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Posts posted by decker_cky

  1. Their Night Falls ability is a great debuff on all Ca actions (within 8 inches).  Really good!


    Yeah, I had a few games which were minion based, and night falls and being tough to kill made them absolute headaches for a lot of abilities. Particularly when dealing with Ca heavy models that aren't super mobile, it's amazing (particularly if you're able to double tap it).

  2. Bit more - sounds like distressed will be done:



    Po Boys Terrain The distressed will be completed before shipped. It was a formal option and will be honored. I have been practicing and feel confident I have the technique down. As stated before the mats are outside of my realm. I do not have the knowledge to work on them. As for shipments that are not complete... in no way would I consider it acceptable to say "too bad." Every effort will be made to prevent such a situation. If something slips thru the cracks you can notify me and will be handled. No order will be shipped until all are ready for shipping. Any extra parts will clue me in there is a problem.



    Also regarding shipping from the manufacturer:


     just a matter of transit now. I do not anticipate having to give any more bad news concerning the items. When have accurate date of shipping to backers I will post it.
    • Like 1
  3. And that thread got locked by a moderator. Me, I was unlucky and got one of the Rail Crew boxes that still had the 1.5 cards. So I bought a 10T deck to get their stats and an Arcanists deck for the other toys Mei Feng gets to play with. And I'm completely cool with that.


    For listbuilding tools, I ask one thing first and foremost: That it helps me in the building of a legal list. Including stats is a bonus, not something I expect.



    For an app, I'm looking for something that makes the game run cleaner and better. Paid or not - an app that let me manage models and included the rules would make playing Malifaux better. 

  4. From Facebook:


    House Keeping Notice:

    I have received a couple change of address for delivery in the past. It would be appreciated that anyone else that needs to do so; does it now. Printing labels have already been made and at the moment I have time to make changes. Once the parts are in front of me and being sorted, having to make more changes is added stress my old brain does not need.

    If you do not have a change, there is no reason to confirm your address. 





    • Like 1
  5. As a dream future expansion, which would definitely need a much higher degree of permission from Wyrd, I'd love for there to be an in-game mode. Have it so you canload your crew and either load an opponent's crew, or create their crew, then replace the information from a the model's cards with the app (swipe between, wound models, summon models, track conditions). 


    I'll be loading and testing out this app on a Galaxy S3 for now though. 

  6. I heard he used to be within the M&SU working as a miner / foundry worker and he and Kang were close. One day he lead a rebellion or riot which got him kicked out of the M&SU hence being Outcast. But now as he sells his services and expertise gained within the M&SU he will occasionally be hired by them for what ever reason. Perhaps I've gotten this completely wrong, just what I heard. 


    But Johan is still M&SU, and Kang is no longer M&SU, meaning surely it is Kang, and not Johan who was kicked out of the Union. 

  7. A close-up of a painted Hannah would be awesome - tough to see details in a batch like that. 


    Some of the multi-part minis would be awesome too - even if it's just a test sprue or something (be clear that there will be differences if you do something like that though).


    Don't think the vodoo doll has been shown in a KS update either. 


    As mentioned, showing a few of the cards would be cool too.


    Those types of things would be great to show, if only to say "we haven't forgotten about you, look at what you get". 


    The kickstarters that get the best reputations are the ones that keep open lines of communication like that. Mierce for example posts an update every friday - sometimes there's some concept art, usually some WIP sculpts. Things like that keep people involved and excited, even if there's delays.

    • Like 1
  8. If there's remaining stock, there's been extra stock of nightmare stuff resold several times (always during short period sales). I assume that considering there were two castings of it made, and plastic is more of a mass production material, there's more nightmare taras out there than there is of previous nightmare metals. 

  9. I wonder if nightmare and/or smoke tara will be resold for this year's gencon, since Tara still isn't available. 


    I hope that nightmare void wretches will be sold at gencon. Ideally smoke ones since they fit with either set (prime them if you got grey plastic, unprimed/painted if you got smoke tara). Good for adding to any outcast sprue too.

  10. Misdirection is a huge boost in power for any 10T master that doesn't need a full array of upgrades for their playstyle.


    A ton of 10T models have very nice area boost effects which creates some non-explicit synergy in the crews. A nice example is toshiro with any minion heavy crew, or Kang against any resser (or potentially arcanist crew) and Sidir + promises in any henchmen/enforcer heavy crew.


    Here's an example of synergies within 10T, for one master I've sort of theoried through. Because toshiro boosts minions, and the constructs mei wants are constructs, toshiro works very well anchoring mei's rail line. Toshiro also happens to add summoning to any crew, so adds that element to Mei crews. That summoning has synergy with the emberling, which drops scrap for a wound - something not too impressive for arcanist mei, but a huge early boost for 10T mei. The synergy continues into the avatar, but since that's not final I won't address that, but it currently ties nicely into everything. You likely build with komainu as your main anchors on the line, so want at least a second ancestor. Chiaki provides some condition removal, and can boost her chi. That chi can be passed to Toshiro to make him a better summoner and make the crew less card dependent.

    • Like 2
  11. Riders are very vulnerable to death by a thousand cuts, and to any damage they take in the early turns. The early turn stuff is obvious, but the later turn stuff goes to the average defence and below average wounds/SS on a rider - to many models armour 1 is dropping most damage to 1, and to most models, armour 2 vs armour 17 makes no difference. Mech rider's attacks aren't very damaging either, and 8" is the biggest range, so if they want to drop schemes or draw cards, the rider needs to expose itself. 


    It's also very vulnerable to pulse and blast damage, since it has no defence to that. 


    Armour ignoring stuff doesn't work against the mech rider, but anything that disallows defensive triggers, or that attacks against will power doesn't have that built in defence.


