear hug is a Ml attack action (though it doesn't have the Ml icon). Am I correct that bear hugs would cause 2 damage while the mauler is frenzied?


  10. I hope the Captain has an the option to wear his Rocketeer helmet. Not that the head isn't cool, it'd just be a pity to make a rocketeer and not let him wear his helmet.


    Ironsides is cool, but I agree she doesn't really stand out compared to a Wastrel (though remember when Wastrel art came out, people thought they would be much more than 4SS minions). I think Ironsides needs access to Wastrels for her street brawls though.

    • Like 1
  11. I think a Molemen blister and maybe a second Sabretooth Cerberus if you're meta prefers 50 SS would be a good place to start. Try proxying some of the options to see how they work for you if your on a limited budget too.

    I'd get a second rattler before I got a second cerberus.

  12. They've been deliberately cagey about it, giving the sense the decision hasn't fully been made. They did, however, switch to putting each model on its own mini-sprue instead of jumbling them all together, so they have the OPTION of selling individuals. And minion-types like gamin and belles are being sold off-box so I'm holding out hope.

    Strangely, this wasn't done on the Marcus starter. While the mini sprues are all individual models, they're linked together, meaning they aren't cast separately. Yet the models are available separately.

  13. Depending on where it ends up specifically, the Mechanical Rider seems like it will be incredible. They have some very flexible summoning that provides great synergy with every crew aside from Marcus, and can generate extra scheme markers and draw extra cards. Not really a raw power model, but if you can keep it alive for the first two turns, it provides a ton of utility.

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  14. One of the major advantages that 10T has is that when you declare it, your opponent can't know what to expect. Because 10T taps into each other faction, we get the perks and powers of each, allowing for the greatest diversity in one crew. Not only from each master getting a unique skill set and group of minions, but from combining and mix-and-matching to make really bizarre crews that most people wouldn't expect.

    I'm not sure 10T is really any more diverse than Outcasts. It's a bit more diverse than Arcanists since it includes living, undead and construct crews (though I suppose marcus can have a mostly undead crew), but Outcasts can be just as diverse in terms of playstyles and crews.

  15. I'm hoping the hoarcat pride is 3 units, not 3 cats for one base.

    I saw that too, and was hoping the same thing. Makes sense if they're a similar size to the old models. You could easily fit 9 little cats with space to spare on the same sprue ice gamin and terror tots come on.

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