    Pay attention to the available schemes and strategies for where the rider likely wants to drop scheme markers, and either avoid those spots, or make sure it doesn't succeed in its attacks when you're in those spots.


    Although it's stubborn, there's some willpower attacks that can be very effective (maybe you have to focus them to succeed). 

  12. They should be responsible for finding workarounds because they want to keep playing and winning. It sort of goes with the territory of every miniature game that has ever existed since the beginning of time. 


    The same won't happen with underpowered models that will just never be taken. 


    For that reason, dealing with over and underpowered models isn't the same thing, and never will be. 


    There won't be monthly patches because we've been told that. Balance erratas will be rare, and you have to learn to deal with the wrinkles of the system until that happened. So you deal with it as best as you can, and learning to do so makes you a better player.



    Further, I think the entire premise is being exaggerated. What models/rules have actually been changed? The university of transmortis ones, and the few cuddles. Samurai and archers haven't changed, they're getting bolt-on patches that were a design feature of the game. It's much harder to do a bolt-on cuddle, since players wouldn't willingly take them. 

    • Like 1
  13. Well, there's been three cases of buffing post release (university of transmortis stuff, samurai and archers) and two cases of Cuddling (Ophelia and Nexus of Power), so it's not like there's a huge difference in what's been done. The university stuff only got internal playtesting and came together before anything else in M2E was finalized, so it deserves an asterix on this. But roughly an equal amount. 


    But the big difference is playtime. Things that are underpowered on the surface won't get much playtime, so waiting a year won't change anything. At a glance, both the archers and the samurai were super low on the survivability for cost scale, ignoring the fact that the samurai are prone to blowing themselves up. Archers had reasons to take one here or there, but aren't something you'd ever take 3 of without the upgrade. 


    Overpowered stuff will get playtime, but to a point, you need to see if and just how overpowered it is. This goes to my meta comment, as you have to see how people actively counter the overpowered stuff. 


    The fact of the matter is that Wyrd aren't going to put out a monthly balance patch. You should absolutely comment if something is over or underpowered, but don't expect Justin to ride in on a white horse and fix every perceived wrong. Gamers are a bunch of pretty smart cookies as a whole, and tend to be good problem solvers. Figure out how to beat overpowered stuff. If the stuff is overpowered over a prolonged time, I'm sure it will get addressed, but it will take a lot more data than one tournament, or a few weeks of dominance at the local scene.

    • Like 1
  14. That is an unfair criticism of the situation. I would point out that this thread is much like the Rotten belles one in the way that there is a mess of meta applied, "if you know he is taking X you take Y" discussion, showing that you could possibly counteract OP or NPE models by building your list to take out the problem model, and so on. I can't blame anyone, theoryfaux is fun! We like to talk shop!

    But there is a gaping hole in all of these arguments. Remember, the game rules are written as both sides choose their factions in secret, reveal them at the same time, choose your crews in secret, and reveal them at the same time. You cannot start a discussion with "if you know they are taking X...." because you should never know. Even if your opponent says "I am taking Belle spam" or "I am taking the Mechanical Rider" or "I am playing Arcanists" before the game it is perfectly legal for them to pull a switcheroo on you at the moment of truth- and it is perfectly legal. You are expected to have to build your crew having no idea what your opponent is pulling out of that case.....

    What we should really be looking at is game balance as it applies to unexpectedly encountering the model(s)- are they way too good for their own good? Are they NPE? How are they when you are facing them flat footed?

    So far from what we have seen from Adepticon the Mechanical Rider could well be falling into the "too good for its own good" category.



    I think you're missing the point people are making. Beyond just what's good and what's not, there's a meta game. People will tend to take certain models, and it's something you have to compensate it. There will always be some models better than par, and those will be taken more often than other models. If you have trouble dealing with those models, then you should factor that into list building. 


    If you're facing ressers, and know that they generally will take some Rotten Belles and that creates issues for you, you take some tools that help you deal with Belles. You don't have to construct a list designed only to crush Belles (though sometimes, it's a gamble worth making if they're particularly prevalent in your particular meta). 


    At this point, it seems like the same thing is happening with the mechanical rider. Regardless of being broken or not, it's such a great toolkit that it's very popular in arcanist lists currently (and Levi). Levi is a bit harder to predict, but let's say there's a 70% chance arcanists will take the rider. If you really struggle with the rider, and it's very likely to come up in lists, you should blindly take counters to it (though your list should still be focused on winning games overall).


    With way less knowledge of what you're facing, this kind of building is the norm in Warhammer. Going into a game, I know that one army out of 15 or so can build their army so that only magic attacks can hurt a lot of their list. This means I need to include the tools for that. There's probably a half dozen things I'll factor into my list with an understanding of meta. Meta makes some things better, some things worse, and some tools essential. 


    This tournament, arcanists dominated with the mech rider. Next big tournament, people will be expecting the mech rider, will have played against them enough to deal with them effectively, or at least contain them. This is how even independently of rules changing, the meta of what is used evolves. 


    Some things turn out to be broken. But even with those, there's often meta choices that can be made to contain that brokenness. 


    We all know that you can come online and cry out about something being overpowered. Some gaming groups will even change the rules - that's entirely within their power, and house rules can be healthy for the local game. But looking at the worldwide game of Malifaux, very little will get errata'd, so particularly if going to large tournaments, you're better to focus on learning the meta and coming up with ways to deal with it.

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  15. I don't know how the Mechanical Rider will fit in my Marcus crew lol.... Marcus should've been an Outcast.


    Whatever....Marcus gets to run a double summoner crew which doesn't take resources with the mech rider and spawn mother!


    Marcus certainly doesn't have the same synergy others have, but all of the 4SS constructs tend to be very good value (arcane effigy IMO is the highlight of the list, for those "oh sh.." moments when you really condition removal). 

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